Ahoy mateys, will ye drop anchor and stay with me fer a bit? 'Tis that time o' year where ye flap yer jaws like a buccaneer! Arrr, indeed, today be Talk Like a Pirate Day. Thar be parrrrties, fund-raisers, pub crawls, and other special events takin' place all over th' world today.
Fer thems o' ye who be unawares o' this unique occasion, it starrrrted out as a fun concept in 1995, encourrrragin' people t' talk like a pirate. It be created by John Baur (Ol' Chumbucket) and Mark Summers (Cap'n Slappy), hailin' from th' state o' Oregon in th' U.S. Accorrrrdin' t' Summers, th' day be invented as th' result o' a sports injury. While th' two mateys be playin' racquetball, one o' thems reacted t' th' pain with an outburst o' "Aaarrr!", and th' idea be born. Thems two scallywags sent a letter about thar invented holiday t' th' American syndicated humor columnist Dave Barry in 2002. This chap be likin' th' idea so much he promoted it. Th' media grabbed hold o' th' holiday after Barry's column and it now be an international event followed by many each year on September 19th.
T' help celebrate this glorious day wit' a bit 'o swag, I be givin' ye fer free some treasure. This time 'round I thought some actual pirate words be fun…
T' be grabbin' 'tis treasure, click on th' button above t' be taken t' a download location. In th' zip folder ye will find a copy of th' treasure, its preview sheet, th' credit information and me terms o' use which are standard t' all me folders. This treasure be in png format and published at 300 dpi.
Now o' course I can't be sendn' ye along yer way wit'out a pirate joke or two:
Q: Why don’t pirates shower before they walk the plank?
A: Because they’ll just wash up on shore later.
Q: How much did the pirate pay for his piercings?
A: A buck-an-ear.
Oh, and if ye be interested in findin' out more fun facts about 'tis fun day, be sure t' check out th' official Talk Like a Pirate website available
Until I be sailin' these fair seas again,
Note about me pirate name...
Passion be a big part of me life, which makes sense fer a pirate. Even though I not always be th' traditional swaggerin' gallant, me steadiness and plannin' make me a fine, reliable pirate. Arrr!
If ye be wantn' yer own pirate name, be cerrrrtain t' click
Baur, John and Mark Summers. (2002-2014). FAQ. Available: http://www.talklikeapirate.com/faq.html. Last accessed 18th September 2014.
Author Unknown. (N.D.). International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Talk_Like_a_Pirate_Day. Last accessed 18th September 2014