Showing posts with label Pink Lips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pink Lips. Show all posts


The Weather

Can you feel the change in the air? The change in season? The longing to wear warmer more snuggly clothes? IIIIIIIII do!!!! Isn't the seasons changing such a wonderful gift? It gives us variety, change, hope and excitement. For me, the Autumn season is by FAR my favorite but the shortest season here in Utah. But GLORIOUSLY beautiful none the less and I get to decorate for Halloween!!!!! Oh be still my little beating heart! These beautiful images were taken by the amazing Niki Martins. This woman has an eye and I'm so glad because, believe it or not, staged photos are NOT my forte and I always feel uncomfortable. Put my with friends and tell us to be goofy? GOT it! Messing around with the boys? Okay! Even being dorky on camera for you guys during tutorials, paaaaassable. But staged? My eye starts twitching LOL!!! All the same, I am so happy to be a voice that a few of you want to listen to. I hope that I make some of you smile, chortle even if you feel so inclined. I'm glad to be a voice for more curvy girls...especially the J-Lo part ;D. Take the weather of today and feel joy in the changing season. Hugs!!!
 Trying to "own" that butt of mine ;D
Until next time!!!
Sweater: H&M
Pants: NY&Co
Headband: Forever 21
Lips color: MAC Girl About Town
Shoes: Maurices


Ombré Lips

Found an ombré lip via Pinterest and looooved it. Expect to get an annoying amount of them from here on out LOL! Have you found pics you love? Should we all try them? Either send them to me via email, FB or tag me on Insatgram. Having so much fun with these! Muuuaaah!

Follow me on Instagram at classycozmetics for more pics and updates!


Ipsy For February

*disclaimer* another silly move on my part. The first "lip gloss" I open up is actually a cream shadow. Yeah. The laughs keeps coming ; ).
Love is/was in the air this past month thanks to the wonderful holiday that is Valentine's Day =). I was in Cali during that time though so I missed out on being with my hubby and two sweet boys but had SUCH a wonderful time with my brother and his family! My hubby made sure I had my Lindt Truffles delivered to me by my brother.....awwwwwww....and they were SO good!!! While I was gone my Ipsy bag came and I was eager to open it when I got home =). I have to put a small disclaimer on this video that I "let go" something I would typically edit out. I left it in because I am human and though you might think it was funny ; ).


Hot Summer Lips

I had posted that I had a few videos where my camera died and cut off the end. Thiiiiiis is one of those =). I am going to post it anyway seeing as the only thing missing is the lashes. Hope that you like it and sorry I didn't post it sooner so that said lips could have been worn in the actual Summer. There's always next year right??? ; D


Fantasy Fairy Makeup

This is just whimsical fun =). My fav is seeing my youngest Branson in the background. He kept saying (with a confused look),"Um. you look (pause) pretty Mommy?" Yes it was in the form of a question LOL. I have to admit that I didn't love how the brown line underneath turned out but practice makes perfect right? =) Come with me to a land of fairies. If you want to blend in, you may want to try this look out....okay I'm a geek but ENJOY!!!


Kim Kardashian Tutorial

This is our third Kim Kardashian look and I love this one just as much as the others. Enjoy!!! =) Keep those requests coming!

Color Explosion!!!

Spring 2011 gives us an infuse of color the likes of which we haven't seen in years. Most seen colors on the New York runways of fashion week? Bright blues,  bright chartreuse (is there any other kind?), bright pink, bright reds...Are you seeing a pattern??? 
Whites, tans and golds were also thrown into the mix whilst incorporating these bright colors. Look at these yummy images below to see how this trend plays out in clothing and makeup. 
Makes me think of Gidget movies from the late 50's early 60's...well maybe not the head piece...
(image from Vogue)
All shades of red are welcome, but look below for SHOCK value!
(image from Vogue)
(image from Vogue)
(Sean Cunningham for HB)
Shocking blue can be found on all types of accessories.
(Sean Cunningham for HB)
(Sean Cunningham for HB)
Hot pink is fantastic and also very daring. If you can't commit to the brightness in a large way try it out on your lips first. My fav?  Girl About Town from MAC.
Chartreuse may be a color I have to lightly tread into. My goal this next month? Find one way I can incorporate this bold color into my wardrobe. I think it DoEs look pretty fantastic with that tan!
 (Sean Cunningham for HB)
Without QUESTION I heart white! I am even changing my whole ROOM to have white bedding, large white flower arrangements around the room and I LOVE me a great white T with jeans!!!!! I absolutely love these flowing frocks of yumminess and want them like yesterday!
Oh the warmness and chicness of tan. You just can't go wrong. Well, maybe you can...

And last but not least GOLDS. 
 Who doesn't love to sparkle and shine? Find an excuse to sparkle sometime this month and if you don't have a reason MAKE one! Have a girls night out and have everyone step it up a notch. Sometimes I get tired of reserving my cute little dresses for Sunday and wear them out when everyone is in jeans. THAT'S OKAY! Rock a look and have fun with it. If you're looking for a fab eye color to go with your sparkle, brush on some MAC Motif (looks gold but has a pink pearl shine to it) and out you go!


Date In 5

Going along with our 5 min face for work, or just the day, here is a 5 min date look. Is it how all of us hope to look on a date? Maybe not, but hopefully we give ourselves at least ten minutes...right? ; ) As for me, I envision lashes long and flirty, perfect skin and lips that say "kiss me now"!!! But then again I'm married to my best friend who happens to have a KILLER jaw line and dimples that still make me swoon...he better kiss me now, LIPSTICK and ALL!!!! =)
Products Used:
Revlon Color Stay Foundation
MAC Studio Fix Powder in NW 20
Nicole Miller Bronzer
Coastal Scents Blush Pallette
MAC Studio Fix Lash
MAC lip color in Crosswires
Urban Decay shadow Naked
Dark brown brow liner from Cover Girl


Olive Green Eye

Sooooooo I have worn this eye for the last three days. I know, but it's not like I'm wearing the same oUtFiT right??? Anyway, it is super natural, light with just a touch of softness because of the smokey technique. The lip liner that I used from Forever21 is only &2.80!!!!! SO worth it and it lasts all day!!! I got this hat from Forever21 as well and it was only $4!!!!! I happen to love that store =). Pictures coming soon for this look.


Spring Has Sprung

There is something about Spring. The sun starts to peak out from behind cold dark clouds. The grass starts getting greener and life starts popping out just about everywhere. I love to find inspiration from nature and right now is the BEST time to find color. Look at flowers, butterflies, and sunsets. What inspires you color wise? Do a look and send in a picture of how you are welcoming in Spring!!! Melodi requested a springy look and I was inspired, this time, by the 2009 Dior Spring collection.


Starlet Series...Camilla Belle

Hi there lovelies. We are going to be heading into a series I'd like to call.....The Starlet Series. Basically if any of you see a picture that you want to have recreated then send it on in to my email address and I will do my best!!! I, myself, have seen some pictures that I want to do so I start it off new muse. Camilla Belle is, in my mind, one of the most stunning actresses out there. She has style, grace, a natural beauty and is just the perfect starlet to start out our series. This is my interpretation of her look and I hope you like it. Let's get the request flowing in!!!!