Showing posts with label Marisa Lerin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marisa Lerin. Show all posts

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Happy Easter!!! (& update on 12DoC papers)

Okay, so I'm starting to sound like a broken record. In the aftermath of dealing with some health and personal issues, I just haven't had the time to get the papers sent out to those who joined in for The 12 Days of Christmas. I will go through the rest of the comments and get the list compiled as soon as I am capable of doing so and I appreciate your continued patience.

Now for the other reason for today's post. To those of you who celebrate...
H A P P Y     E A S T E R!

For some of us in this world, we're in the exact same position as last year at this time; unfortunately, in a situation where we are forced to celebrate Easter a little bit differently than most of us normally would. Here in my home town, we've been in lockdown over two weeks again and with the numbers continuing to go up with all these variants, it is hard to say when it will end. If you yourself are in a location where meeting with those outside your home is also prohibited, I can certainly sympathize. Thankfully, with all the technology available these days, reaching out to our loved ones is easier than ever. I hope that you have the opportunity to connect virtually or by phone with those you love during this special long weekend.

Just like last year, since the Easter Bunny is considered an essential service, he will again receive special dispensation allowing him to cross borders and travel into each of the Canadian provinces--as long as he is supplied with the special equipment he needs to do his job safely. I hope that the Easter Bunny has received permission to travel to your part of the world as well.

Hopefully EB will have the opportunity to bring most of you some sweet treats or fragrant ones. My gift to you is this digital paper in honour of today…

This digital paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include: Claudette Gallant (via Pixabay) and Marisa Lerin (via Pixel Scrapper). To grab it, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the paper, its preview sheet, the credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'll be spending the rest of the day with my own amazing hubby who continues to have to go out every day and work since his job is considered essential as well!

Until next time,

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Happy Independence Day!!!

It is still the Fourth of July for some hours yet and that means that all my wonderful American friends, followers and readers are celebrating Independence Day today. As promised on Wednesday, here is another freebie--this time in honour of the U.S.A. 

I decided to stick with the same type of theme as the Canada Day papers, as today's papers also features cupcakes only this time in red, white and blue. While one of the papers is specific to the States only, I decided to also create a copy without the text so that others could use it as well. Check them out...

This digital paper is one that will become part of the Spirit of America kit that I am working on. I've used resources from Natali Arkush Art (via Design Bundles) and Marisa Lerin (via Pixel Scrapper). The font used for the 'Happy Fourth of July' text is courtesy of Alejandro Inler (via Font Squirrel). Full credits in the file. To grab them, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the papers, their preview sheet, the full credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

Well folks, that is it for this one. I hope that you all continue to stay safe and healthy where ever you may live.

Until next time,

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Happy Canada Day!

Hey gang! I hope that you are all staying healthy in your homes around the world.

I know that today will soon be over but I didn't want to let this day go by without saying…

H A P P Y   C A N A D A   D A Y!

To all my fellow Canadians out there!!!

I managed to create a freebie in honour of the birthday of this amazing country that I am blessed to call home. While one of the papers is specific to Canada only, I decided to also create a copy without the text so that others could use it as well. Check them out…

These digital papers will become part of the Oh Canada kit that I am working on. They are 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. I've used resources from Natali Arkush Art (via Design Bundles) and Marisa Lerin (via Pixel Scrapper). The font used for the 'Happy Canada Day' text is courtesy of Alejandro Inler (via Font Squirrel). Full credits in the file. To grab them, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the papers, their preview sheet, the full credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

Oh and don't worry, I wouldn't forget the celebration coming up on Saturday in honour of my neighbours to the south (oh and north in Alaska and also west in Hawaii); so, be sure to come back then for an Independence Day freebie.

Wherever you may happen to reside, enjoy the remainder of your day everyone!

Until next time,

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to not only a brand new year but a brand new decade as well. With the new year upon us, it is filled with so many possibilities. I hope that 2020 is filled with health, happiness and prosperity for all!

Let's start off the new year with a freebie, shall we?!!
While I don't normally create a paper that can just be used for one particular month, I recently acquired a set that had some adorable mice along with the year written in cheese so I just couldn't resist.
This digital paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include: Natalia Arkusha (via Creative Fabrica), Tanya Kart (via The Hungry JPEG) and Marisa Lerin (via Pixel Scrapper). To grab it, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the paper, its preview sheet, the credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

I'll be back later this evening with Day 8 of The 12 Days of Christmas. So, I'll see you all again soon!

All the best to you and yours in 2020!

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The 12 Days of Christmas Quest: Day Four

It is the fourth day of Christmas and it is time to continue the quest. If you missed day one click HERE to start from the beginning and read all the details. Then for day two, click HERE and for day three click HERE.

As a quick refresher, each day during the 12 Days of Christmas (Dec. 25th to Jan. 5th), you're going to be given a task to follow. Each day over the next 12 days, I'll be asking you questions to find out a little bit more about you as a designer. You will be able to leave your daily answer in a comment on the post for each respective day. If you follow the instructions for each day, you'll earn a free digital paper.

Since this is a busy time of year for most people, you will have plenty of time to complete the quest. It is completely up to you as to when you submit your answers (daily, all at once at the end, or otherwise). AS LONG AS ALL your TASKS are submitted, no later than January 12th, 2020, then you will qualify to receive the paper(s) for whichever day(s) you participate.

Here is the paper up for grabs today...

This paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include: Pixaroma (via Deal Jumbo), olarts (via Pixabay) and Marisa Lerin (Pixel Scrapper). In the zip folder that will be emailed should you successfully complete the quest, you will find a copy of the paper, its preview sheet, the credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

Play along each of the 12 days and you'll earn yourself the full set! So, how about we get started with today's clue!!!

On the fourth day of Christmas,
it is time to earn paper number four.
Continue to follow the quest each day,
and you'll get to earn several more!!!

What are your TOP FIVE FAVOURITE CHALLENGE BLOGS that you link up your projects to? Please rank in order from most favourite being number 1 AND tell me what it is about the one that you rank as #1 that makes it your favourite of the bunch?

For myself, these days I don't really have time to join up to many challenges and given that my current cards are digital, that makes it hard sometimes to find challenges that don't ask for handmade creations. So, the following challenge blogs have been my 'go to' list lately because they all accept digital and I don't have to worry about any sort of theme:
  1. Through the Craft Room Door -- Okay, maybe I'm biased because I was featured in one their magazines a few years ago (goodness, has it been that long?!) or maybe it is because I was a regular sponsor for a few years and got to know Cara well. There is also the fact that they have a line up of really great sponsors AND their designers never fail to inspire!
  2. Word Art Wednesday
  3. Crafty Creations Challenges
  4. Your Scrapbook Place
  5. Crafting With an Attitude 

When you come up with a response for today's task, simply leave your TOP FIVE FAVOURITE CHALLENGE BLOGS LIST ALONG WITH YOUR REASON FOR WHY YOU CHOSE YOUR #1 in a comment on THIS POST. Now for many of you, especially those who have played in previous years, the odds are that I should have your e-mail address in order to send out the free paper you earn. If you are new to the quest or are not sure whether I might have your email address, please be sure to also leave your email address in your comment. If you would prefer to keep your address private, then check out the bottom paragraph from Day 1 for how to send it to me.

Hope this last Saturday of the year finds you in a glorious mood! See you all tomorrow for day number five!!!


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The 12 Days of Christmas Quest for 2019 Begins Today!

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! Happy Chanukkah to all my Jewish friends! Feliz Navidad, Kwanzaa Blessings and Happy Holidays to everyone else!

Today marks the official start of the 12 Days of Christmas for 2019 and it is time for the 12 Days of Christmas Quest to begin!

This year, your tasks are going to be a little bit different. Each day over the next 12 days, I'll be asking you questions to find out a little bit more about you as a designer. You will be able to leave your daily answer in a comment on the post for each respective day. If you follow the instructions for each day, you'll earn a free digital paper.

I know that this is a crazy busy time of year and hopefully the majority of you are off-line and spending quality time with your family and friends; so, be rest assured, that you will have plenty of time to complete each task. AS LONG AS all your TASKS are submitted, no later than January 12th, 2020, then you will qualify to receive the paper(s) for whichever day(s) you participate.

Here is the paper up for grabs today...

This paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels, in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include: Creative Fabrica Crafts (via Creative Fabrica) and Marisa Lerin (Pixel Scrapper). In the zip folder that will be emailed should you successfully complete the quest, you will find a copy of the paper, its preview sheet, the credit information and my terms of use which are standard to all my folders.

Play along each of the 12 days and you'll earn yourself the full set! So, how about we get started with today's task?!!

On the first day of Christmas,
it is time to earn paper number one,
So, I hope that you will all join in
and have yourself a little bit of fun!!!
If you could put any ONE CRAFT MAKING TOOL on your Christmas Wish List, what would it be and why? For ex., die cuts, cutting machines, special paper cutter, embosser, punch borders, washi tape dispenser, border punches, fuse tool, special ruler, special mat, etc.

I too have a tool that I'd love to get; however, I have no idea what the name of it is. I want an electric cutter that I can hook up to my computer in order to cut out files that I've purchased. Something that I could use to create decals for glassware and clothing. I'd really love to be able to create my own wrapping paper and fabric as well but have no idea how to go about doing it. Unfortunately, it will more than likely remain on my wish list forever because I could never afford it. That is also why I don't know what the name of the machine is. I don't want to do any research to find it because then I'd just cry everyday knowing just how out of reach it really is BUT there will be no crying at Christmas, so instead it will stay in my dreams.

When you come up with a response for today's task, simply leave your CRAFT MAKING TOOL Christmas Wish List in a comment on THIS POST. Now for many of you, especially those who have played in previous years, the odds are that I should have your e-mail address in order to send out the free paper you earn. If you are new to the quest or are not sure whether I might have your email address, please be sure to also leave your email address in your comment.  Now if you are afraid of being spammed, you can write your address by adding {at} and {dot} in their respective spots (see sample below) so that robot spammers won't grab it from the comments when they are published. If you would prefer that no one else see your email address, then you can send it to me in an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (be sure to replace 'at' and 'dot' with the appropriate symbols) or by clicking HERE to bring up my address in your email program, with the subject heading, "12 DoC 2019: Email Addy for DP Mail Out".

This is a busy time of year for me too and I also want to spend some time with my hubby as well; so, I ask that you please be patient with me. I generally wait until the entire quest is over so that way if someone has participated in all 12 Days, I can just save time and send out the full set at once. So I'll make a list (and check it twice 😉) throughout the 12 Days of Christmas Quest keeping track of who has participated and then work on sending out papers once the event has wrapped up. If someone has participated each day over the next 12 days and has managed to get all their answers in by Jan. 5th, then I'll start mailing as of then. If not, I'll be waiting until the 12th when the deadline is over.

Merry Christmas, my wonderful friends, followers and readers! See you all tomorrow for day number two!!!


Friday, August 16, 2013

Time to Challenge Myself...Design-Wise Week Two

Hello everyone.  If you missed my post from last week describing my foray into kit design, you can check it out HERE.  I am really pleased with the feedback I received.  There is even one person interested in purchasing the kit when it is done!  Woo hoo!  Not sure how I'll accomplish that yet, but it is nice to know that you guys are confident enough in my work to want to purchase it.  That really means more than you will ever know!

Well, it is my second week into designing this kit and as always, I want you guys to know what I've been up to.  The second week, like the first, was all about papers: 
  • words
  • stripes 
  • geometric
  • floral/damask/ornamental
  • multiple patterns
  • grunge/distressed
  • floral/damask/ornamental
As a reminder, here is the colour palette I am working with available over at Design Seeds:

Finally, here is the sneak peek of all the papers I've created this past week for the Naturally Cool kit:

Now since it is difficult to get a true idea of what the second last paper in the set, the words paper looks like, here is a better preview of that one:

One of the comments I received over in the forum was that someone felt I was thinking outside the box when it came to designing my papers.  That is a seriously huge complement since this is the first time I've put a structured set together.  So now I want to know what you guys think of the latest designs?  Do you think I have a future in design?  As always, I'd love to know what you think.

Over the course of the next week I'll be working on the third set of prompts which are all about creating elements.  I'm a bit freaked out because I've never really created much in the way of elements.  I was also telling a good friend that I really should have planned out my ideas as what sort of theme the kit was going to take on because I have no idea what elements to include.  Since the kit is called "Naturally Cool", I went with the concept of nature's beauty with the word paper and will continue this theme but it still doesn't tell me the direction to take in my elements.  I also have to create an alphabet and my version of Photoshop Elements doesn't allow for layer styles or for batching so I may have to create each letter one at a time.  If that is the case I'm obviously not going to be finished in a week.  More like six months from now!

Big hugs to you all and thanks for your continued support and feedback.

Until next time,
I used a frame template from Marisa Lerin in my words paper, I also used a geometric template for my geometric paper,  a grunge template in the damask,  a distressed overlay in my leaves paper, a different one for my grunge paper.  I used a cardboard template from Brooke Gazarek for my stripes and geometric paper, and a canvas one for my word paper. Both these artists and their templates are from
Pixel ScrapperI've used a really pretty pattern from Trine over at Nothing But Freebies for my damask paper and a beleveled template for my mixed elements paper.  Finally I have used elements from Karen's Scrap and Graphics.  I used a silver leaf in my leaves paper and a bird in my mixed patterns paper.  Please pay these wonderful ladies a visit.  I couldn't have created anything without their amazing talent and generosity.