Showing posts with label August Kit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label August Kit. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wonderful Wednesdays--Offering for August

If you are new to my blog and want to know how this concept got started, you can find the original post by clicking HERE
Hello all.  Once again I managed to pull off getting an offering done this month.  Thankfully luck was on my side which means you get the benefit. 

If you are new to my blog in the past year, you can find other items for the August kit by clicking on the respective links below:

August 2013 
  • The word August offered up as a word art creation, paper pieced with five different summery images. Click HERE.
  • A couple digital papers (though two of them are really not that good).  Click HERE.
  • A pair of flip flops (embellishment), and a banner.  Click HERE.
So, for 2015, here are some word art creations for this month's offering for the August kit with the theme: Fun in the Sun...

These word art creations are in png format and published at 300 dpi. I've used resources from Pixel Scrapper To grab it, click the download button to be taken to a download location.  In the zip folder you will find a copy of the word art, their preview sheet, the full credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

Finally, you can find your bonus stamps for August below.  When going through the resources offered in 2013, I couldn't seem to find the round date stamp in a post even though I have it made so I've included that one as well.  You can just left click on these ones to bring them up in the lightbox and then right click to save them in their original size.  

Stay tuned for a new Wonderful Wednesday post coming next month!  

I might see you a bit later.  I'm going to try and get my last progressive challenge post finished.

Until then,

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wonderful Wednesdays: Enticing Embellishments & a Blissful Banner--Final Items for August Kit

Hello my lovely peeps.  Good thing I can communicate by typing as I still don't have a voice.  I'm afraid that this month's kit will be a bit sparse given my illness and inability to spend much time at the computer.  However, since I didn't do anything last week and this is the final Wednesday of the month, I had to at least offer a couple more items for the kit.  Today I have some Enticing Embellishments and a Blissful Banner.

First up I have these cute flip flops under the category of Enticing Embellies...

They are created using a template from Brooke Gazarek over at Pixel Scraper
Next up is this matching Blissful Banner...     
 This banner was created completely from scratch.  I created the basic shape in Inkscape and then finished it off in Photoshop Essentials 5.  

Both creations are in png format.  

Hope you like my final offerings for this month's kit and can find some use for them.  If you have missed the previous ones, or if you are new to the site, you can go HERE and HERE to grab the other items for this month's kit. To find items from previous kits look for Wonderful Wednesdays or look under the individual names of the month, i.e. January Kit in the label section.  If you create a project using one of these images or any of the images I create, I'd love to see them and post them into the 'Your Gallery' portion of the blog.

Next month brings with it a whole new theme so stay tuned.

Until next time,

Credit Notes For This Creation:
© 2013, Lisa L. Décosse.  PUO.  However, you are allowed to use embellishments and the banner on handmade projects that you intend to sell on a small scale basis provided credit is given.  Just be sure to familiarize yourself with my full terms of use found in the copyright tab at the top of this page.  I have included a quick summary below.  The flip flops were created using a template from Pixel Scrapper. 
If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page.  
Please be sure to read the Angel policy found under the copyright info tab above for the full terms.  Below is a q
uick summary of those Terms of Use:     

Along with the Credit Note above... 
  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' or 'Lisa L. Décosse' somewhere on your creation.
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.  If you would like to post a watermarked version of the image, please contact me to obtain one.
  • If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wonderful Wednesdays Part II: Paper Play for August

O.M.G.  I am running so late AGAIN.  I swear, I have the best of intentions each day armed with my to do list to get cracking as soon as I get on the computer.  However, it never fails that I get distracted by something else I've been wanting to do and then spend hours doing what I shouldn't be doing.  Today I went off on a font and pattern tangent because I'm so excited to be starting to create even more papers and as a result, it is now 7:00 p.m.  I still have this post to do AND somehow get four more papers completed and uploaded by midnight to the designer challenge I'm part of.  Oh yeah and I need to figure out my latest card ideas, get things printed for it, gather my materials and get downstairs, all within the next hour so that I can spend some time with the hubs before coming back and starting on the rest of my to do list.  No pressure!  ;O)

So, I suppose I should get on with it, shouldn't I?

In keeping with my post from earlier, I'm doing things a bit different for the paper portion as well.  Once again I've used photos in the public domain and merged them with other images that I have a CU license for to make them look neat.  Part of my tangent yesterday was learning a few tricks in Photoshop Essentials.  While I learned that I can't really do any masking per sé in my version, I did learn that I can create a fake layer mask to blend two pictures together.  Which is what I have done to achieve these looks.

Each paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels and in jpg format.  The pictures I used to create the papers are available over at Public Domain Images.  The photographer is Petr Kratochvil.  The pools In Pamukkale image is available HERE and the parasol image is available HERE.  I have used existing papers (with a commercial use license) from Marisa Lerner at Pixel Scrapper for merging with the images. 

I'm afraid that I only have three to offer you (one a variation of another) given the amount of time I spent on these yesterday, learning and then putting them together.  Of course, everything else I'm supposed to be doing is on the backburner but that seems to have become my life as of late.  I'm also not sure that anyone is even going to like them. Granted, it isn't a seamless transition and while they aren't really appropriate for card making unless you shrink it completely down in size, I figured that maybe those of you who do scrapbooking, might find some use for them.  I like them, but then that is just me.  You could layer up a border if the seam is too prominent.  Hmmmm... maybe that is an idea for later in the month.  We'll have to see.

As always, I'd love to see what you come up with if you use anything I create on any of your projects.   I'd love to know what you really think so I know whether I should continue to offer up this kind of idea from time to time.

Okay, it is now 7:45 and I've still got all those things left to do in the next 15 minutes.  Something tells me I'm not going to make it but I'll certainly keep pushing until the last possible second.  Never give up right?!

Stay tuned for another Wonderful Wednesday offering real soon as there is still more to come for this month's kit.

Until next time,

Credit Notes For This Creation:
© 2013, Lisa L. Décosse.  PUO.  However, you are allowed to use these papers on handmade projects that you intend to sell on a small scale basis provided credit is given.  Just be sure to familiarize yourself with my full terms of use found in the copyright tab at the top of this page.  I have included a quick summary below.  These papers have been created using images in the public domain and with images from Pixel Scrapper. 
If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page.  
Please be sure to read the Angel policy found under the copyright info tab above for the full terms.  Below is a q
uick summary of those Terms of Use:    

Along with the Credit Note above... 
  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' or 'Lisa L. Décosse' somewhere on your creation.
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.  If you would like to post a watermarked version of the image, please contact me to obtain one.
  • If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.

Wonderful Wednesdays: Lovely Lettering

If you are new to my blog and would like to know how Wonderful Wednesdays got started, please click HERE. 

Hello, my friends!  It is time to start presenting items for the August kit and since I missed last week, I need to pull double duty today. However, it is now 6:30 am and as much as I wanted to finish getting the papers ready before heading off to bed so that I could just put the one post out, that is not going to happen.  I should have been in bed hours ago but I just get so lost in my designs when I am creating (of course I'll be paying for it later today).   Thus I will publish the Lovely Lettering portion of today now, and create another post this afternoon for the Paper Play portion of Wonderful Wednesdays.  So, let's get started with the August kit shall we? The theme for this month's kit is:


While the temperature this last week and a half has been quite comfortable thankfully, today was so chilly that I'm sitting wrapped in a housecoat as I type this. However, I'm sure it is warm somewhere in the world and we are expecting another heat wave next week so there is still time to get some fun in the sun.

For this month's word (August), I'm doing something a little bit different.  I'm using a number of various photographs that are in the public domain and creating text masks.  Now, I spent a significant amount of time trying to figure this out in Photoshop Essentials only to find out that the version I have doesn't support creating mask layers.  However, Inkscape does.  So I took the same principles and applied them there.  Now the funny thing is that even if PE5 had a masking feature, there are still several steps to go through.  In Inkscape there are two.  Guess I know where I'll be doing all my masking from now on.  Here is what I came up with...

Neat eh?!  These images are all pngs and are quite large to accommodate scrapbooking pages; so, if you need to make them smaller, you can do so easily without distorting them.  The pictures I used to create the word art are all available over at Public Domain Images.

I'll be back in roughly 10 to 12 hours with the papers for this month's kit.  Still have a few finishing touches to put on them but I should be able to get them out by tomorrow evening--fingers crossed.

As always, I'd love to see what you come up with if you use anything I create on any of your projects. 

Until this afternoon,

p.s.  I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors, I only did one read through because I'm going to face plant into the keyboard soon.

Credit Notes For This Creation:
© 2013, Lisa L. Décosse.  PUO.  However, you are allowed to use the words on handmade projects that you intend to sell on a small scale basis provided credit is given.  Just be sure to familiarize yourself with my full terms of use found in the copyright tab at the top of this page.  I have included a quick summary below.  These words have been created using images in the public domain. 
If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page.  
Please be sure to read the Angel policy found under the copyright info tab above for the full terms.  Below is a q
uick summary of those Terms of Use:    

Along with the Credit Note above... 
  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' or 'Lisa L. Décosse' somewhere on your creation.
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.  If you would like to post a watermarked version of the image, please contact me to obtain one.
  • If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.