Sunday, April 25, 2010
As If In A Dream, The One And Only V
It's hard to believe religious conservatives want to remove Thomas Jefferson from history books. It would make it easier for people like Sarah Palin to lie.
Prof. Stephen Hawking warns against communication with aliens. He's right about the odds of something being out there. Where he's wrong is saying not to explore because the aliens might be unfriendly and destroy us. (Also, he is just regurgitating the plot of "Independence Day" and the tv show "V." See what I did with my post title, now?)
We are humans. What we do is explore. There's always been a segment of society who said, "Don't cross that river, there are monsters on the other side." The maps with sea monters and "Here there be dragons" (Should I warn you of the horror of that link? Nah.) put on to discourage exploration. And there are always people who ignore it.
Prof. Hawking uses a Columbus analogy, saying we would be like the aboriginal Americans being invaded by the aliens. Possibly. Or we could be Columbus, finding a beautiful new world for humanity out among the stars. Maybe we could even do a better job of not virtually wiping out any inhabitants on that new world.
Either way, fear is a poor excuse not to explore.
Besides, if angry aliens do come to steal our water, we can use it against them with ... The Homeopathy Bomb! (Yay!)
Ask yourself, What Would Jesus Do? (NSFW) Or, clearly, don't, because you suck.
I've pretty much given up on the idea that I'll post Italy pictures. That involves work.
Your Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before leader.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Threw My Back Out Whackin' That Ass Now (Vikings 9-6)
If history was controlled by the BCS.
After determining the Big-12 championship game participants the BCS computers were put to work on other major contests and today the BCS declared Germany to be the winner of World War II.Computers be damned; Any country can win on any given D-Day.
So, I've been a Minneapolis cop for just over 2 years. Well, crime has dopped in Minneapolis for the past 2 years. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc. (Which, of course, means after hoc, therefore something else hoc) (via Chris)
I think I deserve a raise, don't you?
Your (I can't believe I'm writing this) Go, Pack, Go! leader.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Closed Circuit to the Minnesota Right-Wing Blogosphere
Alas, Ralph Wiggum loses. Maybe next time.
As I sit here with my promised glass of 18 year old McCallan, I just can't help but picture Mitch lamenting the fact that it didn't rain today.
I'm also shocked that the Senate race is not called by now. I predicted Coleman by 4. I'm pissed that Bachmann is going to win, but I'll live with the fact that she should only have two years until her district no longer exists.
It's an historic night. McCain gave an incredible concession speech, and we can all look forward to 95% tax rates in January.
I'm kidding about that last point. But forced gay marriages are coming, that's for sure.
Your Arab Muslim Atheist Communist Socialist Anti-American Pro-Terrorist Foreign-Born leader.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Which Side Are You On?
LABOR'S DAY -- AND YOURS By Dick Meister
Submitted to portside
Sunday August 26, 2007
Labor Day. Time once more for politicians and union
Time once more for the rest of us to ignore the
But even if you are not a union member -- even if you
The paid vacations so many working people took as usual
Thus without unions, we should not forget, there would
Without unions, as a matter of fact, the standard work
You doubt it? Consider the recollections of Mark
Hawkins remembered men wrestling with crates, bundles,
Hawkins especially remembered a fellow worker who
"Okay," said the boss -- "but don't you think she'll
The man worked that Sunday. When he got home, his wife
Very few of today's employers would even consider
By some reckoning, this is the 113th Labor Day, since
It was on Feb. 21, 1868. Brass bands blared, flags,
"A jollification," the marchers called their parade --
New York unionists staged a similar parade in 1882 that
Honors for holding the first official Labor Day are
But Oregon's move came nearly a year after Gov. George Stoneman of California issued a proclamation setting
San Francisco also played a major role in that celebration of 1886. The city was the scene of the
The procession was seven miles long, took more than two
-- Dick Meister
Copyright (c) 2007 Dick Meister, a San Francisco-based
journalist who has covered labor issues for five
decades. Contact him through his website,
Of course, I still have to work today.
Your Solidarity Forever leader.