Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marriage. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No More Building Up; It Is Time To Dissolve

The California Supreme Court upheld "Proposition 8," a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman. While I whole-heartedly support gay marriage, the decision was legally correct. Opponents were in the undesirable position of arguing that the Constitution was itself unconstitutional. I'd imagine that the 18,000 or so marriages that were not annulled ex post facto, along with the increasing gay mariages in more progressive states like (wait, seriously?) Iowa, will show reasonable people that there's nothing to fear from gay marriage. Unreasonable folks, of course, will never be persuaded, because they're nuts.

Another city that didn't make the Top 10 Places To Live is Cleveland. The city has released a video to prove they deserve to be on the list. (NSFW)

There's a second video attempt as well

In a shocking twist, Joe Soucheray doesn't like Twitter. Bet you didn't see that one coming.

If you're bringing your 12 year-old son drinking with you so he can drive you home, you might want to take a look at your drinking.


Your Girebra leader.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

California Dreamin'

The first gay marriages were performed in California. Here's a first-person account from Marty Beckerman. (Note: Since this is a Beckerman column, it is both hilarious and incredibly offensive to pretty much everybody. Read at your own risk)

Strangely, The Affiliate and I are still married, despite this recent change in law. Probably because gay marriage isn't legal in Minnesota yet.

Speaking of which, I'll have some pictures up soon. I just got a new LCD HD TV, and GTA IV is sneering at me from the shelf, just waiting to be played in 1080i, so my time is at a premium.

Your I Do leader.

Friday, June 06, 2008

You Always Say Your Name, Like I Wouldn't Know It's You

It was December, 2002. I was going to my cousin's wedding because my Brother and Dr. SIL couldn't make it. It was a Saturday night, and I had a "poker game" to play, but I gave in to my Mom's insistence that I go. As I was walking to my seat, I saw a familiar face, one I hadn't seen in 3 years. Why would she be at my cousin's wedding? I thought.

Before dinner, I went to sign in book to check names. "Looking for me?" I heard a familiar voice ask. It was the girl I had used to date "Actually, yes." It turns out my cousin was marrying her best friends younger brother.

We talked and danced a little that night. I still had the same phone number. She called soon after. A few weeks later we would meet at a Tim Malloys show. We had our "first date" on Valentine's Day 2003.

Fast forward to August, 2006. I had just been notified that I had gotten a job with the Minneapolis Police Department. I went out that week and got a ring. I held that ring for 2 weeks. I finally asked her if she was coming home after work that Thursday. "I'm going to make hot dogs on the grill." Sure, she said, I'll be home.

I wasn't going to make hot dogs. I was going to leave a series of notes leading her to meet me at Olive Garden, the only place we could afford to eat out at the time. I would propse thre, and she'd be happy, etc., etc.

On Tuesday, she said, "Hado is home from North (or South) Carolina. Can she come over and eat with us on Thursday?" Hado is the person who first introduced us, and one of The Affiliate's best friends going way back. "Sure, no problem," I said through gritted teeth. All of my plans, ruined! Now I know how supervillians feel when Batman comes along, or how God feels when he looks at his followers.

Wednesday night, I went in the bedroom and opened the top drawer, where the ring had been kept those 2 weeks. "What are you getting out of the drawer?" she asked from the other room. "Nothing," I replied. "Is it a sex toy," she inquired coyly. "Kind of, was my retort. She came in the room.

"Danielle, will you marry me?" "Oh my god! Yes! Oh my god."

(In the other, "clean" version of the story, when she asks what it is, I say it's an engagement ring, and she says yeah right. That's the better story, but I went for truth here.)

Tomorrow, she'll marry me. She had always wanted 06/07/08, and I was able to give her that, at least.

Thank you Danielle, for marrying me . I love you.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Somebody Save Me

I've woken up in what can only be described as "moderate-to-strong pain" the last two days, which means I haven't gotten to the club to work out, which means I am feeling lazy this week. Apparently I'm not sleeping very soundly, and I have no idea why.

Pain won't stop me from getting out to DL tonight. Rumor has it that PZ Myers, the guy who introduced me to lefty blogs, may be dragging his tentacled self out to the 331 Club tonight. I can't resist the siren's call....

Have you ever planned a wedding? Here's an exchange between The Affiliate and I from today:

A: Ok, do you want to walk your mom down the aisle before my brother walks my mom down, or do you want Brian to walk your mom down the aisle before my brother walks my mom and you will just walk around the side and get on the alter without walking down the aisle?

Big decisions!

Me:I'll walk my mom down. Although, I'm pretty sure she can walk by herself, being a grown woman and all. She's a tough cookie, you know. ;) Do I get to walk to the same song as everyone else? Or does that start after I'm already at the altar, checking my watch?

My wedding party march is "Scotland the Brave" from a great bagpipe music CD I have, by the way. It also happened to be my high school fight song, which is awesome.

This won't be served at the wedding: "Texan Faces charges Over Snake Vodka." Apparently he put baby rattlers in vodka and sold it without a liquor license. The man is also the "state's largest exporter of live turtles to Asia." That is something I would like to someday be. Although I'm not sure if he exports the most turtles to Asia, or if he simply has more volume than other exporters. Also, the fact that there are multiple live turtle exporters in Texas interests me.

We'll see how pissed The Affiliate is about this post. At least I didn't correct her spelling of "altar" publicly.


Your Soon To Not Be Engaged leader.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just 5 Feet Tall And Sick Of Me

Woman sits on toilet for 2 years. This story is for Jeremy. As a humerous side note, the Sheriff in this case's name is Whipple.

In Minnesota, the winters are long and cold, and unlike some other cold places, there's not a lot to do. That's how this kid got the practice to become the best Guitar Hero player in the world.

Congratulations to Jenna Bush. I understand why she chose to get married in Texas. The Affiliate and I also decided we'd rather stay close to home rather than have an extravagant White House wedding.

Woman smuggles skeleton onto an airplane. She was fulfilling her brother's wish to be buried in Italy. Me, I'd like to be stuffed and put on the couch to keep away potential suitors from my widow and possibly my daughter, if I have one.

Especially if she is dating a guy like this.

Jumping off your roof into the pool is kind of cool. But, see, there's no pool there. So it's not cool at all. It's just stupid. Really, really stupid.

Not as stupid as not watching Midnight Spank on G4, however.

Don't let it open the bag.

Your Evil Butterfly leader.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

When Will We Be Married In The Same Bed

("When Will We Be Married" - The Waterboys)

Tommy "T.D." Mischke writes about marriage. Tradition be damned, this is a great post.
I went into my marriage knowing full well how badly I screwed up some important things in my life. Why assume I could master this? I only agreed to give it one hell of a shot.

Could it be put better than that? (Note to The Affiliate: Don't read that post ;))

Barreiro going to KSTP? I think it's funny that Ron Rosenbaum, who was fired from KSTP, is representing Barreiro on a possible move to KSTP. I'd put him on from 5-8, after Soucheray. He's better than Matt Thomas by a long shot. You could eliminate the need for the last half-hour of sports talk on GL, and while I wouldn't want an asset like Barreiro going to waste by preempting him for Twins games in the summer, KFAN had no problem doing it with the Timberwolves games, so it's doable.

I've tried to comment over at Shot in the Dark, but Wordpress won't let me sign in, no matter how often I register and get a password. In any case, I'll link this story as my response to Mitch's post. Not to mention that the guy in Mitch's story was carrying a gun and still couldn't prevent his car from being stolen. (via Norwegianity)

On a lighter note, here's an animal e-mail I got:

8 am-Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am-A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am-A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30am-Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
Noon-Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:30-Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3pm-Chased a squirrel! My favorite thing!
5pm-Milk bones! My favorite thing!
7pm-Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8pm-Watched TV with my people! My favorite thing!
11pm-Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

Day 983 of my captivity. My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear in their hearts, since it clearly demonstrated what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards! Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet while he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow--but at the top of the stairs. I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released-and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him
in an elevated cell, so he is safe....for now.

How true.

Your Wedding Bells leader.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

You Miss a Beat, You Lose the Rythm

OK. I'm finally recovered from the Vikings-Patriots game. The Affiliate managed to conceal her glee that Tom Brady is her Fantasy football QB. She's still in last place. Serves her right.

Also, the Affiliate is on a 3-day hiatus from work, before starting her new job next week. She'll now be waking up at the same time as I. Oh, joy!

This should have been her Halloween costume. Scream in terror. It's Darth Amortize!!!!!!!

Striking fear into the hearts of children. Especially those dark and evil Buddhists. Just because their fairytale is different than yours doesn't mean you can't play nice. Quote: "I welcome the pressures because then we can put God's agenda on the forefront and actually have a dialogue about it," Comer said. Yes, condemning anyone who doesn't believe as you do is a great dialogue. I hereby state that anyone who believes that there is a God will end up in Candy-Unicorn-Puppydog land, no matter how many millions they steal, people they kill, or puppies they kick. (The puppy kickers are strongly urged not to enter the puppydog section of Candy-Unicorn-Puppydog Land) Non-believers will still be sent to nothing, which will continue to not bother them in the least.

But even scarier to kids, some men love other men! Look, if kids are smart enough to figure out step-siblings and 4 sets of grandparents, they can figure out Aunt Claire and Aunt Melanie living together. It's really not a big deal.

Tomorrow, the DiscordianStooge endorsements.

Your Darth Hello kitty leader.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Tick-Tock of the Clock is Painful

Kevin-M has broken into my mind and stolen my wedding plans. He wrote it better than I ever could, anyway.

How 'bout those Minnesota football Gophers. They pulled off thrilling 10-9 victory against the Bison of ... wait for it ... North Dakota State University. Were you to do a little research, you might notice that the Thundering Herd is a Division I-AA team. Which is a lot like the varsity team barely beating the JV squad. At this point, I'm assuming that Glen Mason has pictures of Joel Maturi in bed with a dead woman and a live boy, as well as several breeds of livestock and birds. How else Mason keeps his job eludes me.

Like LappDogg said, if the Gophers' line is less than 40 points next week, take your life savings, fly to Las Vegas and bet everything on #1 The Ohio State University. The Buckeyes will cover easily.

Your Underdog leader.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

All Whacked on the Scooby Snacks

Anti-depressants: Side effects may include dry mouth, dizziness and jewelry store robbery.

I was interviewed by this guy for my job. I don't think I'm in trouble, since I mentioned I was engaged.

I wonder what he'd think of this: (Click on the Image to see it better)

(via Pharyngula)

Your Not Gay, nor Depressed leader.