Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

I've Been Taken For Lost And Gone And Unknown

A quick salute to the crew that took back a ship captured by pirates. Let them all know that Americans are not targets. Now let's get the captain back.

Entertainment Weekly
recently listed their top 20 heroes and villains from film. James Bond topped the heroes list, and while he'd certainly top my Top 20 Ids list, I'm OK with him as top hero. It was the villain list that bothered me.

The Wicked Witch of the West was number 1. Really? Let's make a list. Pro - Flying monkies. Con - Defeated by the most abundant substance on Earth. I mean, sure, she's evil and all, but The Terminator can take a direct hit from a rocket launcher. The Witch can't even take a shower.

Darth Vader came in number 2. I'm with that. He chokes people with his mind. Yeah, Episode 3 made him look like a bit of a pansy, but there will never be a Broadway musical about how Vader was simply misunderstood and was really the good guy.

Of course, my pick for #1 villain in film is The Devil. The Exorcist. The Omen. Rosemary's Baby. The Devil Wears Prada. OK, that last one's not right, but Old Scratch is a far superior bad guy than most. To paraphrase Homer Simpson, Satan is my favorite fictional character.

Your Top 5 Track leader.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I Can't See Nothin' Round Here

Despite what the KQ morning show may say, I don't find Michelle Bachmann attractive. So I've decided not to embed this video.

She's a fool. That's not my opinon. She says it several times right in the speech. Now I'm not a fan of Patty Wetterling, and I wish she'd quit making stuff up about Bachmann (There are so many true things to attack), but for god's sake, we can't elect Bachmann. I'm begging you folks north and east of the metro to vote for someone else.

Speaking of campaign ads, KARE11 had a shocking expose last week: There are misleading attack ads being aired! Right during this very newscast!

A better use of those 4 minutes would have been to explain why the ads were misleading. A better idea might be to refuse to air ads that have demonstrable lies in them. But that doesn't make money now, does it? We need more outfits like FactCheck, especially at the local level. Truely non-partisan, they just take statements and ads and explain how they are misleading or right-out lies.

I wish I were bright enough to setsomethng like this up (or at least to have invented YouTube), but since I'm not, I'm just going to bitch a moan like a good Democrat.

Your Truth In Advertising leader.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Vampire Free for Several Months

I'd like to apologize for posting late at night. I'll try not to do it ever again.

I have a link to a new web comic, Ask Dr. Eldritch, which is a weird as the name implies (There's a horny troll, and a horny robot, and a horny interdimensional monster hunter ... you get the idea), but I'd ask you to also check out the main page which links to Dr. Eldritch's day job; advice columnist for those who are beset by ghosts, vampires, goblins and other para-normal, super- or preter-natural problems. Really an invaluable resource, wouldn't you agree?

Usually, school principals are snivelling bald piles of goo, but this one decided to have some balls. I may not agree with dress codes, but if you have one, it had better be enforced.

I don't know if Spotty's dealt with her yet, but Katie has made an incredible discovery; Family vacations are good stuff! She (of course) derides that a study was done on the subject by calling it common sense, but that makes me wonder, Is it really better to write a column about a study than to release the study to begin with? But remember, it's only a real "family" vacation if the parents are a married man and woman. Everything else is detrimental to society, no matter how much fun you think you're having.

Your Pull Up Your Pants leader.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Wrong Again, Liberal Media

A Truthful Voice has something to say. His name is putatively George McClure.

The mainstream media in this country are dominated by liberals.

I was informed of this fact by Rush Limbaugh. And Thomas Sowell. And Ann Coulter. And Rich Lowry. And Bill O'Reilly. And William Safire. And Robert Novak. And William F. Buckley, Jr. And George Will.

Of course it's true. Because the Right has no control over the media. They especially don't own any of them. Oh, wait:
Just for the sake of argument, let's assume that the media in America really are predominantly recalcitrant leftists. Say you're a conservative media mogul named Rupert and you have the wherewithal to do something about it. Here are three paths you might take:

1. You could announce your belief that the reporting of news is always subjective and therefore biased, so you are going to start a news network that comes at things from your own perspective in order to balance out what you perceive to be the bias of the left.

2. You could set up your own news network that actually is fair and balanced.

3. You could set up your own news network that's consistently and demonstrably partisan, but call yourself fair and balanced

The whole thing is a decent read.