I've dealt with a lot of crime victims. I've spoken with family members and friends of people who have been murdered. I've never been one of those people before. Unfortunately, things change.
Growing up, my family spent a week at Gull Lake near Brainard every summer. We usually spent that week with The Malickis. Kristy was my brother's age. Her brother Barry is my age. Denny and Mary were close friends of my parents. (That's the weird thing in the news stories. I didn't know his name was Clyde. He's always gone by Denny, his middle name, I'm told.)
A lot of my childhood memories are from up at Gull Lake. I remember little things. My parents and Denny and Mary playing cards at night, drinking Jungle Juice (Apparently a lemonade/vodka drink). Cruising around Gull Lake in the big blue speed-boat we called the "Blue Baby," but that Denny would never officially name, listening to the Statler Brothers on 8-track. Playing mini-golf. Taking the boat to Taco Tuesdays.
I can't imagine what Barry is going through. I can't imagine how I would feel if I lost my whole family.
Suaimhneas Síoraí is an Irish phrase that translates as "Eternal Peace." We often wish peace to the dead, but I'd like to wish peace to the living. Barry, Kathleen Dorgan and Kathleen McHugh and all of their family and friends who will be missing Denny, Mary and Kristy. Hopefully they will find a way through this tragedy.
I wish I could write something profound and interesting, but I can't. Please do what you do to help those who have lost loved ones.
*Update* This says it right.
Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts
Monday, July 19, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Rumor Of My Demise ...
I've been quite uninspired to write as of late, but, you know, Vikings, NFC Championship, blah, blah, blah ...
I always ... I always ... I always love that one!
Now, I'm not one to pray. However, I am one to cheer for the Vikings and be heretical. So, by a narrow 2-1 margin, I bring you this:
Our Favre-ther who art in Mississippi, hallowed be thy name. Thy bowl will come, it will be won, in Miami as it is in the Dome. Give us this Sunday, our weekly win. Give us touchdown passes, but do not let others pass against us. Lead us not into frustration, but deliver us to the Super Bowl. For thine is, the MVP, the best of the NFC, and the glory of the Purple People Eaters now and forever. - Author Unknown (to me, anyway)
This is how it should be. My grandpa was a bus driver, so I get angry when they are threatened or accosted. Criminals think people will sit by and let them be assholes. Let's keep letting them know we're willing to fight to keep a civil society.
Cecil gets one wrong. To be fair, this article is from 1980, and technology has vastly improved since then. To save money (and energy), you should always turn the lights off when they are not needed.
Your We Still Hate the Push-off leader.
I always ... I always ... I always love that one!
Now, I'm not one to pray. However, I am one to cheer for the Vikings and be heretical. So, by a narrow 2-1 margin, I bring you this:
Our Favre-ther who art in Mississippi, hallowed be thy name. Thy bowl will come, it will be won, in Miami as it is in the Dome. Give us this Sunday, our weekly win. Give us touchdown passes, but do not let others pass against us. Lead us not into frustration, but deliver us to the Super Bowl. For thine is, the MVP, the best of the NFC, and the glory of the Purple People Eaters now and forever. - Author Unknown (to me, anyway)
This is how it should be. My grandpa was a bus driver, so I get angry when they are threatened or accosted. Criminals think people will sit by and let them be assholes. Let's keep letting them know we're willing to fight to keep a civil society.
Cecil gets one wrong. To be fair, this article is from 1980, and technology has vastly improved since then. To save money (and energy), you should always turn the lights off when they are not needed.
Your We Still Hate the Push-off leader.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
And Sitting In The Chair Is You
Walter Cronkite, R.I.P. He was well before my time, but I've seen enough old news footage for him to be stamped in my memory.
Wisconsin is a crazy state. I'm guessing Cronkite never had to announce that someone crashed the Weinermobile into a house.
So that happened.
Even thieves think it's a good idea for you to lock your car. Something is wrong in that story, though. If his music taste was so good, why leave the CDs behind?
If you're an uggo, stay out of Chicago.
That's enough midwestern weirdness for today.
As you may have seen to the right, I got a Palm Pre. As of today, I'm loving it. As I learn more things I can do with it, I assume I'll love it more. There's no special Blogger ap yet, but I'm hoping.
On the down side of technology, my car adapter for my iPod broke. It wasn't perfect, but I was able to listen to my iPod in the car pretty much everywhere. My new adapter, on the other hand, seems to only work regularly outside of the metro area. It makes no sense. The new one is the same brand as the old one. Isn't technology supposed to improve over time? I'd think that in two years the transmission would improve, not diminish. I'm not happy with Griffin.
Have a good weekend. Hopefully the weather feels more like July, instead of October.
Your "And That's The Way It Is" leader.
Wisconsin is a crazy state. I'm guessing Cronkite never had to announce that someone crashed the Weinermobile into a house.
So that happened.
Even thieves think it's a good idea for you to lock your car. Something is wrong in that story, though. If his music taste was so good, why leave the CDs behind?
If you're an uggo, stay out of Chicago.
That's enough midwestern weirdness for today.
As you may have seen to the right, I got a Palm Pre. As of today, I'm loving it. As I learn more things I can do with it, I assume I'll love it more. There's no special Blogger ap yet, but I'm hoping.
On the down side of technology, my car adapter for my iPod broke. It wasn't perfect, but I was able to listen to my iPod in the car pretty much everywhere. My new adapter, on the other hand, seems to only work regularly outside of the metro area. It makes no sense. The new one is the same brand as the old one. Isn't technology supposed to improve over time? I'd think that in two years the transmission would improve, not diminish. I'm not happy with Griffin.
Have a good weekend. Hopefully the weather feels more like July, instead of October.
Your "And That's The Way It Is" leader.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Screwed Us Both Again
So, through a convoluted process that I won't get into, but started with the god-awful movie "Carnosaur" being on at 3:45 am, I ended up on Wikipedia last night. What else is new?
I was reading about deinonychus, the kick ass dinosaur that is represented far better by the velociraptors in the significantly better than "Carnosaur" "Jurrasic Park" than actual velociraptors (which were much smaller than depicted in "JP"). Or so I thought.
They had this picture of what D. antirrhopus may have looked like:
Yes, those are feathers.
In the many years since I have studied dinosaurs, apparently it has been decided that most or all coelurosaurs had feathers. I have known since I was a kid that birds are dinosaurs, and I'd heard that it had been theorized that dinos might have feathers, but I didn't know that it had become so accepted that the main rendering of a deinonychus would be feathered.
Most people still call apatosaurus "brontosaurus," which hasn't been its name for 100 years or so. I wonder how long it will take people to see T-Rex not as a giant lizard, but more like Big Bird, if Big Bird had 5 inch long teeth and tiny arms.
I wonder if Joe Liberman ran for President as a Republican if he would still keep stay on the Democratic Party's good side. It sounds like a joke, but I wouldn't bet against it. The guy campaigned for Sen. McCain. Unless he votes 100% with what the Dem leadership wants, it makes no sense to keep him around. And I'm guessing the people of Connecticut would be against their elected officials doing solely what a party wants. If the Dems don't throw him out the first time he doesn't end a fillibuster, they deserve no support.
The 'Farian has stronger words on the subject.
And Alaska saves themselves from being named the craziest state in the union. The fact that a recently convicted multiple felon facing jail time (who boldly stated that he had not been convicted of anything) came as close as he did keeps them in the running, though. Also their large number of moose, considered by some to be the craziest of all animals. I wonder how the Democrat running the election in Alaska stole it for Mark Begich, who was behind on election night.
Don't write songs about shooting people when you actually shot them. At the very least, don't call them out by name. After all, we don't know exactly whom Johnny Cash shot just to watch die.
Your Terrible Bird leader.
I was reading about deinonychus, the kick ass dinosaur that is represented far better by the velociraptors in the significantly better than "Carnosaur" "Jurrasic Park" than actual velociraptors (which were much smaller than depicted in "JP"). Or so I thought.
They had this picture of what D. antirrhopus may have looked like:
Yes, those are feathers.
In the many years since I have studied dinosaurs, apparently it has been decided that most or all coelurosaurs had feathers. I have known since I was a kid that birds are dinosaurs, and I'd heard that it had been theorized that dinos might have feathers, but I didn't know that it had become so accepted that the main rendering of a deinonychus would be feathered.
Most people still call apatosaurus "brontosaurus," which hasn't been its name for 100 years or so. I wonder how long it will take people to see T-Rex not as a giant lizard, but more like Big Bird, if Big Bird had 5 inch long teeth and tiny arms.
I wonder if Joe Liberman ran for President as a Republican if he would still keep stay on the Democratic Party's good side. It sounds like a joke, but I wouldn't bet against it. The guy campaigned for Sen. McCain. Unless he votes 100% with what the Dem leadership wants, it makes no sense to keep him around. And I'm guessing the people of Connecticut would be against their elected officials doing solely what a party wants. If the Dems don't throw him out the first time he doesn't end a fillibuster, they deserve no support.
The 'Farian has stronger words on the subject.
And Alaska saves themselves from being named the craziest state in the union. The fact that a recently convicted multiple felon facing jail time (who boldly stated that he had not been convicted of anything) came as close as he did keeps them in the running, though. Also their large number of moose, considered by some to be the craziest of all animals. I wonder how the Democrat running the election in Alaska stole it for Mark Begich, who was behind on election night.
Don't write songs about shooting people when you actually shot them. At the very least, don't call them out by name. After all, we don't know exactly whom Johnny Cash shot just to watch die.
Your Terrible Bird leader.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Cars & Girls & Drinks & Song (& Bacon)
I shall now commence to freak out Mark by posting yet again this week.
I am a big supporter of mass transit, but it's not always the best choice for transportation.
Seven year-old girls should not have to take a bullet for their mothers. This girl could be a great leader someday. Does anyone doubt that prison is too good for the fuckwad that shot her?
Drinking Liberally gives back next week. Bring an unwrapped toy for a tot to the 331 Club in Nor'east on Thursday night. We'll be giving them all to the Marines in time for X-mas. Then stay for a drink or 3. Spotty will be there with his doggy video camera.
As you shop for X-mas gifts, you may be wondering, "Where does that really bad X-mas music come from?" Here's your answer.
And finally, a possible running mate for Bacon.
Either that, or a horribly embarrassing photo that could end Bacon's political career.
Your Take the A-Train leader.
I am a big supporter of mass transit, but it's not always the best choice for transportation.
Seven year-old girls should not have to take a bullet for their mothers. This girl could be a great leader someday. Does anyone doubt that prison is too good for the fuckwad that shot her?
Drinking Liberally gives back next week. Bring an unwrapped toy for a tot to the 331 Club in Nor'east on Thursday night. We'll be giving them all to the Marines in time for X-mas. Then stay for a drink or 3. Spotty will be there with his doggy video camera.
As you shop for X-mas gifts, you may be wondering, "Where does that really bad X-mas music come from?" Here's your answer.
And finally, a possible running mate for Bacon.
Either that, or a horribly embarrassing photo that could end Bacon's political career.
Your Take the A-Train leader.
drinking liberally,
Thursday, November 08, 2007
When Will We Be Married In The Same Bed
("When Will We Be Married" - The Waterboys)
Tommy "T.D." Mischke writes about marriage. Tradition be damned, this is a great post.
Could it be put better than that? (Note to The Affiliate: Don't read that post ;))
Barreiro going to KSTP? I think it's funny that Ron Rosenbaum, who was fired from KSTP, is representing Barreiro on a possible move to KSTP. I'd put him on from 5-8, after Soucheray. He's better than Matt Thomas by a long shot. You could eliminate the need for the last half-hour of sports talk on GL, and while I wouldn't want an asset like Barreiro going to waste by preempting him for Twins games in the summer, KFAN had no problem doing it with the Timberwolves games, so it's doable.
I've tried to comment over at Shot in the Dark, but Wordpress won't let me sign in, no matter how often I register and get a password. In any case, I'll link this story as my response to Mitch's post. Not to mention that the guy in Mitch's story was carrying a gun and still couldn't prevent his car from being stolen. (via Norwegianity)
On a lighter note, here's an animal e-mail I got:
8 am-Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am-A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am-A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30am-Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
Noon-Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:30-Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3pm-Chased a squirrel! My favorite thing!
5pm-Milk bones! My favorite thing!
7pm-Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8pm-Watched TV with my people! My favorite thing!
11pm-Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!
Day 983 of my captivity. My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear in their hearts, since it clearly demonstrated what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards! Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet while he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow--but at the top of the stairs. I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released-and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him
in an elevated cell, so he is safe....for now.
How true.
Your Wedding Bells leader.
Tommy "T.D." Mischke writes about marriage. Tradition be damned, this is a great post.
I went into my marriage knowing full well how badly I screwed up some important things in my life. Why assume I could master this? I only agreed to give it one hell of a shot.
Could it be put better than that? (Note to The Affiliate: Don't read that post ;))
Barreiro going to KSTP? I think it's funny that Ron Rosenbaum, who was fired from KSTP, is representing Barreiro on a possible move to KSTP. I'd put him on from 5-8, after Soucheray. He's better than Matt Thomas by a long shot. You could eliminate the need for the last half-hour of sports talk on GL, and while I wouldn't want an asset like Barreiro going to waste by preempting him for Twins games in the summer, KFAN had no problem doing it with the Timberwolves games, so it's doable.
I've tried to comment over at Shot in the Dark, but Wordpress won't let me sign in, no matter how often I register and get a password. In any case, I'll link this story as my response to Mitch's post. Not to mention that the guy in Mitch's story was carrying a gun and still couldn't prevent his car from being stolen. (via Norwegianity)
On a lighter note, here's an animal e-mail I got:
8 am-Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am-A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am-A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30am-Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
Noon-Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:30-Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3pm-Chased a squirrel! My favorite thing!
5pm-Milk bones! My favorite thing!
7pm-Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8pm-Watched TV with my people! My favorite thing!
11pm-Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!
Day 983 of my captivity. My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear in their hearts, since it clearly demonstrated what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards! Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet while he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow--but at the top of the stairs. I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released-and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him
in an elevated cell, so he is safe....for now.
How true.
Your Wedding Bells leader.
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