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Showing posts with label pablocheesetart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pablocheesetart. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2017

Pablo Cheese Tart @ One Utama

saper peminat cheese tart macam Hokkaido Cheese Tart, Tokyo Secret Cheese Tart
so ni yg paling latest Pablo Cheese juga di buka di One Utama
tkde outlet lain kalo nk rasa, kena ke one utama la ye

smp2 je mmg pjg juga org Q nk beli Pablo Cheese Tart

tgh Q sambil tgk menu2 yg ada kt Pablo Cheese Tart

sementara tunggu Roasted Marshmallows Chocolate Cheese Tart
yg aku menang aritu...anakdara nk posing sini

ni la yg aku redeem aritu....bole tahan rege nye rm 49.90

ingtkn nk try beli yg mini Pablo Cheese Tart
tp sbb yg aku menang pn dpt yg beso juga so xjd la beli
tp antara cheese tart yg pernah aku mkn...yg ni paling mahal rm 9.90 seketul
yg ni mahal maybe sbb ada printed logo tu :)

ok setel redeem...moh ler cari tmpt nk rasa sedap or tk kn


kitorang lunch dlu kt Johnny's restoran lps tu baru layan Pablo Cheese Tart
menu pineaplle fried rice, glass noodles, bbq chicken wings, ice thai tea & ice water

ni la rupanya Roasted Marshmallows Chocolate Cheese Tart
fresh from oven...yummmm

dh gaya mcm potong kek busday plak
sedap....atas tu marshmallows pastu ada topping chocolate
crust pn lembut..tgh2 tu mcm creamy chocolate..sedap la

ada balance , bw ke opis esoknye bg geng2 rasa

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

wordless wednesday #332

ahad lps dh setel redeem Roasted Marshmallows Chocolate Cheese Tart

dpt invitation dr MBO...complimentary screening

rezeki staff dpt 5 kg gula kasar & 1 kg gula merah lembut

lastweek 16/2, setel sign dokumen ngan lawyer bank...
alhamdulillah dipermudahkan urusan rumahselangorku

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

wordless wednesday #331

rezeki dpt dessert free dr IG Pablo Cheese Tart

lama tk tgk wyg..tup2 check email ada yg menarik dr MBO Cinema ni offer tket wyg
mbo star club ni best tul..mcm2 offer die bg...point aku pn dh byk tu

yg ni syok tag & menang...pastu pi redeem kt mydin hypermarket
nk tau info tgk IG mydinmalaysia
yg belum join, sempat lagi ye smp 17/2 ni

lps blk kj smlm , aku p mydin kt subang jaya
trus baunya...byk perfume tu bkn smua aku punya
1 account IG bole redeem 1 botol perfume shj 

*kemenangan ke-3,4,5 utk 2017

alhamdulillah pagi ni  ada  3 BE baru muncul
byk dh credit so on going  ada  3 BE yg tgh running..apa2 pn tq Nuffnang

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