Showing posts with label sexism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexism. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Man of Means By No Means

Drive 105 is no more. It has been replaced by the "All sappy love songs, all the time" station. It's an unholy mix of WLTE and JACK FM. Love 105 is really just another sad, boring station. Things like this are what keep me from being excited about HD radio. Is 3 stations per frequency that great if they all play the same mediocre music? I'm not saying Drive was a revolutionary station, but it allowed me to hear "alternative rock" not being played outside of satellite radio without having to listen to Hungarian folk music or wait 2 weeks to hear a song I like again. Also, Drive played new music while it was still new, not weeks or months later. Considering I listen to talk radio more than anything else, satellite radio isn't even a feasible choice considering the price. I guess I'll just sulk and listen to Alt Nation on my TV satellite at home until something better comes along.

Enough sulking. At least until this idea gets more popular. Once again, it is shown that some people don't think women are smart enough to think for themselves. Raising the age of consent for "erotic" images from 18 to 21 (for women only?), is pushed by this idea. Those girls are just too dumb to realize that their bodies are dirty.

Think only of the difference between a college freshman and a recent college graduate, or between a high-school senior and a young woman with a job and apartment of her own. Or think of the difference between a 19-year-old girl--intoxicated by both a Scorpion Bowl (illegally served) and her own newly developed form--and a woman who has been through her first heartbreak and has had to think long and hard about what her value is, both in her personal life and at the office. The second woman is more likely to nurse a chardonnay with friends than "go wild" in the sense that Mr. Francis' cameras are so eager to record. Surely the porn industry can survive without the participation of teenagers.

Because 18 year-olds have never had their heart broken or thought about their bodies.

First off, I continue to insist that breasts are not intrinsically erotic. They certainly can be, but a woman flashing me doesn't turn me on. Especially when she's drunk and doesn't care who sees. Erotic the belief that sex (with me) will go along with the flash. "Girls Gone Wild" doesn't make that promise.

Secondly, the biggest difference (drinking-wise, if not completely) between a college freshman and senior is the experience of knowing how much to drink so that you can get seriously fucked up without puking. "Nurse a chardonnay" my ass. I know 30 year-old women that can and will drink me under a table, then steal my wallet and draw a fake moustache on me as I lay passed out in a pool of vomit and single-malt scotch.

Either we're adults at 18 or we're not. The drinking age of 21 is a joke. However, Jon Swift has made a better proposal for the porn industry; an even higher age minimum. Kind of like when the voting age was raised to 65 on "The Simpsons."

Let's not pretend this is compassion for young women. If you don't like porn, try and ban it. Saying that 18 year-old women just aren't smart enough to show their boobs is insulting. Me, I'd work on trying to get the 18 year-old more than a t-shirt for doing it.
Garance Franke-Ruta should start working as an agent for Spring-Breakers, folowing Joe Francis around and negotiating points for the women on every video sold. That would "burden the next Joe Francis with an aptly limited supply of 'talent,'" as she says. At least talent willing to flash for free.

Your AM Radio leader.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

There Is No Fucking You; There is Only Me (Plus, Wednesday Tapir Blogging)

No real content, except to piss off the Mark by linking to his notice about Postal Rates.

"He just didn't want to go to jail and decided he would outrun the police naked" I suppose Mark would prefer I not use that quote directly after mentioning him. Oh well.

The noble and majestic Tapir, taking his first steps toward greatness. (via Primordial Blog)

I would like to point out to Mark that I have been technically "blogging" since September of 2000. Although I have never been given this advice before today:
Want to become an A lister? Work on your style, develop relatively unique content, post dependably, write for your audience and not yourself, and suck up to the current A listers. In other words, turn your blog into a job, bust your ass, and yes, you will get somewhere, but only if you remember to brown nose a little. Because whether Atrios wants to admit it or not, he and Kos and the others do have the power to make or break blogs, and it would be nice if they'd admit that before unruly D-listers revolt.
Which is probably for the best. I'm writing this entire post to needle Mark and link to him as many times as I can, but also because I realize that despite my longevity as a blogger (even if no one knew that term when I started), I will never have more than an average 3 return readers a day. Which makes me happy. I will never be a deep blogger. I am the embodiment of snark, something I blame my father's family for. I am a true moderate, in that I don't have strong feelings towards most issues, and even the ones I care about don't effect me enough to make me work towards changing them. Also, I tend to disagree with the Left too much to be a true lefty. Of course, I just despise most of what the Right stands for, so that does me no good either.

The whole "Mitch is(n't) a great feminist" battle made me giggle. The best part was realizing that both sides have a different view of what feminism is. While I have some doubts that Mitch is as great a feminist as he claims, I also have trouble with this argument that claims that all of humanity is keeping women down. Amanda's argument is that women can't help but choose lower paying jobs, and it's all my fault. Luckily, I found a woman who should pretty much always make more in the business world than I ever will as a lowly civil servant. And if she wants to stay home to take care of a child, she can. If she doesn't, I'll beat her until she does.

Wow. That was a joke, everyone. I swear. And of course, just making that joke makes me a misogynist in the eyes of some. I'll live. And I'll never claim to be the most feminist person I know. (Which I can't claim, at least as long as I attend Drinking Liberally)

So where was I? Once again, the reason no one reads my blog - I haven't gotten to the point of anything in 3 years. Like today. My goal of linking to Norwegianity was met many times over, but I have no idea where I was going with that whole feminism thing. Because, as a human being, I don't have all of the answers. Maybe when I'm older.

Oh, I almost forgot this other picture:

(via Dr. Eldritch)

I was amused to no end by that. Don't ask me why.

I hope anyone who reads this was as thoroughly confused reading it as I have been writing it. I bid you a good night (or day, if you're one of the few people reading this who is not sitting in their basement late at night desperately seeking the will to live).

Your Not Norwegian Like This Guy leader.

P.S. I think this is my longest post ever, which is funny considering my opening caveat of "No real content" is still accurate.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Most Motherfuckers Wouldn't Give A Damn

My blogroll has been partly cleansed. Kevin-M promised to return one day, so even if he hasn't posted since October, I must await his glorious return.

My newest member is a militant Aussie atheist named Beep Beep. From the intro:

I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe. Like Arthur Dent from "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy", if you do not have a Babel Fish in your ear this blog will be completely unintelligible to you and will read something like this: "boggle, google, snoggle, slurp, slurp, dingleberry to the power of 10". Fortunately, those who have had the Babel Fish inserted in their ear, will understood this blog perfectly.

My Babel Fish is a Mark VI. Awesome. Her latest post is a history of circumcision, which, refreshingly, makes no argument for or against it. Very interesting.

Of course, I have done some digging of my own. It seems rush limbaugh (he doesn't get his name capitalized anymore) has been insulting our troops overseas. At least the female portion.

The liberals did indeed bandy about, bang on the drums for women in combat. Now anyone with, it just isn’t right. Whether they can do it or not, that’s not what a cultured civilized society does to its women, they just don’t do it.
Apparently a cultured society doesn't allow "its" women to make choices. They belong to us guys, after all. Cultured places like Saudi Arabia and Iran certainly don't let "their" women fight in wars, rush. Why don't you give a call and see if there's room for you on Radio Riyadh.

Anyway, I figured I'd check out the right-wing nutters who were so upset about John Kerry's botched joke that insulted our troops. I figured they would be calling for limbaugh's head, seeing how he just shit on the women fighting for our freedom.

Powerline took Kerry to task back then. Oddly, their latest post is still attacking John Kerry. Hmm. They'll get to rush on Monday, I bet.

Captain Ed, who, as far as I can tell, is neither a military officer nor a salseman for sweetened cereal, also went after Kerry in October. Nothing on el rushbo's insults, though. Maybe that 8 hour radio show got in the way.

Michelle Malkin (shudder) went there. Her latest post has a bunch of women; maybe it's in support of female troops. Let's see; Kate O'Bierne ... she represented military women, but, nope, never served. Mona Charen ... doesn't look like it. Kathryn Lopez (Who?). No idea. Laura Ingraham? OK, I'm desperately trying not to laugh. Anyway, no taking rush to task involved there.

I'm sure I could go on, but it's nearing 2 am, so I need to go watch some more of "The Shield" and take my brother's dog out so she doesn't poop in my house again.

Your Support All of the Troops leader.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Late ... So Late ...

For some reason I agreed to work an overnight shift at work, with only a week to go. I guess it was so I could go to the Fair earlier, as well as a couple of weddings tomorrow. And because I'm stupid.

I'm thinking that if I mention Kristin Stinar here again, I'll be the first link in Google when someone decides to search for "kristin stinar blogs" again in the future. (Update 8/30/06: Yep, I am)

Hi, person searching for "kristin stinar blogs." Look around. Drop me an e-mail. If you actually are Kristin Stinar, stroking your ego by googling for yourself (as we all often do), I'm sorry to tell you that no matter how smokin' hot you are, I am engaged to be married. And a lot of your work is sensationalist bull-flop.

Enough of that.

I recently took a certain psychological test for a job with a certain police department. While all of these tests have outrageously wierd questions ("Do you ever hear voices while alone in the dark?" Of course not. Only when I am in indirect sunlight), I was surprised by one of them in particular.

The question was true-false: "A woman's place is in the home." I will add that of the 12 people in the room, 5 of them were women. Now, this question struck me as inherently sexist, considering that it is self-evident that no woman applying for a job believes that her place is in the home. Therefore the question was not meant for women, which means that this test for police officers assumed that no women would be taking it. Now, I don't see sexism everywhere, but let no one assault my feminist credentials completely.

Because I can never pass up a good googlebombing, here's a link to a debunking ofThe Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design by one Jonathan Wells. I'm always willing to help out a good cause.

Finally, I'm planning to put up some of my old writings from various places here, to save them for myself, because I find them amusing. I'll clearly mark them as old, and put the date I originally wrote them. enjoy.

Your Not That Crazy leader.