Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fuck Your Blog ... Wait, What?

Marty does it again.

This could be a great book. I just hope Marty isn't planning to run for Senate in 30 years, because man will there be a lot of fodder for his opponent to choose from.

Your Not Self-Important leader.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Living Dead Girl


That low score is due to my kindly nature towards other non-undead individuals. Of course, would anyone truly want to survive a zombie apocalypse? Of course not. That's why I always have one extra bullet. (via Mark)

I forgot to do 2 quick book reviews. The first is "I Am America (And So Can You!)" by Stephen Colbert. I read about 20 pages of this, got the joke, and returned it to the bookstore. I like Colbert, and I like his show. I don't watch it often, which is probably why I like it so much. The book, on the other hand, was as unreadable as the Ann Coulter/Glenn Beck/Michael Savage screeds he's lampooning. Which could be viewed as a success, I guess, but doesn't make for a good read. The two best jokes I found were on the front cover ("From the author of "I Am America (And So Can You!)") and the back cover (A warning that there are pirated versions of the book coming out of China, written in poorly translated English). I was really disappointed.

The other book is The Onion's "Our Dumb Planet," an atlas which boasts "30% more Asia" on the cover. The fact that Minnesota is not placed in the Midwest, but is found along with Hawai'i and Alaska as one of the "Bullshit States" is a great bit, but is quickly surpassed by the subtitle for Nicaragua's entry; "Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start." Nerd Heaven. I've only gotten to South America, (except for a quick look at an editor's angry entry regarding San Marino), and I can't wait to start reading it again. Not disappointed in the least.

Your I Am Legend leader.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

There Was A Place, And The Name Of The Place Escapes Me

("Someday I Suppose" - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones)

Robert Jordan died a few days ago. I never read his Wheel of Time series. For one, I had heard it was very dense. Also, I assumed that it would never end, or Jordan would die before he could finish it. I get enough lack of closure from TV cancellations. For once, I was right. Jordan didn't finish his last book. Sucks for fans. Sucks for his family that he died too.

Professor fired for not believing in fairy tales. Why isn't the right attacking this firing for being anti-Catholic? Catholics don't believe the Bible is literal. Are they allowed to express that belief in Des Moines without being fired? From the story: "So it'd be no different than saying the world was not created in six days in science class." Of course there are places where saying that would get you run out of town, so we'll see if they accept that argument.

The truth about cats.

Your Someday I Suppose leader.

Monday, July 31, 2006

I've Decided Not To Title This Entry

The effect was that of a Cyclopian city of no architecture known to man or human imagination, with vast aggregations of night-black masonry embodying monstrous perversions of geometrical laws and attaining the most grotesque extremes of sinister bizarrerie. - H.P. Lovecraft - "At the Mountains of Madness"

Or, as I would have said it, "That there's fucked up!"

Who says literature must be understandable?

Your Eldritch leader.