Showing posts with label bacon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bacon. Show all posts

Sunday, July 05, 2009

The Scene At the Graveyard, Just Three Of Us Were There

If you don't recognize sex screams, U R doin' it wrong. At least the headline didn't say they "beat the man off."

And now, sad news.

We hardly knew ye.

(Pic via Hardwick, whom you should follow on Twitter and watch on G4)

Of course, an unsuccessful run for president can be stressful, and Bacon's already clogged arteries just couldn't handle the pressure.

We'll always remember you, Bacon. Why not bacon up this website just one last time.

Your Maple Smoked leader.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Cars & Girls & Drinks & Song (& Bacon)

I shall now commence to freak out Mark by posting yet again this week.

I am a big supporter of mass transit, but it's not always the best choice for transportation.

Seven year-old girls should not have to take a bullet for their mothers. This girl could be a great leader someday. Does anyone doubt that prison is too good for the fuckwad that shot her?

Drinking Liberally gives back next week. Bring an unwrapped toy for a tot to the 331 Club in Nor'east on Thursday night. We'll be giving them all to the Marines in time for X-mas. Then stay for a drink or 3. Spotty will be there with his doggy video camera.

As you shop for X-mas gifts, you may be wondering, "Where does that really bad X-mas music come from?" Here's your answer.

And finally, a possible running mate for Bacon.

Either that, or a horribly embarrassing photo that could end Bacon's political career.

Your Take the A-Train leader.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Vote For Deliciousness

I'll take medical events for $600, Alex. What is Myocardial Infarction?

Hopefully this won't affect Bacon's chances at getting elected. My guess is Alex eats more Canadian Bacon, which, of course, is ineligible for the Presidency.

Obviously, Kool-Aid Report knows of my propensity to endorse strange things, and is counting on my 5 readers to vote next November. Now, I know it's early, but I am finally excited about a candidate. This may be premature, but I'm ready to endorse for President, unless a terrible running mate is chosen, of course.

Your Sizzling leader.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Snow Lay On The Ground (Vikings 7-6)

Can someone send a note to Cities 97 that sunset was 4 hours ago. Then they can end their "Accoustic Sunset," and get back to playing regular versions of generic adult comtemporary rock.

I've calculated that I am paid about $2400 a year to use the bathroom at work, which is absolutely awesome. This bathroom related tidbit is brought about from reading Jeremy at Afterglide. He writes about poop a lot, and it got me thinking. You should also take his test to see if you could become a serial killer. Check the comments, because he obviously is a dangerous fellow, with his wanton disregard for the noble and majestic tapir.

Time for links to stuff.

This guy must love bacon even more than I do. (via KAR)

What are we calling "Mohammed?" (via PZ) Personally, I would like a stuffed emu. I'd name it Emo the emu. I would imagine it would have a voice like Emo Philips, and would make strange observations about life as a flightless bird.

Also from PZ, the War on X-mas(TM) continues here.

Of yeah. The Vikes bi-atched San Fransisco, and are in sole possession of the last wild-card playoff berth, if the playoffs started today. That's 4 straight wins, in case you weren't counting.

Cities 97 just played "Dixie The Tiny Dog," so they can be forgiven for now.

Your Out At The Station leader.