Witajcie Kochani!
Zapraszamy na pierwszy post grupowy w nowym składzie.
Tym razem zadaniem dziewczyn było stworzenie walentynkowej pracy z wykorzystaniem folderu do embossingu w serduszka firmy Creative Expressions.
Zobaczcie jak im poszło :)
Hello everyone!
Today is the first group post which collects projects of our brand new Design Team. Our designers' task was to make projects including a lovely heart-shaped embossing folder by Creative Expressions.
Let's take a look at the results :)
Hello everyone!
Today is the first group post which collects projects of our brand new Design Team. Our designers' task was to make projects including a lovely heart-shaped embossing folder by Creative Expressions.
Let's take a look at the results :)
Produkty/ Products:
Jak Wam się podobają przygotowane przez dziewczyny inspiracje?
Zachęcamy do komentowania :)
How do you like these inspirations? Share your opinion in the comments below :)