Showing posts with label Brown Eyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brown Eyes. Show all posts


Purple Cut Crease

Today is all about cutting your crease. That pretty much means putting whatever color you choose in your crease and only blending above that line, never below. Some people are amazing at it and I revere them for it! For example,
This is a technique that I want to be better at so to do that, one must practice! I hope to look back at earlier videos and giggle ; D. Want to take the journey with me? Well, here's the first one! Hope you enjoy it!!!


Saint Patrick's Day Eyes

Top o the mornin to ya! Have I told you lately that I love the color green on my eyes? It is one of "my  colors" from the color wheel and it just makes me happy every time I put it on. This fun little shoot was done by the amazing Miss Sara Marie from Sara Simpson Photography. It was featured on my Instagram Fashion account complete with outfit details. I have been having so much fun sharing my closet with you guys...and can I say that it is a little freeing? I have been one, like a lot of girls, to be down on myself when I look in the mirror. This creative outlet has helped my own what I love and share it. By talking about the pieces that I love from my closet and explaining why they work for me, it has helped me to compliment myself in a round about way. Not to feel conceited (at all) but more so to point out the positive and be happy with me =). I felt the combination of the outfit and the makeup was just perfect for today! Here's the video tutorial on how you can get your own amazing green and gold glittery eyes. Enjoy!



Here is my journal entry that I wrote about me and my friend's aMAZing day on August 31st. This was the day before our little family packed up and took off for Disneyland. I almost missed out on this day and I am SO glad we decided to leave a day later!!!! Enjoy a look into my funny life =).
Psst...are you awake? I can't sleep because WHAT an amazing day!!! The plan was simple, Maria's birthday was today/yesterday so we were to get ready at my house, go shopping, go to lunch and then to see Sara Bareilles up in Park City. We ended up leaving super late but still in good spirits ready to shop! All the way there and through out we would joke about meeting Sara (yeah right!) and how we would totally be best friends. We found SO many cute things, most of them the last in the shop or just our sizes. Sign of good things to come? We ate at the California Pizza Kitchen for lunch which was beyond yummy and topped it off with a birthday sundae. Then it was off to Park City. Let me tell you one thing about Maria right now. She has been SUCH a dedicated runner that she actually injured her foot and has been wearing a boot for the last few days after seeing the doctor. There were over 5,000 people at this outdoor concert so we ended up parking VERY far away and having to walk quite a bit all the way uphill. I could tell it was hurting her foot so we decided to check out the merchandise and use the restrooms. The line to get in was even longer than the hike to get up there (literally) and hoping the people at the front would have pity on at least her I explained the situation. They let her sit up there as I went to go all the way to the back of the 5 mile line to wait. I had barely left when I ran into someone I had met through my cosmetics blog (love you Heather!). We chatted and giggled about seeing each other and crazy life events. Then she tells me she actually won a radio contest and she was waiting around to meet Sara!!!! Hearing this sent chills through me and I just started laughing and petting her arm, "I just have to touch the person going to meet Sara . Tell her I love her, and that we should be friends and...". "Excuse me but do YOU want to meet Sara too?" I turn to see the guy in charge of this little group going backstage. After picking my jaw up off the ground he tells me that another person that had one hadn't shown up and there was an opening. I told him about Maria and he said to go and get her. WE WERE GOING TO MEET HER!!!!! I just couldn't believe it! We went backstage, shook her hand, chatted, got pictures and I showed her a video of Branson singing her song "Brave". She loved it (hi, he's darling LOL) and just like that we had met the girl we had only joked about meeting. EPIC!!! Upon leaving I asked if we needed to go stand in line now (lawn seating so I'm sure all the lower areas were taken). He said we were good to just walk in AND that Maria's boot qualified her to sit in the handicapped seating. THIS DAY COULD NOT GET ANY BETTER!!!!! We were able to sit right at the feet of Miss Bareilles as we belted out our favorite songs and snapped picture after picture. I could not have imagined a better day and am SO glad I got to share it with such a dear friend. Happy Birthday Maria of mine. Love you!!!! 


Happy Earth Day Celebrate With A Pop Of Green!

Happy Earth Day today!!!! This week I am going to be doing looks inspired by nature. Our beautiful world has so many gorgeous colors it's hard to choose what to do first. Today it's beautiful greens with a touch of sunshine. Different ones this week will consist of blues for water and sky, browns for mountains and earth and some flower inspired tutorials. I'm excited to do them all and share =).


Flawless Kim Kardashian Makeup

Saw this picture and was SO captivated by it. Love her or hate her, she knows how to wear her makeup! Her makeup artist has sent girls all over reeling trying to make their cheekbones as pronounced, their eyes as dreamy, their lashes as long and thick and lips as pouty as possible! Sure, they airbrushed the JuNk out of this photo but still.....beautiful!!!!! In this video I teach how to achieve this gorgeous look with two different lips. One with the orangy red she sports and the other with a very glossy nude lip. One thing I was most impressed with as I went through doing my eyelashes was that I thought my demi whispies might not be good enough to match hers. I ended up doing a good coat of mascara on them and they TOTALLY proved worthy!!!!! SO fun to find that something you already had, something you thought was only good for one thing, surprises you =). I don't feel the need to go out and get different lashes when doing Kim looks. Tell me what you think and which lip is your favorite!


Smokey Smokey

I haven't done a smokey eye in FOREVER it feels like so I decided NO MORE! Today would be the day to bust one out and rock it for.....the PTA? LOL I basically live at the boys' school helping out so hopefully the kids/teachers liked it ; D. I decided to go with blues since that would make my brown eyes pop but feel free to sub in any colors that you love! Enjoy and happy holidays =).


Catherine Zeta-Jones Tutorial

Do you remember the first time you remember Catherine Zeta Jones in all of her gorgeous glory? For me it was Zorro and I thought she was so beautiful and such a great actress! I remember the magazine that came out when she wore this look on the red carpet as well. I was tickled that they were spotlighting how to make brown eyes pop and low and behold...I HAD BROWN EYES!!!! I was so eager to try the green all around and when the look was completed I LoVeD it and sported it for a while =). Just recently I got an email from Tanja asking for a Catherine look and I immediately remembered my fav green eye and decided to pull it out and share it with you. Enjoy and sport if for  a while yourself! =)


Sucker Punch Babydoll Tutorial

I have gotten quite a few requests for this look and it was about time to do it. I haven't seen the movie but I hear it is visually stunning and worth it. Have you seen it? Was it any good? Well, this little chica was the most understated as far as makeup was concerned out of all of them. I remember her from A Series Of Unfortunate Events and RARELY do I think that someone who has dark hair naturally looks better blond. Gwen Stefani is one and now this girl is another. I LOVE it!!! I am for sure a fan of the glowing skin and the pink cheeks. Overall, one of my fav looks and I might just do the hair thing again = D. Enjoy!!!


Jennifer Lopez Tutorial

Okay, okay I'm listening! = )You asked for more Jennifer and here she is! Lopez really lights up the (whatever color) carpet with this look. Her makeup artist is very in tune with what looks flawless on her skin. The hint of purple in the crease compliments her eyes and the soft orange right above that compliments her skin. She couples the same orange on her cheek and a hint of it in her lips as well. If you want to know how to get this look click the video below!


Mila Kunis Cosmo Cover

LOVE this look!!! Have been wanting to do it for a while and glad that I finally finished it =). I have never seen Mila Kunis look this amazing.


Quick Looks Green & Pink

 If you'll notice I have one pink and one green eye. The fun never stops here! Hope everyone is having a fabulous March! I wanted to do more looks utilizing the 88 palette because there really are SO many different combinations. The possibilities are ENDLESS!!! =)


Face Routine and Were It In Color

Here's a video before I start the actual "look". Just some products that I have been trying out.
Here's the tutorial. Another in our series of "were It In Color" thanks to Michelle for the request! It's Zooey Deschanel with a fun flirty smokey eye.


Natural Cut Crease

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Love this look! "Cutting" your crease is such a fun technique and one I want to do more of.What do you think? What color would you like to see?


Requested Soft Look From Brooklyn

So I was in where all my videos "lay" and realized that I had never posted this awesome request from Brooklyn (thanks for being patient!). I even had to edit me saying that you had till November 5th to get in your Halloween entries =D. Terrible! So here it is and hope you enjoy =).


Winter 2011 Makeup Trends

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The cat eye is making itself known on the runway this year. MeeOOOOOOwwwwww!!! Let's rock the look and show everyone how fashion forward we are =).


Were It In Color (Indian Bride)

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Thanks Masia for this beautiful picture!!!


Holiday Greens

Merry Christmas!!! Here's a holiday look to rock at a Christmas party =). Have FuN!!!


Demi #2

LoVeD doing this look!!!! I spray tanned....not that you can tell with my lovely computer, and wa able to bust out my NW 25!!!! It made me so happy =). I want a "perma-tan" like NObodies business!!! Have you guys found black and white pictures to send? Remember to comment and tell me what yo think =).

Demi Lovato

Love this red carpet look of Demi's. Hope you love it!!! Wish my camera could pick up colors the way I want it to =(.