Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "military".
339 matches:
- 1962 - The Girl Upstairs
- 2daysairforce - 2DaysAirforce
- 485aew - 485th AEW
- ___qwertyuiop - Qwertyuiop
- __alexander__ - {The greatest legend of all, was real}
- _capcadets_ - Civil Air Patrol Cadets
- _everything_ - The World
- _girl_talk_ - Girl Talk
- _girl_talk_layo - _Girl_talk_Layouts
- _gopchristians_ - Christian Republicans
- _graphicontest - Graphic Contests
- _militia_ - _militia_
- _misawapeeps - ~Misawa~
- _separated_ - _separated_
- _yellow_ribbon_ - _Yellow_Ribbon_
- a_grunts_life - A Marine
- a_perfect_world - A Perfect World
- add_me_lovers - Add A Lover 4 Advice
- addmealso - make more LJ friends!
- adopt_a_soldier - Operation Military Support
- afgirlfriends2 - Girlfriends of the Armed Forces
- air_cadets - Air Cadets
- aircraft_anon - Aircraft Anonymous
- ak_mil_families - An Arctic Refuge for Military Families in Alaska
- akfairbanks - Fairbanks Alaska
- alabamademocrat - Alabama Democrats
- alexander_film - Alexander Film
- alexanderfics - Alexander the Great fic and more
- alienvspredator - ALIENS vs PREDATOR
- americandissent - American Dissent
- americansabroad - Americans Living and Studying Abroad
- amestris_army - Amestris Army
- angry_hippy - Values ≠ Republican
- anti_hazing - anti_hazing
- anti_lefty - Anti-Lefty
- anti_military - The Military Sucks!
- anti_osc - The Anti-Officers' Spouses Club
- archaic_systems - The Prison Abolitionists
- armedforces - Armed Forces
- armedservice - Armed Service
- army_girlfriend - Army Girlfriend
- army_sex - army_sex
- armyladies - ArmyLadies
- arotc - Army ROTC
- article9 - article9
- ashamedamerican - Ashamed to be American
- atlantishigh - atlantishigh
- awireenacting - awireenacting
- balanceofpower - Balance of Power
- barracks_living - Military Barracks Living
- baseic - Baseic Icons
- battle_ready - battle_ready
- behind_the_blue - behind_the_blue
- bham_anti_war - Bellingham Anti-war Community
- blazethefire - -=-Information Obsession
- bluedonkey - The New Democratic Majority
- boycott_them - Boycott These Crazy Liberals
- bragg_babes - Ft. Bragg Babes
- bratsanonymous - Military Brats Anonymous
- bringbushdown - The Soapbox
- brokenspleens - brokenspleens
- bush_cheney_04 - The Bush/Cheney Presidential Community
- camp_toccoa - Camp Toccoa: Band of Brothers slash
- canadians4bush - Canadians for President Bush
- captureosoma - captureosoma
- carma18 - Free Love
- chamberatlanta - The Chamber
- chemtrail_info - chemtrail community
- civilcolloquium - a drama-free exchange of views
- coloradophotos - Colorado Photography
- conservacorner - Conservatives Corner
- conservatism - Conservative Forum
- conservatism2 - The REAL conservatism
- conservlikewoah - Conservative like woah
- conspiracy101 - Conspiracy Theories
- corpsman_up - Corpsman Up
- ctmilitarygirls - Connecticut Military Girlfriends/Fiances/Young Wiv
- cult37 - The Cult of Thirtyseven
- current_events - Current Events
- cuteconserves - Cute Conservatives
- dancebeautiful - dancing beautiful.
- dear_soldier - Dear Soldier
- debate_forum - Dangerous Debates
- debate_this - Debate This
- democratic - Democratic Political Party
- demosthenesarmy - Demosthenes Army - Intellectual Speech
- discuss_f911 - Fahrenheit 9/11
- dish_it_out - Dish_It_Out
- distant_hearts - distant hearts that are miles apart
- dorks_are_fun - We love being dorks and we are fun!
- dprk - :DPRK: [Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea]
- dragonbonez2 - The Bone Pile
- dysp - Die young Stay pretty
- elizabethtownky - People from Elizabethtown, Kentucky
- euro_americans - euro_americans
- expats - Expatriates
- eye_and_dagger - Kamchatka v. Alaska
- faithxpolitics - faithxpolitics
- fascism_wow - Fascism Wow! A new face to fascism
- ffviii_icontest - Final Fantasy 8 Icontest
- fight_451 - Fighting is salvation
- fire_george_w - Mr. Bush... you fired!
- fivestar_review - Movie Reviews
- flrotc - Florida ROTC
- forever_winters - Band of Brothers Lovers
- forgottenwars - Wars That History Books Have Forgotten.
- fort_polk - Fort Polk People
- fortbraggnc - Fort Bragg, N.C., Online LJ community
- fortcarson - A place for spouses, military members, moms, dads,
- fortmeaders - Residents in or around Fort Meade, MD
- forward_looking - The Future
- freedomfighters - Freedom Fighters
- freedoms_press - Freedom's Press
- freetruth - The Truth Will Set You Free
- freewldmnifsto - Manifesto of a Free World
- friendsofisrael - Friends of Israel
- ft_benning - Ft Benning Wives and Soldiers
- ft_hood - Ft. Hood Soldiers and the Women who Love them.
- ftjacksonpagans - "Other" Religions of Fort Jackson (summer 2004)
- gay_south - gay_south
- gaypensacola - gaypensacola
- geniiclub - Geniiclub
- geopolitics - Geopolitics
- girltalk_icons - Icons For Girl Talk Members! :)
- giuliani2008 - Rudy Giuliani 2008!!
- glennbeck - Glenn Beck Fans
- go_afjrotc - Building better citizens for America.
- gothicnavy - Gothic Sailors and Spouses
- gpgmilitary - Military Spouses of the GPG
- graffiti_wall - graffiti_wall
- gt_sex_tales_ - gt_sex_tales_
- gulfcoast_diver - Gulf Coast Divers
- gun_fetish - >licking>the>chrome
- gundebate - Gun Debate
- gwb_daily - George W. Bush Daily
- hagaren_rp - Fullmetal Alchemist Roleplaying Group
- harper_sucks - Stephen Harper Sucks
- hatefree_debate - Hate-Free Debate
- hedwig7007 - D & H paintball
- hhs_students - hhs_students
- himilitarywives - Hawaii Military Wives
- history - History
- hoo_ah -
- hooah4guard - Who Needs a Base?!?!
- hrmilitarywives - Hampton Roads Military Wives
- ifiwaspresident - What would the world be like?
- ilovefiremen - sexybabydoll
- ilovemyairman - I Love My Airman!
- ilovemysoldier - I Love My Military Man
- imagin3 - Imagine
- indecision2004 - Indecision 2004
- insideiraq - insideiraq
- iraq_war - War in Iraq 2003
- irishcat - Irish Cat
- irkeninvaders - Irken Invaders Norcal Airsoft
- its_your_voice - Ms Liberty ;)
- jag_icons - JAG Icons
- jermishlim - Jermishlim.....The other German Jews
- johnkerry08 - For us, hope does not fade
- kahnservuhtives - Conservatives
- kameradschaft - Alle Schweine müssen sterben
- karigans_fic - Karigan's Fic - the writing of Karigan Rohanna
- kerryedwards - John Kerry and John Edwards for President
- kerrysolidarity - We've still got your back!
- kindrandomacts - Random Acts of Kindness
- ldr_support - Long Distance Love
- legionstorm - The Order of the Lightning Strike
- lejeuneladies - Lejeune Ladies
- lgbtmilfamilies - LGBT Military Families
- liberal_minds - Liberal_minds
- liberalmilitary - liberalmilitary
- liberalmilwives - liberal military wives
- libtards - Stupid liberals
- little_corporal - L'Empereur Napoléon Bonaparte
- ljdemocrats - LiveJournal Democrats
- localtoldr - Local Lovers in Long Distance Relationships
- logorrhoea - Logorrhoea
- lonely_kids - Love Makin' Friends
- lostcity - Stargate: Atlantis
- loversfaraway - Lovers Far Away
- loversreunited - Lovers Reunited
- lovin_my_marine - I Love My Perfect Marine
- makewarnotlove - Make War, NOT Love on Terrorism
- marines - The Marine HQ
- marines_united - Marines United
- market_finder - Market Finder
- mcdonough_daily - Neal McDonough
- mech_wars - Warriors of Steel
- mens_studies - Men's Studies
- mgu_if - Military Girlfriends United
- micorps - Military Intelligence LiveJournal Community
- militant_music - Militant Music
- military_geeks - military geeks
- military_lovers - Ladies behind the scenes
- military_moving - Military_Moving
- military_pagan - military_pagan
- military_pagans - Community For Military Pagans
- military_wives - military_wives
- militarybrats - Military Brats
- militarycouples - MilitaryCouples
- militaryfamily - Friends and Families of a Soldier
- militarylgbt - MilitaryLGBT
- militarymensgfs - Women Of Military Men
- militarymorale - Military Care Packages
- militaryqueers - militaryqueers
- militarysingles - Military Singles
- militaryspouses - Military Spouses
- militarywives04 - Mature Military SOs
- militaryxgirls - Military Girfriends, Fiancee's and Wives
- milpenpals - Military PenPals
- miltaryvehicles - Historic Military Vehicles
- missingourmen - Military Hunnies
- moorethanlies - Moore is trying to destroy America from within!
- mork_and_mindy - The Magical Adventures of Mork and Mindy
- muses_of_fate - Muses Of Fate
- mustangnavy - Mustang Navy
- myshelf_meme - What's Not On, On My Bookshelf
- nationaldefense - United States National Defense Forum
- nationstates_rp - NationStates RP Community
- navy_dep - Navy DEP
- navy_ncis - NCIS
- navyncisfic - Navy: NCIS Fic
- navywives - Any loved of an armed forces member
- ncis_contest - ncis_contest
- ncisdrabble100 - NCIS Drabble
- ncisfanfic - NCIS Fanfiction
- newjingoists - Stick a Yellow Ribbon Magnet On Your Car
- nimr - nimr
- nomoore - We Don't Like Michael Moore
- northcastlesq - North Castle Composite Squadron
- nowar - End The Occupation
- o_club_4_so - Officer Club for Military SOs
- oddplace - Black Sheep Support - survive judgemental families
- okinawa - Friends and Fans of Okinawa
- onthewaydown625 - On The Way Down
- oregon_gop - Oregon Republican Party
- ormilsupport - Oregon Military Support
- overseas_ldr - Overseas LDR
- parrot_parronts - Parrot Parronts: A Community for Parrot Lovers
- patriotpenpals - Supporting Our US Troops
- peacevets - Peace Vets
- political_toons - Political Cartoons and Political Humor
- politicalrants - Political Rants
- politicettes -
- politikalrivet - Politikal Rivet
- pornariffic - pornariffic
- pr_int_d_soc - Private-Intellectual Debating Society
- pro_debates - 1+1= 4
- pro_republican - Pro Republican
- pro_troops - Supporting our Troops & Civil Discussions on War
- proud_american - Proud American
- proudafwife - SupportingOurMilitary!
- ptrp - ptrp
- punkarmyfamily - punk/goth army wife and family club house
- quillink - Quill and Ink Press
- quotes_galore - quotes_galore
- rabid_weasels - rabid_weasels
- ramenrecipe - ramenrecipe
- reagan_country - Ronald Reagan Fans
- real_dancers - LJ's Real Dancers
- realuniforms - realuniforms
- rebel_101 - rebel_101
- repsaresexier - Republicans Are Sexier
- republicanchks - Beautiful Republicans
- republikin - RepubliKin
- repubsunite - Republicans Unite
- residentevilmov - Resident Evil Movies Community
- retro_gals - Retro Gals
- revrising - Revolution Rising: The Community
- right_atheists - Right-Wing Atheists
- ripoffyourlogic - ripoffyourlogic
- rlxp - Real-Life Experience Points
- roadsnevertaken - Roads never taken : Embrace the future.
- rotc - ROTC
- rummy_fans - donald rumsfeld's adoring fanclub
- saddamcaptured - saddamcaptured
- sailorgirls - Sailor Girls Rule!
- sandiegonavy - San Diego Navy Wives
- scroogle - My Scroogle Crap Log
- seacadets - Sea Cadets
- secondamendment - The right to bear arms shall not be infringed
- serpents_cross - serpents_cross
- sharpened_steel - Blade, Dagger, & Sword Lovers
- sickofstupid - Whiners Against Bush
- silent_ranks - Silent Ranks Of The Army
- silentranks - silentranks
- singlenmilitary - Military Single Personals
- sistersofusmc - Sisters of Marines Community
- smartpolitics - smartpolitics
- smartwardebate - Intelligent War Debater
- soapbotx - Soapbox
- soldierswaiting - Soldier's Loving Their Civilian Significant Others
- south_fl_goth - south fl goth
- ssploited - SSEXPLOITATION
- stategop - State GOP Voice
- steel_battalion - the 34th special panzer battalion
- supportustroops - For The Love of A Soldier
- techs_jrotc - techs_jrotc
- thankourtroops - Thank You To Our US Military
- the_nite_owls - The Nite Owls
- the_right_ideal - the_right_ideal
- thedebateforum - The Debate Forum
- thedrillhall - Cadet
- thegreatwar - 1914 - 1918
- theintellects - The Intellects
- theloudandproud - The Loud and Proud
- therightside - The Right Side: Liberal Kryptonite
- thexpress - The Xpress
- tim__skold - X0216
- troops_support - Supporting Our Troops!
- ucfpolitics - ucfpolitics
- uniform_fetish - The Uniform Fetish Community
- uniforms - uniforms
- us_soldiers - A Meeting place for All American Soldiers
- usa_republicans - The Elephant Lounge
- usairforce - United States Air Force
- usairforce_sos - Air Force Airman Significant Others
- usmcfiance - Marine Fiance
- usmcgirlfriends - USMC Girlfriends
- usmilitary - United States Military Members
- usnavalacademy - Students and Prosepective Students at USNA
- usnscc - United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps
- varenfaire - Virginia Renaissance Faire
- veterans - The Veteran's Community
- votebush2004 - Vote Bush 2004
- war_commentary - War Commentary
- war_in_the_sun - The PREACHER Community
- wardebate - Debate the War
- we_drool_milla - we_drool_milla
- webcadets - The Web Cadet Corps
- wegothim - wegothim
- weldrbrat - Truth From Our Troops
- world_almanacs - World Almanacs-Collecting, Reading and Usage
- wtcdisaster_art - remembering 11 September 2001 through Art and Word
- x_net - X Net
- yaoi_role_play - I have taken
- youaremine - I LOVE YOU MORE!!!
- young_repubs - Young Republicans
- youngmilwives - Young Military Wives
Interested users
The following users are interested in military. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
454 matches: