Showing posts with label blessings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blessings. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Congratulatory Considerations for January

Hello everyone.  I am so happy to have so many new bloggy friends in my life.  I've been trying to figure out a way to celebrate everyone's successes and so I've come up with the following idea.  On the last day of each month, I will create a post congratulating all my bloggy friends and acquaintances on their successes, anniversaries, milestones, achievements, etc.  Of course, these will be strictly the items that I have come across during the month in my travels to the challenge blogs I have personally entered or are a team member of, or on my visits to personal blogs.  There will be many things I'll miss so please don't take offense if you have achieved a success and you don't find your name listed here.  If you or someone you know has an achievement and you would like to have it included here, contact me by email before the end of the month or just include the information in the comment section of each 'Congratulatory Considerations' post. 

I am aware of the following reasons for sending out congratulations to members within our community.   So ladies, bask in the glow of the congratulatory candle.  You all deserve the successes you have achieved!  These are listed strictly in the order of when I came across them, not necessarily in any chronological order.


And a gift to you Vicky, for your blog...

I've made the badge 200 px wide to fit your sidebar if you want to post it.  Don't worry, I won't be offended if you don't like it or don't want it.  I wish you continued success in the future. Here's to your next 100 followers!

As far as I go...
Besides the top three and top five placements that I told you about earlier this week, along with my new DT gig over at Digi Darla's Challenge blog, my own personal triumphs this month include:
  • A win over at My Papercrafting World, {Suze and I are switching weeks for wins ;0)} and a win over at Wags 'n Whiskers.  I'll also be the GDT the next four weeks over at QKR Stampede starting tomorrow so I hope that you will join me in the challenges there too.  It's a really, really, really busy month.  Hopefully I'll keep everything straight and more importantly get it all done on time.   
So the candle burns for all these wonderful ladies along with those of you who have had accomplishments I'm unfamiliar with.  Don't forget, if you'd like to see an achievement celebrated here next month, contact me before the 28th of February or just include the details in the comment section of the next 'Congratulatory Considerations' post when it comes out.  

All of us have so many blessings to be thankful for, especially if we've achieved any sort of success this month.  So it is appropriate that this first Congratulatory Considerations post take place on a Thursday--the day I normally reserve for giving thanks in some way (see HERE for background info on the Thursdays are for Giving Thanks idea).  Thus, you are getting a two-for-one post today.  So, while it is awesome to receive the gifts and acknowledgements that we have this week, this month, or even this past year, don't forget that it is also important that we do something with them. How will you make your blessings count?

 I've also offered the quote in two separate parts in case you decide to use it on a card.  I've reduced the size below just for the sake of space within this post.  It is the same size as the quote in one piece.

Until next time,

Image Information:
The background image of the candle is a picture in the public domain.  The artist is Anna Langova and you can find this particular photo HERE at

Fonts Used:

Click the font names to take you to a download location.  While Yesteryear is considered free for commercial use, Vanessa is considered free but with no further details so be careful if you decide to sell a handmade item you've created using it.

Please be sure to read the Angel policy found under the copyright info tab above.  Below is a quick summary of those Terms of Use:  

  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' somewhere on your creation.  
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.
  • If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Holiday Handout 16: Merry Christmas!

To anyone who celebrates this most special day of the year, the wish is simple...

Until next time,

Please note that due to the nature of this design, you may not use it on products you intend to sell since one of the fonts and the image of the presents and the Merry Christmas part of the sentiment is for personal use only with no profit generation.  If you use this image please ensure that you also credit Romiposer 11 for her part of the design. 

Fonts Used: 
Click the font names to take you to a download location.  While Jenna Sue is free for commercial use, Janda Happy Day is free for personal use only.

If you haven't already, please become familiar with my terms of use found in the copyright tab at the top of this page.  I have included a quick summary below.   If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page.  
   Quick summary of Terms of Use:   

  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' & 'Romiposer 11' somewhere on your creation for this specific design.
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Pinterest®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.
  • If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Follower Freebies 11 - 19: Offering Up Some Thanks

In honour of the American Thanksgiving tomorrow, and because I wasn't on Blogger yet when we celebrated our Canadian Thanksgiving, I offer up some 'thanks' for my readers.  These will also qualify as freebie followers.

Follower Freebie #11:    In honour of 'Michele from MS' who became a follower on Oct. 30th. 
FontJanda Happy Day-PUO

Follower Freebie #12:    In honour of 'Suze' who became a follower on Oct. 30th.

FontImpact-FW* & Leafyshade-CU

Follower Freebie #13:    In honour of 'SiskiyouSue' who became a follower on Oct. 31st. 

Font:  Autumn Gifts-CU

Follower Freebie #14:    In honour of 'Sharon Kotchkowski' who became a follower on Oct. 31st.

Font:  Rebecca-CU

Follower Freebie #15:    In honour of 'sunshine_ honeybee20' who became a follower on Oct. 31st.
Follower Freebie #16:    In honour of 'Suzanne' who became a follower on Oct. 31st.

Fonts: Fleur Corner Caps-PUO & Bodini MT-FW*

Follower Freebie #17:    In honour of 'Mary Van Skiver' who became a follower on Oct. 31st.

Fonts: Impact Label Reversed-CU & Impact Label-CU

Follower Freebie #18:    In honour of 'Sandy Lewis' who became a follower on Oct. 31st.


Follower Freebie #19:    In honour of 'crystaldolphins' who became a follower on Oct. 31st.

FontDon't Panic-CU

If you click on the font name in the caption, it will take you to the download location.  I have indicated beside the font name whether they are for personal use only (PU) or for commercial use (CU).  I have also included my usual caveats below.

Don't forget to stop by tomorrow for another treat.

Until next time,
*This font is condsidered freeware on the site.  However, they do not expand on what the term really means.  Use caution when using this font.

If you haven't already, please become familiar with my terms of use found in the copyright tab at the top of this page.  I have included a quick summary below.   If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page.  
Quick summary of Terms of Use:
  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' somewhere on your creation
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Pinterest®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.
  • If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.