Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2020

Blooming Beauties

Happy Friday, I hope you are all doing 

Last Sunday Mr. ken and I enjoyed an 
impromptu picnic at one of our local 
parks. As were leaving we stopped at 
the rose garden.
The rose garden has been in the park 
since 1974 and is named in honor of 
Helen S Cuddy, for her "dedication
and beautification through her life-
long service and work with garden 
club projects."

It was also established as a community 
project of the East Central Kansas 
Garden Club.

There is an estimated 500 different 
roses is the garden.

The garden is a very popular place 
for weddings.

There is a fountain, a Gazebo, a sundial, 
peony bushes, plus many shrubs, trees, 
ornamental grasses, bulbs and perennials 
to be seen in the garden.

Our blooming season for roses has been 
slow this year, several cool days. We are 
going to have sunnier and warmer days 
ahead which I'm sure the roses will enjoy.

So many pretty ones to see.

Such delicate creations!

Have a wonderful weekend!

***I think I lost a comment
if it was yours please re-comment.

~Keep on Dreaming~

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A New Kind of Garden

Hello friends!

Earlier this summer I picked
this gem up at a garage sale.
I put it aside for a bit not really
knowing what I wanted to do
with it but for a $1 I could NOT
leave it at the sale!


I decided to paint it silver. Much
better don't you think.


Welcome to my Metal Garden.
I am pleased to say that there is
one lone plant in there that has
persisted to keep going. I believe
it is a Weigela plant.
With Ken's big party in the wings,
we were doing some refreshing of
the front, side and backyards. This
was one of the areas. We have spent
more money in the area than I care
to think about.
So I put on my thinking cap trying
to come up with an attractive solution
to the problem-What can one do with
area that is only seen from a back bed-
room window and the backyard itself?
Hence the metal garden.


We laid new mulch and dirt then I
gathered all of my metal items and
"planted" them in the garden. When
we refreshed this area the plant only
had growth on the tippy top of the plant!
Now look, there is a little more! I turned
the urn into a light fixture, using one of
those battery operated tea light candles.
The candle sits in a lidded jar, when in
use the lid is removed and the candle is
turned on. Lid goes back on when not in

An old hoe holds my metal Welcome
sign. I like my metal garden, one tiny
plant to remember and if things get
wet all the better. Rustic and chippy.

~Keep on Dreaming~

*A little housekeeping---School is
keeping me hopping this year. As
a test we have combined two class
rooms, so that means we have 10
students and 7 staff. Most of our
students are Autistic plus we have
two with Down's Syndrome. We
have a variety of grade levels too.
K-2 and 4th and 5th grades.
So if I am missing for a few, rest
assured I'll be back after some
R&R.  :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Playing in the Dirt

On Saturday we spent some
time at our favorite garden
center. They have some of
THE best flowers and veggies
here in the city.

 Here is what we picked
up: three tomato plants,
six pepper plants, two
geraniums, 2 sets of
marigolds, one six pack
of a marbled coleus,
potting soil, moss and
some seed packs--corn,
radishes, turnips, grass
and butterfly flowers.

The geraniums are
hanging out in the
wagon on the front

I had this wire basket
that was picked up at
a garage sale, not sure
of what I wanted to do
with it--I held on to it.
Recently I saw in a
magazine a basket filled
with the moss, my light
buld went on and I made
one of my own! It lives
on the back deck. I
really like how it turned

While I was working
on these, Mr. Ken was
playing in the dirt.
He planted the peppers,
radishes and the corn.
Still need to get the
tomatoes in. We are
going to have a great
garden this year! Pics
Thanks so much for
your wonderful words
of wisdom on my last
post. Your thoughts,
prayers AND support
mean so much to me!

~Keep on Dreaming~

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