Showing posts with label Lace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lace. Show all posts


The Lace Trend

You can't deny it. There is something so incredibly feminine, classy and dare I say sexy about lace. It has been all over the runway and I LoVe the way it has been paired with contrasting textures. I found myself wanting to jump on board and had all of these images of Grace Kelly-"ish" outfits, gloves, pearls, DRESSES!!! A girlfriend of mine was wearing the most BeAuTiFuL lace long sleeve shirt underneath your average T-Shirt and I about fell over in my chair! Now other girls would tell you that to take advantage of such a darling look would set you back $50 (most of my friends have paid this). WELL LISTEN TO THIS!!!!!!! 

When in Utah I went to one of my FAV stores, Tres Chic Boutique.  I cannot tell you how giddy and excited I was to not only see SO many colors offered at but also the price was an AmAzInG $24.99!!!!! The mocha colored one is on sale now for $19.99!!! Girls, don't let this pass you up. Go to the site today and grab one for yourself. I got a black one that I wear underneath ANY T-shirt (that isn't navy blue) and it gives it SUCH a great look. It is also comfortable, long and breathable...duh, its lace =). I can't wait to add the cream and white. I think I may even get some of the short sleeve ones. The owner of the store even suggests putting a cream one underneath a long sun romantic is THAT??? Now I am more conservative and would probably opt for a tighter T underneath, but shown here, you can wear the lace above...ahem...other things =).