Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts


Healthy Kids

image from Google
I have been SO busy with the school play that I have barely had time to put makeup on mySELF so I am sorry for another post without it. I was the assistant director for Seussical Jr and it was just wonderful! I am so proud of all the kids, especially my own ; ). The play was last weekend so it is officially DONE and we had our last cast party on Tuesday....whew! My hubby will be happy to hear that I have more time for everything non play related!
I got an email in regard to my healthier eating habits and they asked about what I make for my children while on this "diet". I look at it as a lifestyle change to clean eating instead of a diet. It's true, our kids don't need to diet but they do need our help in forming the building blocks for healthy eating. There is a HUGE variety of things to choose from and I just wasn't choosing the right things. We love rice, but now I buy brown rice and cook it in coconut oil in the rice cooker mmmmmmm. We love pasta, but now I buy wheat pasta and make my own sauce or read my labels enough to use natural things. We love meat but now portions are smaller and we choose different meats all the time instead of always having ground beef. I've lessened our cheese, our dairy but have NOT taken it out. I'm a believer in moderation in all things and the only thing I would be okay with completely cutting out is sugar. We eat more salads and I let the boys choose their toppings (like tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, dried fruit, cucumbers, onions, olives) they love that. They get a green smoothie everyday packed with protein (but to them it tastes like a chocolate smoothie lol sneaky sneaky). Some of the dinners I eat include: almond crusted chicken, coconut curry chicken, steak with asparagus, fish tacos, soy sauce marinated chicken. They are loving it! They are needing to get used to the different looking foods we eat but if you make them fun, it just works! =)
Was it easy? HECK no! Is it worth it? YES!!!!!! I have helped women all over the country with healthy sleeping habits for babies and if any mother thinks it's not going to take effort then that's not reality. We look for the easiest route sometimes with making money, losing weight, parenting...EvErYtHiNg!!! We want to pop a pill and see instant results, do next to nothing and make a lot of money, have one night with a screaming child and call it quits with training them to sleep on their own. It doesn't work that way nor will any of the shortcuts provide lasting results. Boy and IIIII learning that with this whole weight loss thing. I soooooo was one of those people that wanted to pop a pill! I kept thinking,"Just get me quickly there and I'll maintain it! I will want it so badly that I'll work to keep it!" Nothing short of me doing the work and sweating will keep me motivated to keep the body I make for myself. I oldest is a SuPeR picky eater. He used to gag, throw fits, not eat, throw up, you name it. I read somewhere (very early in his life) that picky eaters are made, not born. I ran with that idea but still wanted to be a nice mom. As he got older he realized our rules were sound and they would not change. Breakfast and lunch are "safe meals" where he, within reason, can choose what he wants. Mostly he loves grilled cheese sandwiches, dino nuggets from Costco, buttered noodles, PB&J etc. But dinner is exploration time. He has to take "thank you bites". Thank you Mom for making this meal, I am going to try it. He may have gaged a bit the first few times he tried some "out there" things but now I am happy to say that he eats things like Jambalaya, Borsh, salmon, steak, SUSHI!!!!, various casseroles, cream of pumpkin soup...SO many things that if I would have given up at the 6th tantrum he wouldn't be eating. Now that I am changing our diet a little he, and my youngest named the "garbage disposal" since he'll eat anything, are more prone to try out these new foods. I may add a touch more salt to their items. I use dressing on their salad that I know they'll like but slowly we are making the switch and that has made us a healthier, happier family =). P.S. I love our runs on Saturday mornings LOL. They get so pumped to "work their bodies" they say ; D.


Aha Moments

Do you ever see something or someone and think thoughts like,"Oh I am so glad that's not me, that poor thing. I am so glad I don't fit into that category. How can that person live with such a difficult task? I'm glad I don't have that problem, that I'm not that way." Any of those thoughts ever cross your mind at one time or another? Looking over them they sound arrogant, prideful and maybe a little naive. Ladies, I have had an aha moment in regard to myself and food. When I would hear women that were swayed so heavily by food I felt terrible for them. My heart would break for them and I would just want them to be happy outside of food. On the other hand I was grateful that I didn't have that problem and that I could focus on other areas in my life that needed attention. BOY was I in for a rude awakening today!!! Let's back up jus a touch however to the fitness plan that I told you about. 

The Revolt Fitness Challenge  was introduced to me about a month ago and after getting all my ducks in a row, so to speak, I started full speed into the unknown in early March and am now on week 3. The whole concept is to "revolt" against the before pictures. To walk away from them and make them a thing of the past. I was ALL over that. If you read my last post you'll see why I was so motivated for change. I truly felt that here was not only a plan that was easy for me to follow, it was something that I could do for the rest of my life!!! I love everything that we eat (or at least found a way to like the plain non fat yogurt) and I feel like I have more energy than ever! 
The first week was a detox where we cut sugar and upped the protein like mad. Not a problem for me because I am NOT a sweet eater. I am bad in that I love cooking with butter, mayo, salt, creams etc. The second week our fitness guru Nichole said that we would gain since we would be introducing certain things back into our diet...I still lost! I went from 137 on March 4th to 126 today (March 17th). Because we took out quite a bit of carbs, my body didn't retain as much water weight so most of it was that but I am also losing inches! I have been diligent in working out (took a class this last Saturday that almost killed me LOL) and have enjoyed feeling my clothes become a little more loose. NOW onto the aha moment. 
I love food. I enjoy savoring every bite but I don't over analyse it and I for SURE felt that if I wanted something badly enough I could dismiss a few items from my diet. Then the voice in my head started arguing with me. "You always talk about how badly you want to be fit and wear the clothes you want. Sooooooo you obviously don't want it badly enough to dimiss those things that you eat on a consistent basis." That voice was right! I have NeVeR reached my true potential and I WANT to!!! I had my cheat day on Saturday and went STRAIGHT to the tater tots (after my killer workout that morning). I had a very healthy lunch & splurged on Cafe Rio that night by splitting their amazing sweet pork burrito with my hubby...YUUUUUM!!!!!! All in all, a good cheat day =). Of course the next day was St. Patricks Day which I love since we send the boys off on a leprechaun hunt every year. They wake up to a clue that takes them to various places in the house till they find the pot of gold at the end. We had one of my very best friends and her family staying with us so it made this year's hunt extra special!
the clues they had to follow
They found the pot of "gold"
The spoils of the hunt
Fun hats made by Dad
Look at this handsome guy all ready for church. He makes my heart melt =). After church we headed over to my sister-in-law's house where she had an island FULL of green!   
I have to say that mashed potatoes and guacamole are two of my FAV foods (especially when my hubs makes the mashed potatoes which he DID). Ladies, I realized I AM one of those women that I felt badly for when it came to food. I honestly looked at all of this food with such longing after already having my cheat day and just wanted to cry. I never realized what an emotional attachment I had to food! I had sat there with a protein shake and a cucumber and wanted to dive into the mashed potatoes head first. It altered my mood and I couldn't help but watch people enjoy their food and laugh during their conversations. I was miserable! Is this what dieting is? What it has to be? What my life was going to be like from now on? NO!!!!! What Nichole has taught me is to be kind to my body. Give it the best fuel you can to have a better quality of life. Then to also give yourself a break every week. I have LoVeD all of the food she has for our meals and the options seem endless considering it's a "diet". I have always believed in moderation in all things and I still do. I went up to that "island of food" and took ONE spoonful of mashed potatoes, a dollop of guacamole, three chips for said guac and sat down to enjoy. It was a holiday and I didn't go overboard the day before so I let myself have that moment. Without having learned from Nichole I would have had a MoUnD of potatoes, a heaping helpful of the guac, tons of chips (in all their varieties), at least two of the roast beef sandwiches and some of the veggies as well. I would have had to have been rolled out of there! Armed with this knowledge about myself I came to the realization that I was just as happy with my smaller servings of these beloved items as I would have been dishing them up the "old way". I was for SURE a lot happier afterward =). I will not cheat this week because I know what's in store on Saturday. A killer workout, seeing my weight on the scale and having a few things I've put aside until then. I've found that I can put ANYthing aside knowing I can have some at the end of the week. I don't feel guilty for my small sidetrack on Sunday. On the contrary, it made me more excited for the following week! I have also started incorporating the kids into my clean eating and I am so happy that they are liking the brown rice and wheat pasta. They are liking the salads and all the different healthy toppings they can put on. It makes me feel good knowing that I am making a difference in my life as well as theirs that can affect generations. I feel good and I can't wait to keep moving toward my potential!


On A Personal Note/Birthday Thoughts

I have a confession to make. Can we talk? Can I put something personal on here that has nothing to do with makeup? Let me start with the fact that I am a typically happy person. I like to tell jokes, I like to make others happy, I like to include everyone. I like to serve others and help when they need something. I love my family, my Heavenly Father and life in general. Sometimes I see others on Facebook, blogs or Instagram and assume everyone is leading such amazing lives. Nothing is wrong, family life is perfect and kids are always darling and well behaved. Kiiiiind of liiiiiike...
I guess I feel that way because that IS what we post right? We don't post pics of the kids screaming at each other, dishes piled up in the sink or the lates argument we had with our significant other. It's not that it doesn't happen but we rarely say,"Wait, right there! Let me get the camera!!!" I'm not bashing this because it makes me happy to take pictures and post great times and memories...I just need to not be swept away in it thinking I must be the only one with problems and disappointments. I am real. I get sad, mad, hurt, & discouraged. Today especially I have been thinking. Today is my birthday. I am 33 years old and I don't know about you but each birthday (rather than Dec. 31) I like to look back and see what I am doing well and what I can improve on. One topic that has been a sore subject for me since I was in jr. high is my weight. Now I want to stop anyone right now who is thinking that I'm a silly little girl that isn't necessarily overweight. You only mostly see me from my shoulders up ; ) and even though someone is thinn"er" doesn't discount their feeling of disappointment. I got called names all the time growing up (mainly by girls) about my larger lower half of my body. I became very self conscious of my "Jennifer Lopez" and began wearing VERY baggy clothes. Luckily that was the style back then for girls.......(it WAS!) LOL
Uuuuuuummmmm noooooot quite. More like... 
Were you around for the overalls??? Back then they were considered cute and still trendy for a teenaged girl to wear. I just thanked my lucky stars they covered a lot!
As I got older I went up and own and up and down with weight but never was very happy with the way I looked. I have always had TwIgS for friends and have been the somewhat "thicker" friend. When I lived in Russia I got super skinny from all of the walking around and fresh produce they have. Processed things over there were super expensive! THIS is what I looked like at my skinniest there.
Granted while I was there I had to wear skirts all the time and could hide my lower half but it did get somewhat smaller. I came home, got married to my sweetheart and shortly after became prego. I was THRILLED!!!! I wanted a little "smooshie" so badly and we were starting ur family. Dumby me decided to eat for two.....grown people! I was a BARN!!!!!
I am sooooo embarrassed to look at this picture much less post it for ya'll. Through the years I have been up and down with my weight. When my sweet husband was out of work we both packed on quite a few pounds just from stress eating and worry. When I moved to Utah I was so impressed with how outdoorsy everyone seemed to be. We moved close to Kevin's sister and their family loves biking, swimming, skiing and racing. I felt inspired, found a girl in my church and started running. We ran for a whole year almost everyday getting ready for our half marathon.
 I didn't see pounds melting away though till I changed some eating habits. I didn't get super strict but I DID cut my portions and WOW did that make a difference. I often thought in my head,"Now if cutting portions but not the kinds of things I eat did this, imagine if I ate better things!" My sweet running partner was blessed with the miracle of being prego sooooo that's where that ended. I know, pathetic on my part. I need a buddy. 
I spoke with a lot of different people that say,"I can change your body, I can help you." I almost get emotional until they tell me how much they would charge or even worse, the price is GREAT! Why is that worse? Because someone else always will comes along and disprove what the other said and make me not even want to start. It's like trying to get up from a chair with full power, adrenaline and motivation only to be pushed right down.
Ladies, I have been asked by a wonderful group to try out their fitness and eating program and I said YES! I didn't ask for advice from anyone. Enough was enough! I didn't love what I saw in the mirror and I hadn't been running for a long time and I knew it was time to change for my sake and also for that of my sweet hubby and boys. The Revolt Challenge awoke inside of me the courage to "walk away" from my before pictures. I have been on the detox for almost a week and I cannot WAIT to share with you my journey if you'll let me, and introduce you to the wonderful Nichole Huntsman.
Like I said, no makeup involved but the whole reason I started this blog was to awake someone in me that had been lost. I saw it with other mom's too and I wanted to make a difference. Just for now I want to leave you with this startling goes nothin!!!!!
The bottom is when I started Monday morning. The top is from yesterday and HERE is my most favorite birthday present yet!!!!!
WHAT????????? I am ONE step closer to not reeeaaallllyyyy lying on my driver's license LOL!!!!!!!