We are soooooo close to Christmas, I can almost hear the sound of reindeer hoofs on the rooftop and smell the wonderful fragrances of Christmas time. It may still be 15 days away but those days are going to fly by much too fast for my liking. So today I present you with a holiday handout. I don't know exactly how many there will be so come back often to find new goodies posted as we lead up to that magical day.
Today's goody should come out roughly 3.5 in. by 3.5 in. if brought up in Photoshop or in Microsoft Publisher. For some reason in Inkscape (the program I use to create my digital designs until I learn how to use Photoshop Essentials) it comes out as being almost 12 in. by 12 in. Actually, when I import it into the blog and choose original size it also shows up super huge. I honestly don't understand why the pixels of the image enlarge so much when I save it as 300 dpi. The original design stays small but the exported png breeds exponentially. However, that is what happens when you don't have a background in digital design and fly by the seat of your pants hoping that what you create will turn out all right somehow by the grace of God and a little luck thrown in. Sorry, bit of a run-on sentence going on there. Just out of curiosity, when you import the images that you download from this blog into the programs you use, are they super big too? If anyone knows of some great sites where they have easy to understand tutorials for Photoshop Elements, I'd love to know. Just drop me a comment or an email. I'd be ever so thankful.
So, now for your goody:
Hope someone out there can put it to use.
The Christmas countdown continues...
Until next time,