
Showing posts with label Yakudoshi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yakudoshi. Show all posts

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yakudoshi Money Box

My friend recently celebrated his Yakudoshi, and I created his money box.  Yakudoshi are regularly celebrated here in Hawaii.  If you'd like to learn more about Yakudoshi and why we celebrate it here in Hawaii, there is a good article written here in The Honolulu Advertiser

He loves dragons and the party was a dragon/lucky theme.  I made sure to put on a lot of good luck characters onto the box.  One for health, happiness, and dreams (I put these on the sides of the box, which I forgot to take pictures of! :( ).  

Just covered the box with red wrapping paper.  All cuts are from the Pagoda Cricut cartridge.  

Simple dragon. :) 2 layers and a shadow layer.

Put him on some skewers to give him the illusion of flying. :D

Entering this in the following challenges:
Scrappy Moms - On a stick

:) till next time!