Showing posts with label Kenny Rogers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kenny Rogers. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another Sign Pro Athletes Should Not Be Allowed to Speak in Public...

...without consulting their PR reps first, anyway: the Gambler thinks that a.) the Yankees imposed instant replay on baseball and b.) that "[Mistakes are the] beauty of the game." Better dial back the crazy there, buddy. But then there's this beauty of a quote:
“For every human individual out there, we’re all playing our best. We make errors. It’s part of the game,” Rogers said. “We don’t get a chance to go back — ‘I want a mulligan.’ — It’s not the way it works. It’s not the way it should work.”
Definition of mulligan: "a free shot sometimes given a golfer in informal play when the previous shot was poorly played." Maybe Rogers doesn't play golf, or keep up with popular slang, or think before he talks, because "check[ing] video on so-called 'boundary calls,' to determine if a fly ball went over the fence or if a potential home-run is fair or foul" (the purpose of the instant replay) doesn't give a player another chance to hit just because he wanted a home run instead of a double.

Ok, I'm done shooting this barrel of fish.