Monday, January 28, 2008

Embraces With A Warm Gesture

I've dragged myself away from the X-Box for a few minutes to discuss something. The State of the Union Address? Please.

There are a couple of bad advertisements out there. The first is from NyQuil. Well, DayQuil, actually. I happen to be a former fan of NyQuil (as Denis Leary said, "Big N, little Y, Big fuckin' Q! I love that fuckin' Q!") Then they had to change the recipe (just one of many reasons to hate meth-heads), and I've grown out of love. The commercial, however, makes me laugh.

It starts with people saying "I have a mucus," and the announcer says, "You don't catch a 'mucus,' you catch a cold," and that other cold medicines only take care of mucus. He then tells us how DayQuil fights stuffy nose, congestion, coughing and sore throat. All things caused by mucus! I'd say the writers' strike is affecting adverts, but they've never been that good.

The other ad is for local news on Channel 5, KSTP. The ad says, "News doesn't always happen at 5, 6 or 10 o'clock." Which is true. News actually rarely occurs during the newscasts. But are there people who need to be told that?

Speaking of news broadcasts, I'd be more apt to pay attention to these people if they told me about things like this. These insects are reasons not to leave the U.S. In case you aren't interested in reading about the most horrifying insects in the word, this might whet your appetite.

It's the size of your thumb and it can spray flesh-melting poison. We really wish we were making that up for, you know, dramatic effect because goddamn, what a terrible thing a three-inch acid-shooting hornet would be, you know? Oh, hey, did we mention it shoots it into your eyes? Or that the poison also has a pheromone cocktail in it that'll call every hornet in the hive to come over and sting you until you are no longer alive?

Think you can outrun it? It can fly 50 miles in a day. It'd be nice to say something reassuring at this point, like "Don't worry, they only live on top of really tall mountains where nobody wants to live," but no, they live all over the goddamned place, including outside Tokyo.

Forty people die like that every year, each of them horribly.

Much worse than any commercial.

Your Creepy-Crawly leader.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Let Us Turn Our Thoughts Today...

No holiday talk. If you want analysis on the life of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior, do a blog search. I'm sure you'll find some stories, possibly including Mitt Romney's father.

Speaking of politics, "change" seems to be the theme of the campaigns this year. I'd like to remind the candidates that "making change" makes me think of turning paper money into metal money, not fixing health care or ending war. But I think the candidates can make the point themselves, with the help of David Bowie.

(Via Chris)

Missouri Chainsaw Mayhem.
A man wielding a chainsaw and knife attacked residents at a Missouri homeless shelter where he was staying, leaving two people in critical condition and injuring two others, police said Sunday. Sheriff Dennis Crane said two victims were cut by a chainsaw and two others by a knife. Authorities said the victims injured by the chainsaw were in critical condition, while the other two were treated and released.
I am picturing a heavily bearded guy in fatigues dual-wielding a chainsaw in one hand and a knife in the other. Also, it's obvious that if you want to commit mayhem (def. 1), a chainsaw is preferable. Not even a claymore can do more damage.
Watkins had been staying at the shelter for about two weeks and was taking part in a program that provides residents with on-the-job-training, authorities said.
Obviously as a lumberjack. *rimshot*

A story on the werewolf blooded
. They are from the Wisconsin of Mexico, I would guess.

Your Mayhem leader.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm Not The Man They Think I Am At Home

Ah, Randy Moss, we still miss you. Sayeth Moss, "In my whole entire life of living 30 years, I've never put my hand on one woman, physically or in an angry manner." A car, on the other hand...

I'll be away for a while. I got myself an XBox 360, and Mass Effect.

It is perhaps the greatest video game I've ever played. Storywise, I don't think it can be beat. It's partly a "shooter," and that's not my type of game, but the interface is quite user friendly. The fact that BioWare has announced 2 sequels, and that they may continue based on the player's actions in the first game has me drooling.

So anyway, don't expect me to post much. I'll be busy saving the galaxy.


Your Commander Shepard Leader.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Important Knowledge To Save Your Life

A quick update that could improve your chances of surviving a zombie attack. (Found Here)

I don't entirely agree with that last one, but it's true that things trying to eat your brains are more horrific when on fire.

Don't add narcs as friends
. Or maybe the kids added school administrators, which is even dumber.

We all know high school kids have no rights, but now college-age adults might lose their rights as well.
A freshman at a public university in Minnesota is caught with beer in a dorm room, gets cited for underage drinking and then gets nabbed for possession of marijuana.

Should the deans notify the parents?

The law says they can't, if the student is at least 18 years old, because the state Data Practices Act considers those situations "educational data" and therefore protected from disclosure.
I'm not sure why a minor consumption is "educational data," but it doesn't change the fact that it isn't a university's job to tattle on their students. Will they also tell mommy and daddy if little 20 year old Jayden gets a speeding ticket? Speeding is dangerous too. Maybe the uni should tell the folks if young Ashleigheey showed up at the clinic with the herp, and HIPAA laws be damned. I also wonder if a non-traditional 35 year old's parents would be called when he gets a DUI or busted with a half-ounce of sticky.

"It would be a way for a red flag to come up and for the parents to at least be aware that their son or daughter is having problems," said Marquart, who has a daughter in college.
There's the rub. Rep. Marquart wants to know what's going on with his "little girl." (My guess is he really doesn't want to know, if you know what I mean, and I think you do) Of course, most kids who get caught drinking don't have any sort of problem. They, like a good number of college kids, like to drink. We're expected to believe that every kid who gets caught drinking underage or smoking pot is an addict and has a serious problem. It simply isn't so.

We complain that college grads aren't ready for the real world. Could that possibly be because they aren't allowed to deal with their own consequences? Because their parents remain embedded in their lives well into their twenties?

Hell, a minor consumption ticket is a great way for a kid to figure out how to pay the fine without his/her parent's help, since s/he doesn't want them to know about it. It's a learning experience. To quote Homer Simpson, "Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals! Except the weasel."

Let our college students learn.

Your Keg Stand leader.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Living Dead Girl


That low score is due to my kindly nature towards other non-undead individuals. Of course, would anyone truly want to survive a zombie apocalypse? Of course not. That's why I always have one extra bullet. (via Mark)

I forgot to do 2 quick book reviews. The first is "I Am America (And So Can You!)" by Stephen Colbert. I read about 20 pages of this, got the joke, and returned it to the bookstore. I like Colbert, and I like his show. I don't watch it often, which is probably why I like it so much. The book, on the other hand, was as unreadable as the Ann Coulter/Glenn Beck/Michael Savage screeds he's lampooning. Which could be viewed as a success, I guess, but doesn't make for a good read. The two best jokes I found were on the front cover ("From the author of "I Am America (And So Can You!)") and the back cover (A warning that there are pirated versions of the book coming out of China, written in poorly translated English). I was really disappointed.

The other book is The Onion's "Our Dumb Planet," an atlas which boasts "30% more Asia" on the cover. The fact that Minnesota is not placed in the Midwest, but is found along with Hawai'i and Alaska as one of the "Bullshit States" is a great bit, but is quickly surpassed by the subtitle for Nicaragua's entry; "Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start." Nerd Heaven. I've only gotten to South America, (except for a quick look at an editor's angry entry regarding San Marino), and I can't wait to start reading it again. Not disappointed in the least.

Your I Am Legend leader.

My Cat's Breath Smells Like Cat Food

The Affiliate went to Mexico with a friend of hers, leaving me alone with the animals. I already miss talking to her every day, but the worst part is that my bed is cold and emptywhen I go to bed.

I've learned that the Hillock will not eat Leon. Leon is apparently too big. Leon got out of his cage and wandered the living room for a few minutes last night, and I think The hillock was more scared than anything. He did eat a gerbil once, so I know he's got a bit of a hunting instinct. I think Leon enjoyed himself., sine he actually let me pick him up and hold him for a while.

Sorry Bacon. I have a new candidate.

Ralph Wiggum: He's been a good boy.

Your Lonely leader.

Friday, January 04, 2008

There's A House At The Top Of A Tree

The Iowa caucus was last night. The importance of this event is explained by Jon Swift.
The biggest loser of all was Hillary Clinton. If she can't win in Iowa, where can she win? In every contested race since 1972 (Bill Clinton ran unopposed in 1996), the winner of the Iowa caucuses for the Democrats has gone on to be elected President, except for 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 2000 and 2004 when the winner did not go on to be elected President.

So that's how that goes.

In case you were wondering, the MN caucus is February 5th. (That was for Brodkorp's benefit - Two clicks are a bit much for the big guy)

I'm not surprised Huckabee won. He's got Michael Medved's support, after all. I do have a few problems with his campaign style. He went with the "stop people from voting for someone else" joke.
"Shovel your snow into their driveway," he joked. "Let the air out of their tires, disconnect their battery cable."
Hi-larious! He should have told everyone that Romney supporters caucus on Wednesday. That always gets 'em. This was almost as good as when he jokingly threatened to shoot people who don't support him. Metaphorically. The metaphor was probably lost on the reporters who were standing under the falling shot from his gun.

Anyway, this will obviously be an exciting interesting election season. Get ready.

On the other hand, this lady is worse than any of the candidates.

Your Point Of Order leader.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

It Sucks To Be Me

So, The Affiliate got us tickets to see "Avenue Q." It's a musical that apparently won a Tony (Which is almost as prestigious as a Spotty™).

It is good. It's very funny. The concept is a Sesame-Street like place with puppets and people living together. The puppeteers are on stage with the puppets, which is different. Also, they sing songs, but they are adult-oriented songs, like "Everyone's A Little Racist" and "You Can Be as Loud as the Hell You Want (When You're Makin' Love)." The story involves a recent college graduate trying to find out what his purpose in life is, and meeting new people (and puppets and monsters) along the way. Whatever.

My favorite characters were the "Bad Idea Bears."

They are too little teddy bears that tell people to do bad things in the cutest little voices. The girl bear sounded like Bubbles from the "Powerpuff Girls." (The link above includes a soundbite) When someone's better judgment would prevail, the bears would pout and whimper until they got their way. Then they would scream "Yaaay!" as the guy spent all of his rent money on beer, for example.

My only real peeve was that people thought that puppets saying "Fuck" was uproariously funny. Perhaps the first time it elicited a chuckle, but thereafter it was just cute. Yet people still laughed quite loudly. Every time. Otherwise, I had a great time.

It's dirty. It's raunchy. If you get a chance to see it, take it.

Your Yaaaaay! leader.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Brand New Year

Here's a reenactment of me from 4:30 to about 8:30 this morning.

Interestingly, a mixture of champagne/vodka/grape juice, tequila and Jaegermeister is a pretty good substitute for Ipacac.

I did manage to get through a New Year's party without pissing off the Affiliate too much. So that's nice.

Here's to 2008, and a prosperous *blaaaaarrghhh*!

Your Dry Heave leader.

Monday, December 31, 2007

All The Swingers Have Turned To Swine

(Title - "New Year's Eve" by Ike Reilly Assassination)

No more Vikings updates. They came back, then T-Jack choked. QB controversy, here we come! (Negative points to the STrib for the "Rocky Mountain Sigh" headline.)

So, it's New Year's Eve. This will be my last post of the year, as I'll be pretty drunk tomorrow night. I'm writing this from the desk at work. Last time I posted from the desk, I won an award. I doubt that will happen today.

I've been thinking of where to go with this blog. "Quo vadimus?", I ask my other selves. I've never been much of a political blogger. I don't know enough about domestic or foreign affairs to write authoritatively, and writing about politicians themselves makes me both angry and bored. I also don't have the patience to create a well defined argument and write it out coherantly. I don't read enough news to be an aggregator, and I don't care enough about any issue to be an issue blogger. (Hell, even Swiftee has the St. Paul School Board and his hate of gays.) Top 11 lists are taken, and I didn't recently have a child. I can't write in a consistent enough voice to relentlessly mock a certain STrib columnist, I'm not a science professor or Canadian schoolteacher, I don't fisk letters to the editor and I don't really like writing about poop. I am also not Evil Bobby. (I think I got everyone there.)

So what to do? I certainly won't stop, since I amuse myself when I go back a read my stuff. When I started my job, I said I wouldn't write about work except in the vaguest of terms (I have to save something for my book when I retire, right?). I've been reading some personal blogs (The ones people make fun of), and I realized that most of the interesting and exciting stuff that happens to me I won't write about here. So what am I left with?

Exactly what I've been doing. Random postings about TV, music, werewolves, zombies, animals, weirdness, religion, right-wing nut-jobs, um, just check out my labels and you'll see. I will be seeking out werewolf and zombie info to post this year, that's for sure.

I will have one big change - I'm going back and identifying all of the songs I use to title my posts. My gift to you in the new year. (Fuck that - That's more boring than handicapping the Party Nominees (and I get the blog I forgot)) 2008 will be a blast. I can just feel it.

What's coming? The 2008 Republican convention. Mediocre Vikings and Twins seasons. Me liveblogging my wedding(?) and The Affiliate's and my honeymoon in London/Paris. I'm sure other fun stff will happen too.

Rest assured, I will continue to be funny when I want, informative when I can, and I will certainly be better than a certain gob that ran to Costa Rica to avoid the Minnesota Winter.

Your Whiskey Turns To Rhymes leader.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Quick Video Post

Not safe for work (Which means funny as hell).

He's got some other funny stuff too. (Via Amber)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

All I Wanna Do Is To Thank You

(Geggy Tah)

X-mas went well for me. The Affiliate went all out. She got me the best gift ever; Two bags of white-chocolate M&M's from the promotion for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. They haven't been available in stores for a year and a half. Awesome. And tasty.

Finally, I receive the accolades I deserve. I would like to thank the citizens of Minneapolis, without whom I could not have earned this Spotty™ award. As a side note, all of the examples in that post actually happened to me.

I'm also highlighted by Jon Swift, the best blogger named after a dead Irish writer on the Internet. He understands the threat of Zombies, and wanted to spread the word, I'm sure.

The tragic tiger attack in San Francisco may have a cause no one has mentioned yet. Obviously, the tiger had just learned that his cousin had been beheaded and skinned in China.

And finally, my Top 10 CD's of the year (Only CD's I own are eligible.)

Number 1: "We Belong to the Staggering Evening" - Ike Reilly Assassination

(See, I only bought 1 CD this year, and I didn't really buy it, I got it as a gift. I'm having a little fun with the idea that I don't buy CD's much anymore, instead downloading most of my music. See how that went?)

Your New Year's Eve Can't Come Quickly Enough leader.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Boys In The NYPD Choir Were Singin' "Galway Bay" (Vikings 8-7)

Ouch. A question for the league: Can a coach throw the red flag to ask if there were other penalties on a play? Offsides seems pretty cut and dried. Some pass interference penalties are pretty obvious too. Just curious.

While listening to the game, there were ads from American service-persons sending their families holiday greetings. I think Bill O'Reilly needs to look into our liberal military, because most of them said "Happy Holidays," not "Merry Christmas" as they would have said if they were true Americans. (This was snark. I love our service-members.)

The Vikings loss wasn't all bad, at least for me. You know how many boobs I saw after the game? Five! (Party bus + booze + red light + cop = Girls flashing)

I actually got out for a movie this week. I saw "Juno" at the Uptown Theater. (Note: I breaking a KAR rule here, because the movie was written by Diablo Cody.)

It was good. Some have called Cody the next Tarentino when it comes to writing movies. I'd say "Juno's" dialog would have fit in in a better episode of "Gilmore Girls." (That's a compliment, by the way.) The performances were very good, and the movie is funny as hell. It's a good story (Pregnant teenage girl decides to give the zygote up for adoption, then deals with the pregnancy and the couple who are going to adopt from her), and Ellen Page brings humor and feeling to teenage Juno.

I haven't seen anything that might be considered Oscar worthy this year, so I have nothing to compare, but I wouldn't be surprised if this wins an Original Screenplay award. I would like to see what Amy Sherman-Palladino can do with a feature length film before naming Diablo Cody the second-coming when it comes to writers. I give "Juno" 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. Go see it.

"Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem" comes out on X-mas. It may be a happy holiday after all. Except I'll be working.

Your Christmas Eve In The Drunk Tank leader.

Friday, December 21, 2007

I Am The Cybernetic Ghost Of Christmas Past, From The Future

The Vikings are still in control of their playoff destiny. Why does that send a chill down my spine?

OK, note to the Pioneer Press: Your website sucks. Your links don't work. Your category listings' links all just lead to the front page. I'd really rather link to you, but I can't, because I can't find the stories I want. The Internet is important to your readers under the age of 40. Also, "Twin" needs to go. You're the Pioneer Press. Let's not shy away from the name.

Last night, I was wondering why that dog was at the 331 Club with a video camera strapped to his collar. Now I know why:

(via Spotty)

Please know that the guy in the Santa hat was quite drunk when trying to sing an X-mas carol from the far future.

Mitt "My Dad Marched With MLK (OK, Not Really, But Wouldn't It Be Great If He Had?)" Romney tries to backpedal.
"If you look at the literature, if you look at the dictionary, the term 'saw' includes being aware of in the sense I've described," Romney told reporters in Iowa. "It's a figure of speech and very familiar, and it's very common. And I saw my dad march with Martin Luther King. I did not see it with my own eyes, but I saw him in the sense of being aware of his participation in that great effort."

What the hell does that even mean? You know, I "saw" all four of the Vikings Super Bowl losses. And by that I mean that I am aware that they lost four Super Bowls. See how that works? What a schmuck.

Ah, is there anything better than the excitement and trepidation of Cephalopodmas Eve? The Hillock says, "No."

(Yes, it's a picture from last year. It's the idea that counts, right, Mitt?)

Everything you know is wrong.

Your "Thousands Of Years Ago" leader.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Public Service Announcement Followed Me Home The Other Day

People call the police for a lot of strange reasons. Many calls involve criminal or suspected criminal behavior. Others involve people with honest to god problems that the police are in a position to help with (e.g. Cars stuck in the middle of the street; Lost stuff that needs to be given to somebody). Then there are the other calls ...

There's a popular belief out there that cops are people who are too dumb to get another job. Why, then, do people believe we have some sort of powerful wisdom that no one else has? I understand people asking about legal matters. We're cheaper than lawyers, since we are required to answer the phone and talk to whomever calls. Remember, we aren't lawyers, and don't have all of the answers. If a cop says they don't know, they really don't. We don't like to look ignorant, after all.

What you should do in your personal life, however, is another matter. I don't know if you should let so-and-so move in with you. Chances are, I haven't met the person. I'm not an accountant, and can't tell you what to do with your money (I will advise you not to store hundreds of thousands of dollars in the crawlspace under your house, though, if you ask). I can't enforce a non-existant court order to get your kids back from Dad's house when you are unwilling to go get them yourself.

If a bouncer kicks you out of a bar, it was for a good reason. I can't get you back in (and probably wouldn't even if I could). If the bouncer insulted you, that's not a crime, and I don't know what you should do to get over the experience. Maybe find a therapist. Or another bar.

Some other tips:

A drunk guy walking down the street isn't a police matter unless they start harming themselves or someone else. If we could cart every drunk person away, downtown would be empty every night.

If your friend says she met some guy at the bar and she's going home with him, by all means try and stop her. Don't report her as a missing person when you can't find her later. There's a good chance she went home with the guy.

I don't really like writing reports. Don't say you lost your wallet, then say you want to report it stolen. When you admit the report would be a lie, I'm really not going to write it.

We can't raise your kids. Kids act up. A lot. It's what kids do. Don't threaten to have us arrest them if they won't pick up their toys. It makes them either A) scared to ask a cop for help when they need it or B) make unneccessary calls to the police when they get older and can't figure out what to do.

If some guy you knew in high school 20 years ago calls you out of the blue for some help, and you show up and he's not there, go home. He got the money for his crack from someone else.

I know you think of him as your baby, but your 22 year-old son who lives in the basement room is an adult, and we're not going to go bring him home from his friend's house because his friend is a "bad influence."

Also, even if teenagers don't stay out late against their parents' wishes in your culture, your kid lives here now, where teenagers do all kinds of fucked up things. Your kid is assimilating. That's not always bad.

We are not private investigators. If you don't even know if the person you're trying to find is in the city, there's only so much we can do. Take what info we can give you and hire someone who can devote 12 hours a day to your case. I'm not lying when I say there's no record of the person in our database. Really.

Telling me you're calling from the mental hospital is not going to increase your credibility that the "someone" who told you something bad is happening in your apartment actually exists. Sure, I'll check it out, but don't call me a liar when I say there was nothing wrong. Also, I don't know every drug dealer in the city. Repeating over and over that some guy named "Dave," who sells drugs ("You know Dave, right?"), is somehow involved won't help either.

I also don't want to get into a long conversation about your history of mental illness. I have friends to do that with. And no, I don't know the cop who was really nice to you 28 years ago. I wasn't born yet. Keep calling, and the hospital will get a call from me to revoke your phone privilages.

I don't need to know every bit of history between you and the person who has been harrassing you. If he/she's harrassing you now, that's enough. If I say "fast forward," I'm not trying to be rude. I'm trying to get to the crux of the current problem so I can get the information I need and go back up another officer going to a person with a gun call.

It's OK to flirt with me when I'm standing around downtown. Or inside the gas station/coffee shop. Or pretty much anywhere, as long as I don't look busy. Telling me a man in uniform is sexy will make me happy for several hours.

Sometimes we're happy to give advice. That's a bonus for you (or not, depending on the cop who shows up). It's not our job to make personal decisions for you, however. We're not going to sit around and wait for you to parse down all of your choices. Here's the one piece of wisdom I've picked up in my life; If you can't make the right decision, sometimes making the wrong decision is better than making no decision at all. And sometimes, there simply is no "right" decision.

It's OK to call for help. Just accept that we can't always help, and when we tell you there's nothing we can do, we mean it. You may not like it; we probably don't like it. But despite what some people may say, we are not in a police state, and the cops aren't all powerful. Sometimes you'll have to do things for yourself.

And remember, if there's any doubt at all, go ahead and call. I'll tell you if your call is bullshit, or if there's simply nothing I can do. It's only a waste of my time when you don't accept my answer.

Your Code 4 leader.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Cars & Girls & Drinks & Song (& Bacon)

I shall now commence to freak out Mark by posting yet again this week.

I am a big supporter of mass transit, but it's not always the best choice for transportation.

Seven year-old girls should not have to take a bullet for their mothers. This girl could be a great leader someday. Does anyone doubt that prison is too good for the fuckwad that shot her?

Drinking Liberally gives back next week. Bring an unwrapped toy for a tot to the 331 Club in Nor'east on Thursday night. We'll be giving them all to the Marines in time for X-mas. Then stay for a drink or 3. Spotty will be there with his doggy video camera.

As you shop for X-mas gifts, you may be wondering, "Where does that really bad X-mas music come from?" Here's your answer.

And finally, a possible running mate for Bacon.

Either that, or a horribly embarrassing photo that could end Bacon's political career.

Your Take the A-Train leader.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Baby DL has escaped been delivered lured out with promises of candy and whiskey. I'll just link to the pictures, because babies kind of creep me out.

Congratulations, Robin and Steve. If you need a babysitter, I'm sure a bunch of your relatives would be more than happy to help out. (You were expecting me to offer help? See above statement about babies. When she turns 18, have her give me a call, though ;))

Since I don't have cute human baby pictures, here's a different cute baby picture.

(It's a baby tapir)

Your Wahh, Wahh leader.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Vote For Deliciousness

I'll take medical events for $600, Alex. What is Myocardial Infarction?

Hopefully this won't affect Bacon's chances at getting elected. My guess is Alex eats more Canadian Bacon, which, of course, is ineligible for the Presidency.

Obviously, Kool-Aid Report knows of my propensity to endorse strange things, and is counting on my 5 readers to vote next November. Now, I know it's early, but I am finally excited about a candidate. This may be premature, but I'm ready to endorse for President, unless a terrible running mate is chosen, of course.

Your Sizzling leader.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Snow Lay On The Ground (Vikings 7-6)

Can someone send a note to Cities 97 that sunset was 4 hours ago. Then they can end their "Accoustic Sunset," and get back to playing regular versions of generic adult comtemporary rock.

I've calculated that I am paid about $2400 a year to use the bathroom at work, which is absolutely awesome. This bathroom related tidbit is brought about from reading Jeremy at Afterglide. He writes about poop a lot, and it got me thinking. You should also take his test to see if you could become a serial killer. Check the comments, because he obviously is a dangerous fellow, with his wanton disregard for the noble and majestic tapir.

Time for links to stuff.

This guy must love bacon even more than I do. (via KAR)

What are we calling "Mohammed?" (via PZ) Personally, I would like a stuffed emu. I'd name it Emo the emu. I would imagine it would have a voice like Emo Philips, and would make strange observations about life as a flightless bird.

Also from PZ, the War on X-mas(TM) continues here.

Of yeah. The Vikes bi-atched San Fransisco, and are in sole possession of the last wild-card playoff berth, if the playoffs started today. That's 4 straight wins, in case you weren't counting.

Cities 97 just played "Dixie The Tiny Dog," so they can be forgiven for now.

Your Out At The Station leader.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Technoviking (Vikings 6-6)

Playoffs! Playoffs?! I will give the Lions credit for holding Adrian Peterson to a measly 116 yards, although he did only carry 15 times.

I think this guy would be pleased with the result this week. Dance, Technoviking, dance!

(h/t to Chris)

Your Winning Out leader.