Today is Presidents' Day. Once upon a time we celebrated George Washington's birthday on the actual date of his birth, February 22. The same was true of Abraham Lincoln's birthday on February 12. In 1968, Congress passed the Monday Holidays Act, which went into effect in 1971. This moved the official observance of Washington's birthday to the 3rd Monday in February. Although many acted as if it included Lincoln also and began calling it "Presidents' Day", the Federal Government has never changed the name from "Washington's Birthday" to "Presidents' Day". However, states can do whatever they want with the holiday. Some still celebrate on the original birthdays, and some have declared an official "Presidents' Day".
To read more about the history of this holiday see
President's Day - What does is mean and
Presidents' Day or Washington's Birthday? Also, if the day has gotten you in the mood to learn more about the presidents, go to the
White House - Past Presidents page and read the biographies of Washington, Lincoln or any past president you choose.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
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