Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Spending time with Friends Part 2

Here's the Birthday Gal! My friend Ann.

~Keep on Dreaming~ 

Spending Time with Friends


Over the last three days I have been able to see work 
friends, two I haven't seen since March 12!! On Monday 
I met a friend for a mid morning snack. Today I had the 
pleasure to host another driveway party for our friend 
Ann, she is the on the right front of the pic above. She 
had a BIG birthday back in June when things were still 
closed. Today with school looming three of us got 
together to celebrate our friend. The gal in the purple 
was my co-worker for 13 years. I am so glad that we have 
stayed in touch.
Between a little lunch, cake and lots of conversation we 
had a great time. Lunch was from a restaurant called 
Hawaiian Brothers so I went with ah Hawaiian decor 
theme. Next week I am looking to meet another friend 
for a picnic lunch. 
Monday the 31st is BACK TO SCHOOL. Sept 8th kids 
come back "remotely."  Not sure how this will all
play out.  Hope everyone is well.
Apparently this new interface cuts pics off too.
the birthday girl got cut off. See next post.

~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, June 15, 2015

Oh Goodness...What to do?


Thank you to everyone who gave 

suggestions on this good dilemma 
that I have. All were very helpful 
and I will be putting them to good
use over the next couple of days.

Ok, so in the last post I did not 

reveal the REAL dilemma to this 
job prospect--they do not offer 
being a small center at this time.
Currently as an employee of the 
school district I have a health 
insurance plan that does not 
break the bank each month--if 
you get my drift. It would not be 
smart to walk away from that. 
Looking at my options.
Sooooo, now you see what the 
issue is.

Lots to think about!

~Keep on Dreaming~

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Be Kind to One Another


According to the Random Acts of 
Kindness Foundation the "week"
of February 9th-15th is "Random
Acts of Kindness Week".

Take time to spread kindness this 
week as I know you do normally.

Check out the list above and 
pick one, two or more and 
post what you do OR come 
up with your own.
Let's spread kindness 

If you missed my previous post,
check it out and you will find a
perfect example of spreading 
kindness. Three bloggers are
spreading kindness this 
Valentine's Day,  
Thanks gals!!

Happy Kindness Week~

~Keep on Dreaming~

Friday, February 7, 2014


Today is Send A Card To
A Friend Day!

A day to show our friends
we are thinking of them.
Everyone enjoys hearing
from their friends. Surprise
a friend--send them a card,
whether it is bought or made
or an ecard.

Valentine's Day is one week
from today, a perfect day to
send a special message to a

Speaking of cards--if you
are participating in the
card shower, the deadline
is tomorrow.
Let me know if you have any

~Keep on Dreaming~

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Time and a Request

Hi---Popping in for
a minute.

See that clock up
there?  Yea, THAT
one...Tomorrow at
THAT  time my Summer
vacation will be OVER
and I will officially be
back at school!
Actually, I am looking
forward to it. As some
of you know, last year
was a bear! We are
pretty confident that
this year will be MUCH
better. Really it can't
be worse that last

So let's raise our glasses
to a new school year and 
wish ALL going back THE

On a serious note, we have
a blog friend that needs our
Katharine at JUST A THOUGHT
has recieved some news
regarding her health and we
need to send prayers her way.
I know she will appreciate them. 

~Keep on Dreaming~

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Saturday Fun

Happy Saturday to All!
I am out of here for awhile,
we have a roof going on our
house and it is LOUD !
It is a glorious 60 degrees this
morning and I am spending some
time with my good friend Nancy
from Acorn Cottage blog. We
are off the The Lenexa Spinach
Festival--food and crafts can't
beat that on a Saturday morning!
Hope everyone has a wonderful
~Keep on Dreaming~

Thursday, August 23, 2012

For YOU!

"Friendship," said
Christopher Robin,
"is a very comforting
thing to have." Thank
YOU for YOUR friendship!
~Keep on Dreaming~

Monday, February 13, 2012

Share a Little Kindness

image: Google
This week begins "Random Acts
of Kindness Week." Take time
to do some extra nice things
for those around you. If you
would like to blog about this
go ahead and pass it on. :)
Here's my kindness wish to YOU!
An update of sorts: The young
lady that helped Nezzy make
their Valentine's was a Sunday
School student not her Grand-
daughter. Sorry Nezzy. This
young lady needs our prayers
also, because she is fighting with
cancer--please remember her and
her family in your prayers. Thanks
~Keep on Dreaming~

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Get Together

Hello-- I had good intentions of doing a post this evening on my goodies that I purchased from a craft show that I went to this weekend but we were invited over to the neighbors for a bonfire get together. Stay tuned tomorrow and I'll get that post up and running tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! ~Keep on Dreaming~

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