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Showing posts with label exabytes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exabytes. Show all posts

Monday, May 6, 2013

balance cek dr EXABYTES dh smp

aritu kn aku update dpt cek dr exabytes
sepatutnya amount cek rm 60 
tp aritu dpt rm ni die antar balance lg rm 10

kalo korang nk try dpt duit dr exabytes...bole bc kt link
and syaratnye atleast sehari 350 UV

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

sape nak menang Samsung 3D LED TV, MacBook Pro or a Toyota Vios!

hah saper tknk kn bila dgr adiah2 best
 mcm Samsung 3D LED TV, MacBook Pro tkpn kete Toyota Vios! 
disamping itu ada pelbagai lagi adiah menarik utk dimenangi
ok kalo korang nk menang senang je...
jom sertai Exabytes Treasure on The Web Contest 

How to win???

  1. LIKE Exabytes (MY) Facebok fan page.
  2. Share the contest photo at least once and tag at least 5 friends on the post.
  3. When a specific number of fans is reached on Exabytes (MY) fan page, prizes will be given away randomly to our fans (Eg. 10 Starbucks Cards will be given to 10 random fans once we hit 81,000 number of fans).
  4. The more you share and tag, the higher chances you can win!

so apa lg uolsss...jom rmi2 kita cuba..
mana tau anda slh seorang pemenang yg bertuah...
lagi rmi korang share & tag kwn2...lagi tinggi peluang nk menang...

Friday, March 8, 2013

saper tk suka bila dpt CEK kn :)

minggu ni rmi blogger dk update entry cek dr Nuffnang
tp ni bkn cek dr Nuffnang
tp cek ke-2 dr exabytes dh smp
tgk date pd cek tu bln 2 lg tp aku trima awl bln mac
tp ada kesilapan berlaku pd amountnye
sepatutnya rm 60 bkn rm 50
so aku dh inform pihak exabytes 
& diorang akan antar balance tu akhir bln ni

utk yg blum tau, selain iklan Nuffnang,
kt blog MamaTisya ni ada iklan dr exabytes 
syarat utk dpt iklan dr exabytes ni atleast 350 UV sehari
kalo korang nk try apply bole refer entry

syukur alhamdulillah...rezeki berblogging selain dpt cek dr Nuffnang:)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

IKLAN berbayar dari EXABYTES

meh nk citer lg psl 
IKLAN berbayar dr EXABYTES 
cz mayb ada yg kurang faham
bila bc syarat2 yg aku mention kt SINI

utk dptkan daily visitors tu,
korang bole printscreen UV dr Nuffnang Analytics
 then pilih samada "this week" or "last week" punye UV
 then send ke
 so diorang akan tgk dlu layak ke tk...
if layak, diorang akan email invoice
dlm invoice tu korang kena isi details nama,alamat dan sbgnye
utk diorang antar cek nanti...lpstu bila dh setel isi invoice tu..
pihak  exabytes akan antar script iklan utk korang ltk kt blog
korang bole pilih samada nk ltk kt bahagian header or sidebar

mcm kt blog aku ni iklan  exabytes kt bahagian header 
lps korang dh berjaya ltk iklan dr  exabytes tu
korang email la pihak  exabytes utk makluman diorang
so diorang akan prepare la cek utk korang
then slamat menunggu cek smp mcm aku dh dpt :)

**proses utk approve tu amik masa jugak la
bkn arini korang antar esok die approve
so korang tgu je email dr pihak  exabytes
if syarat2 tu cukup insya allah bole dpt...:)

ok slamat mencuba....

MamaTisya dapat offer $$$$$....korang nk tak???

hah bkn MamaTisya yg dpt offer
tp blog My Life & My Loves yg dpt offer
bkn offer berlakon ke..menyanyi ke:-p
tp offer utk ltk advertisement kt blog
so bila dh dpt offer tu semestinya dpt bayaran $$$$$
RM 50 / 3months....hah korang nk tk dpt $$$$$ ????

actually lastyear aku tau psl exabytes nk cr 200 blogs
atleast minimum 130 UV sehari & aku pn try email ke exabytes
tp time pihak exabytes rply email
aku tkbole nk download invoice & script ...mcm ada problem
so aku ignore je baru2 ni aku try buat lg baru ok
akhir april 2012 baru aku ltk iklan dr  exabytes
tp awal mei 2012, 1st cek dh smp 
even blum cukup 3 bln lg...sukaaaa:)

ok meh aku nk share syarat2nye
tp  minimum UV tu dh meningkat atleast 300 sehari
 mayb dh rmi kot blogger2 email :)

How to advertise with Exabytes?

1.Our minimum requirement is 300 daily visits a day.
2.Submit a screenshot of your unique visitors for the past 1 month to
3.The approval process will take 5-7 working days.
4. After approval, we will prepare the banner script in 5-7 working days.

Terms and Conditions
1. Blog traffic must be mainly from Malaysia.
2. Payment will be made 6 weeks after the banner is up by cheque.
3. Payment/Cheque will only be sent to Addresses in Malaysia.
4. Advertising approval depends on blog traffic, traffic source, content niche and bounce rate.

Email us at

iklan dr exabytes ni bukan based on CPC or CPM yg mcm Nuffnang tu
yg exabytes ni bila kita ltk iklan diorang dlm masa 3 bln so dpt la payment
so skarang kt blog MamaTisya ada iklan dr exabytes selain dr iklan Nuffnang

kalo korang cukup syarat2 tu try la email
jika blog korang terpilih, pihak exabytes akan email invoice & script nanti
so apa tgu lg... sambil berblog sambil dpt $$$$$ :)

b4 ni dpt cek dr nuffnang lps ni dpt cek dr exabytes plak

alhamdulillah rezeki berblogging....


wordless wednesday #35

salam uolsss
arini dh kembali bekerja setelah 2 hari bercuti:)
blk dr bercuti dpt surat dr exabytes
actually dh lama smp surat ni
tp aku tk sempat p collect kt umh mama

1st cek dr exabytes
alhamdulillah rezeki berblogging....

**nanti aku free aku jenguk umh uolsss ye...

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