sblm tu weolls pegi mkn (early dinner ) kat Nandos..abih dekat RM80 gaklah for our lil family..
citer ni under disney, so sgt cantik animasinya..mcm real
and bila dh tgk movie ni..rasa terbuai2 gitu..rasa mcm masuk dlm dunia tu gak
ni me tepek sinopsis from imdb dan tgv website
An epic journey into the world of dinosaurs where an Apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend.
"What if the cataclysmic asteroid that forever changed life on Earth actually missed the planet completely and giant dinosaurs never became extinct?", that is the big question asked in this movie. This movie tells the humourous tale of Arlo, a lively 70-foot-tall teenage Apatosaurus with a big heart. The dinosaur befriends an unlikely friend when it was out on a quest to restore peace - a young human that goes by the name Spot.
..yg pasti, citer ni sgt menghiburkan, sarat dgn message kekeluargaan, persahabatan, emosi..dan ada part touching
mula2 masa papa dinosaur tu mati lemas sbb nak selamatkan Arlo--Arlo tu watak utama ie hero lah..papa Arlo nama henry...henry nak sgt tgk Arlo jd berani and independent mcm dua abg2 Arlo yg lain...bila Henry mati tu....sedey laaa sbb tiba2 teringat arwah ayah MZ :'(
and ada watak Henry dtg nasihatkan Arlo tapi dlm bentuk roh lah..time Arlo pengsan sbb nak selamatkan Spot
and then endingnya sedey giller--alahai me siap ternangis part ending tu...time Arlo and Spot nak say bye2 :'( -- Spot tu watak budak lelaki kecik tu (tarzan junior kot)..
siyes sgt besh lah citernya...menyentuh emosi juga memberi inspirasi ..about being courage, survival...
me bagi 4.5 dari 5 bintang!!