Showing posts with label Yellow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yellow. Show all posts


Happy Earth Week Rainbow Eye

Here is day two for Earth week. Today is a rainbow. I like how it starts but LOVE how it ends. Have you ever done that? You know, where you start something makeup related that you think will be great....and it just turn out the way you wanted? I didn't want to film it all again so I just added a short video at the end of how I changed a few things. Enjoy....or just cut to the end LOL ; D. Tell me I'm not alone in this?


Purple Sunrise (Sariah's Look)

A friend came down to stay with us this weekend and wanted to get new shadows. Being new to the area I had to Map Quest the nearest mall and off we went while the hubbies stayed home with the kiddies. BOY could you tell it was a Saturday. The MAC counter was PaCkEd and leaking out into the walkway to do makeovers. She ended up picking up Fig 1 and Golden Rod, two BeAuTiFuL colors (insert me drooling)!!! She asked me to do a look with them and this is what I came up with. SO much fun!!!


Holiday Greens

Merry Christmas!!! Here's a holiday look to rock at a Christmas party =). Have FuN!!!


Sham'Rockin Eyes

Here's something for you for good old St. Patty's Day. After I showed it to my friend she was convinced it had to be named your "Get Lucky Look", oh Hollie =). So wear this look on the 17th to avoid getting pinched.....or to GET pinched ; ).


I'm Sorry.....Got a Half Hour For A Tutorial Much????

So here we are with one of THE longest tutorials I have EvEr done!!!!! This is a more avant-garde look but still fun and can be done with thousands of other colors. Enjoy!!!!
P.S. the new concealer I use in the video is called Boi-ing from Benefit =).

I look like I am about to be violently ill.....I hate these pictures..whaaaaaaah... =).


Sooooo Whadda Ya Think???

Had a lot of fun doing this look. I was strolling through Costco and saw an ad where a girls had some pink shadow on her lids and her upper cheek bone. I decided to use some other colors and not go down quite as much so it was still "daytime" approved and really liked it!!! I used some false lashes from Sally's (Ardell #305) and a single lash on the bottom for each eye. I had actually done a lot more green on the bottom and it RoCkEd...but like I said, I was going for a daytime look =). If you guys like it I can do a tutorial on this with other colors too!!! I really am back ladies. I have neglected this blog for waaaaaay too long!!!!!!


Manish Arora Tutorial

I LOVE this look!!! Comment and let me know what you think!!!


No Video But a Hot Look

So I FINALLY (with the aid of my mother-in-law) found out how to take these close up shots and will now use my OWN eyes for the looks!!!!! I am SO excited. This eye uses Nylon on the inner corner faded into Bitter then Electric Eel and finally Deep Truth on the outer V. To soften the transition from the Nylon to the Bitter I patted a little Chrome Yellow. On the brow bone I used Vanilla. On the bottom lash line I used the darkest to the lightest color starting from the outside going in. Black liner and mascara finished off the look. Try it out ladies!!!!!!


Purple and Yellow Tutorial

Shadow Colors Used:
- Bright Yellow
- Light Lavender
- Deep Eggplant Purple
- Shimmery Light Pink (brow bone)


Yellow Orange and Green Tutorial

Shadow Colors Used:
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Cream (brow bone)

Does anyone else think I look like the Joker in this picture???