Showing posts with label Kohl's Eyeshadow Set. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kohl's Eyeshadow Set. Show all posts


Snow White

Halloween is coming ladies! What are you going to be? I will be starting the Halloween series this week and hope that you will send in requests! Our first look will be Snow White. This little princess was beloved and sweet, albeit just a touch naive (NEVER take apples from strangers!). For the original movie the animators actually took real makeup and applied it to her in every frame. Her lips were also more of a brown red but has become iconic apple red for anyone doing the look now. I hope you like it =).
Speaking of Halloween, attention anyone in the Utah Valley area, I invite you to Witch's Night at Gardener's Village. I'll be there all decked out and looking to meet YOU! Are you coming? Will I see you there? Hope so = D!!!


Kohl's Makeup Set

Thanks Melissa I fixed the numbers an the voting can continue =D. The light brown used to be #1 but now it is #3. Vote ON ladies!!!
 Here is the Kohl's Palette that I have been promising to label for you for over a year now. Sad, I know. Here is the review on the palette that I made if you haven't seen it. I think that since I de-potted them it was just such a daunting task to try and figure out where they all went. First to look online to see what one in fact I had purchased then looking back over old tutorials to piece together which colors went where. With the help of a friend (thanks Stef!), it took a good hour. Kids start acting up, I left for a second and came back to the shadows jumbled all over the floor. What happened after can only be explained in a 5 step process:

- Denial: No, that didn't just happen right? It impossible. That much WoRk!!! All that TIME!!!
- Bargaining: Okay, I'll leave the room and Father in Heaven can you put it all back how it was?   Please?
- Depression: Can I just crawl in a hole right now?
- Acceptance: (sigh) Okaaaay, but this is the LAST time!!! Believe it or not, I had to do it 2 more times!!!

I finally got them all back in order and took a picture as quickly as humanly possible and labeled them. I decided against naming them names that MAC has because not all of them were comparable. I have cute and individual names for them now =). My hubby may have helped with a few too...can you guess which ones? 


If you'll notice, I have a few shadows without names. They are numbered and I can't come up with any names so I need your help! What do you think their names should be? Leave a comment and I'll pick my favs =).


Kohl's 40 Shadow Pallette Review

Don't you love how almost through out the whole video half of my face is chopped off??? Yeah, I'm a professional =).