Showing posts with label buddies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buddies. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2011

Prayers PLEASE!!!!!

We are very sad at our house. You see
we received a phone call yesterday
afternoon from the woman who
is standing in the picture above.
She called to tell us that her son
her son had passed away suddenly!
He is sitting with the cap on in the
picture. (This pic was taken several
years ago. The other woman in the pic
her Mom who she lost in '07.
Kyle was celebrating his birthday when
something went wrong and he passed
away. We don't have any details other
than that the funeral is this Saturday in
Camdenton, MO.
Cindy and I have been friends FOREVER,
we were raised in the same church, went
through school together and spent time
at each others houses due to our Mom's
knowing each other. :) I went to college
and Cindy got married. Kyle was born
a couple of years later. He was
everything Cindy. Cindy's parents retired
to the lake and her marriage had dissolved
so off to the lake she and Kyle went and
they have been there ever since.
As I said earlier Cindy's Mom passed away
in "07 and her Dad several years before
that. This was a very close knit family and
they have been torn apart bit by bit. Being
so far from her is hard especially when she
is going through this kind of thing. Cindy is
tough and she'll get passed this too, but it
will be hard due to the fact that she is now
by herself--she has a bunch of friends but
it's not like having your family around.
Now that I've have rambled on and on, I am
asking for prayers for this woman and her
lost family.
Bloggers are great about passing the prayers
and I know I can count on you for this.
I'll be in and out as I will be getting us ready
to leave town on Friday so we can be in
Camdenton for the funeral service on
Thanks for bearing with me through this
post and the prayers for my friend.
~Keep on Dreaming~

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Friends are the cream in the cupcakes of life

Webster's Dictionary defines a friend as "one attached to another by affection or esteem." My definition of a friend is--someone who is there for you as much as they can be. Mr. Ken and I have been blessed with many friends through out ours lives. As a couple we share some and don't share others. Just because we don't know some as well. Over the past few years both of us have had the opportunity to reconnect with friends that we've lost contact with due to our busy lives. It's very easy to go with the flow and lose contact of people, then one day the phone rings or you get an email and there your friend is. How lucky we are to be able to reconnect with our friends and find out what has been happening in their lives. Ken and I value our friends and enjoy staying in contact with them. Life is too short---take time to to reconnect. Enjoy the cream!!!! :) ~Keep on Dreaming~

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