Showing posts with label DUO Glue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DUO Glue. Show all posts


Snow White

Halloween is coming ladies! What are you going to be? I will be starting the Halloween series this week and hope that you will send in requests! Our first look will be Snow White. This little princess was beloved and sweet, albeit just a touch naive (NEVER take apples from strangers!). For the original movie the animators actually took real makeup and applied it to her in every frame. Her lips were also more of a brown red but has become iconic apple red for anyone doing the look now. I hope you like it =).
Speaking of Halloween, attention anyone in the Utah Valley area, I invite you to Witch's Night at Gardener's Village. I'll be there all decked out and looking to meet YOU! Are you coming? Will I see you there? Hope so = D!!!


April Favs & A Few Comparisons

Here are a few of my favs and I have tried some alternatives to my regular products that I have loved and used on a daily basis. Here are some thoughts on just a few. What have you tried that you just can't get away from? Have you had a bad experience with trying something new and hating it or loving it more? SHARE!!!


Christmas Is Coming!!!

So, being married, I know that sometimes our husbands need a little help with what we may want. I know sometimes my hubby gets this panicked look near Christmas Eve and asks for some "alone" time. Out he whisks to the store, frantically calling my mother and all of my friends. I think he's learned, somewhat, that to start earlier in the month is goooooooood....say it with me hunny....gooooooooood!!!! For basic makeup needs I enlisted that same darling husband to help design this Christmas list. These are things that I would ask for if I were just starting out. You can click on the list and print it out and give it to your someone or buy it yourself, be powerful =). It comes out somewhat small so it can be travel size. If you have any questions on what to get from MAC or Sephora please ask. I could go on forever of what to get and what NOT to spend money on! Merry Christmas!!!