Wednesday, July 30, 2008
MUSIC: Sonya Varoujian Live in Concert
The Knitting Factory
7021 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, California|5 90028
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
map >>>
Sonya Varoujian will be playing mostly her English songs accompanied by Greg Hosharian ..board, Antranig Kzirian on oud and guitar, Mher Ajamian on percussion and Anoush Arakelian on backing vocals. Expect favourites as well as some new material followed by an energy driven set by Visa.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
JOB: Ausbau der Dienstleistungsabteilung (DAWF Baku)
Aserbaidschan ist als eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Volkswirtschaften an der Schnittstelle Asien/Europa und als Hub der kaspischen Region ein interessanter Standort mit ausgezeichneten Perspektiven.
Fragen gerne auch vorab an mich. Ich werde mich bemühen, sie zeitnah zu beantworten.
Herzliche Grüße aus Baku, Florian Schroeder
Deutsch-Aserbaidschanischer Wirtschaftsförderverein
German-Azerbaijanian Business Association
DAWF Baku - Deutsch-Aserbaidschanischer Wirtschaftsförderverein
Florian Schroeder
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director
Tel +994 12 448 39 95
Fax +994 12 497 03 95
DAWF * Nizami Str. 24 * AZ-1001 Baku * Azerbaijan
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 07-29-08
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
Foreign relations and conflicts
1. Abkhaz leadership receives invitation to conflict settlement meeting in Berlin
2. Sukhumi’s agreement to participate in Berlin meeting means softening of Moscow’s position
3. Abkhazia rejects Georgian calls for "international control" over Gali District
4. Secretary-General calls on all sides to preserve ceasefire regime
5. Secretary-General urges all sides to preserve Georgian Abkhaz ceasefire
6. U.S. has own unadvertised Georgian-Abkhaz settlement plan
7. US pushes for talks between leaders of Georgia and Abkhazia
8. Obama and (the Republic of) Georgia
9. Are Georgia and Russia heading for war?
10. Is the South Caucasus the “Achilles Heel” of Russia-US Relations?
11. 70% of Russians think Russian-Georgian relations are poor
12. New status for State Minister Iakobashvili stirs new controversy, expectations
13. Georgia gearing up for “immediate response”, Russia flexing muscles with “Caucasus Frontier 2008”
14. Georgia, US hold military exercises
15. Neither NATO nor any other structure will solve Georgia’s problems
16. Unlike Armenia and Azerbaijan, Georgia has no alternative to joining NATO
17. Georgia may find itself between Azerbaijan’s Scylla and Turkey’s Charybdis
18. Armenians are not lions, they are jackals, serving to stronger peoples
19. Abkhaz resident hurt in grenade explosion dies at Sukhumi hospital
20. Man dies in Gali blast
21. One killed in blast in Abkhazia
22. Four wounded in Georgia's separatist region
23. Abkhaz officials say 110,000 passports issued
24. Separatist official says 110,000 Abkhaz "passports" issued
25. Russian troops to leave Abkhazia
26. Work done, Russian military engineers leaving Abkhazia
27. Reconstruction on Sukhumi-Ochamchira railroad in Abkhazia over
28. Georgia's lab apes languish in post-Soviet limbo
29. Two more unsanctioned flights recorded over Georgian-S. Ossetian conflict zone
30. Who is carrying out explosions in Tskhinvali?
31. Tbilisi claims S. Ossetian military bar monitoring group from inspected area
Politics and government
32. Republican party admits ‘mistakes’
33. Cracks in unity among United Opposition members
34. Everyone has a weakness
35. Labour Party in "state of emergency" after member's arrest
36. Labourites’ leader may be charged for money laundering
37. Laborites work in contingency regime and prepared to become illegal immigrants
38. Labor Party ready to go underground
39. Ombudsman calls upon international organizations
40. Public Defender requests General Prosecutor’s Office to commence investigation
41. Economic Development Minister visits Kutaisi
42. PM Lado Gurgenidze resigns?
Business and economics
43. Weekly market watch
44. Open Sky deal between Switzerland and Georgia promises new opportunities
45. Krynica ready to host 18th Economic Forum
46. Government to subsidize 2008 grape harvest
47. Global food crisis approaches Georgia
48. Rich fruit harvest spoiled by embargo
49. Private hotels near dinosaurs
50. Gurulebi have a tea factory
51. Epic Elite logs fastest VLJ
52. Batumi to host meeting of Black Sea countries’ coastguard experts
53. Armenian public and government’s reaction on Javakhk developments surprising
54. Georgian-based ethnic Armenian movement condemns Yerevan's policy
55. Land mine found in Gori with a letter attached
56. Anti-personnel mine found in Georgian town near South Ossetia
57. Georgian armed forces chief visits Lithuania
58. Patriarch of all Africa in Georgia
59. NGOs meet to tackle regional environmental concerns
60. Push to rebuild brings protest in Georgia’s capital
61. Georgia crowns new beauty queen
62. GPB will reduce its news coverage
63. GeeGeeing up
64. Catholic Iranian gets runaround from Georgian officials on refugee status, fears return to Iran
65. Georgia dismantles monument to Kakheti region residents killed in War II
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Monday, July 28, 2008
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 07-28-08
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. US calls for Abkhazia peace talks without preconditions
2. US diplomat in Abkhazia to arrange peace talks
3. U.S. has own unadvertised Georgian-Abkhaz settlement plan
4. US diplomat urges Abkhazia to attend peace talks in Germany
5. US diplomat urges Georgia, Abkhazia to start "direct dialogue"
6. US diplomat hopes to "persuade" separatists to attend talks in Berlin
7. Meetings in Georgia's Abkhazia "constructive"
8. Abkhaz leader, US diplomat discuss Georgian-Abkhaz settlement
9. Controversy over U.S. diplomat’s ‘troops pull out’ remarks
10. What did Bryza actually say?
11. Georgia can count on Germany: Germany believes Abkhazia is an inseparable part of Georgia
12. Steinmeier's mission: To resolve the conflict or to defuse the crisis?
13. Ambassador discusses Abkhaz possible participation in Berlin meeting
14. Pundit urges Abkhazia to attend conflict settlement talks in Berlin
15. Russia to start railway forces pullout on July 30
16. MPs assess Russian minister's statement
17. Abkhaz official rejects talks in Berlin
18. Abkhazia doesn't mind Friends to Georgia meeting, discontent with timing
19. Abkhazia insists on fulfillment of its conditions
20. Russia playing "simple game" in Georgia's breakaway regions
21. Sukhumi ready for talks with Tbilisi after troop withdrawal from Kodori
22. Abkhazia repeats demands for resumption of talks with Georgia
23. Separatists insist on pulling out troops from gorge
24. Tbilisi favors 'internationalizing' Georgian-Abkhaz settlement
25. Alibi for Gazprom
26. Abkhazia press summary
27. Abkhaz police officers beat down Georgian citizen to death
28. Abkhaz police kills elderly Georgian in Gali district
29. Gali diary
South Ossetia
30. Blast kills one in Tskhinvali
31. Peacekeepers claim Georgian drone overflight in S. Ossetia
32. Peacekeepers register unmanned aircraft flights over Georgia's South Ossetia
33. Aircraft spotted over Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone
Foreign relations
34. Statement of Senator Obama on tensions in the Caucasus region between Georgia and Russia
35. Obama and the German question [excerpt]
36. A change election abroad, too [excerpt]
37. More reports from Russian TV on Caucasus 2008 military exercise
38. Rally held in front embassy
39. Russia behind Georgia cyberwar?
40. Russians negative about Georgia, indifferent to Saakashvili
41. Armenia misses the trans-Caucasus train
42. Yerevan says ethnic Armenians facing "political persecution" in Georgia
43. Consul General in Trabzon Mikatsadze meets Erzurum governor
Politics and media
44. Georgian opposition bails
45. Amendments to party financing and the impact on Georgia’s democracy
46. Opposition party activist arrested in Georgia
47. Georgia seeks extradition of ex-governor from France
48. What will happen to the media?
49. Batumelebi newspaper to appeal to Adjara Regional Prosecutor’s Office
50. Rezonansi demands facts of journalists’ harassment to be investigated and offenders to be held responsible Business and economics
51. Business sector to save USD 90 million every year
52. NBG to allocate regular issue of bonds under governmental debt
53. Trout-keeping farm opened in Borjomi with MCG funds
54. The iron silk road advances further
55. Saakashvili speaks about importance of railway
56. Energy Ministry announces tender to develop scheme for hydraulic-power potential in Kur and Khrami Rivers
57. The empty frame: Reclaiming Georgian cinema’s legacy
58. Brigade general visits Ganmukhuri
59. Ex-Priest released from jail
60. Tbilisi’s River Mtkvari slow to develop
61. Giving children their right to be citizens
62. USAID opens new office and celebrate 15 years in Georgia
63. Ancient text returns to Georgia
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
PHOTOGRAPHY: Shenaqo In Tusheti.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
BEUTEKUNST: Genscher verhandelt für Leopoldina
mehr >>>
ONLINE-ARTIKEL: Russland ist schwächer, als Europa wahrhaben will
Russlands neuer Präsident Dmitri Medwedjew hat wiederholt in seinen jüngsten Reden eine Neustrukturierung der gesamten europäischen Sicherheitsstruktur in einem neuen, rechtsverbindlichen Sicherheitspakt vorgeschlagen und sich gegen eine Revision des Völkerrechts aufgrund der nationalen Interessen einzelner Staaten gewandt.
Der ganze Text >>>
NACHRICHTEN: Gibt es eine Annäherung in dem Abchasien-Konflikt?
Die von Georgien abtrünnige Region Abchasien ist nach anfänglicher Ablehnung nun doch zu Verhandlungen über die Beilegung des Territorialstreits bereit ...
DIPLOMATIE: Geheimgespräche zwischen Türkei und Armenien Die Presse - Wien, Austria
Die Anzeichen für eine Entspannung zwischen Armenien und der Türkei mehren sich. Der im Februar zum Präsidenten gewählte vorige Regierungschef Armeniens ...
Abchasien-Konflikt: Vermittlungsauftrag für Deutschland war ein Fehler RIA Novosti - Moscow, Russia
Nach dem Krieg in Abchasien ist Georgien jetzt so nah wie noch nie, die abtrünnige Region wieder zurückzubekommen.
Russland zieht Eisenbahntruppen aus Abchasien ab - Moscow, Russia
Georgien hatte gegen die Reparaturarbeiten protestiert, weil damit eine russische Militärintervention vorbereitet werde.
NEWS: Some News From the Area In The South Caucasus ...
BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 25 (UPI) -- The government of Azerbaijan said it would increase the capacity of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline to its maximum
Azerbaijan is Guarantor of Georgia’s Independence: President ... Trend News Agency - Baku, Azerbaijan
A.Aliyev/ Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili thinks Azerbaijan’s support to his country is a guarantee to Georgia’s independence.
Presidents Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan and Abdullah Gul of Turkey ... ISRIA (subscription) - Washington, DC, USA
The Heads of State expressed their satisfaction with rapidly developing friendly relations in all spheres.
Today.Az - Presidents of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey to attend ... Today.Az - Azerbaijan
The ceremony will be attended by Presidents of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia Abdullah Gul, Ilham Aliyev and Mikhail Saakashvili who will lay capsules under ...
Construction of Turkish stretch of railway linking Turkey, Georgia ... Xinhua - China
ANKARA, July 24 (Xinhua) -- Turkish President Abdullah Gul, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili on Thursday laid ...
Azerbaijan: Opposition Journalist Leaves for France EurasiaNet - New York, NY, USA
Azerbaijani opposition newspaper reporter Agil Khalil, the focus of a recent scandalous court case, has left Azerbaijan for France after several earlier ...
THE IRON SILK ROAD ADVANCES FURTHER Eurasia Daily Monitor - Washington, DC, USA
A project of inter-continental significance, connecting Europe and Asia through the South Caucasus, this “Iron Silk Road” is being built by the region’s
Armenia misses the trans-Caucasus train Turkish Daily News (subscription) - Ankara, Turkey...
Armenian city of Gyumri and that the Kars-Gyumri link, which has stood idle for over a decade, could be used to build a trans-Caucasus railroad.
“Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Project Open to Entire Caucasus” – Turkish ... Trend News Agency - Baku, Azerbaijan
U.Sadikhova, R.Hafizoglu/ Turkey’s President called on Caucasus countries to join implementation of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) regional railway project.
Russia launches command-staff drill in Siberia Xinhua - China
Large scale military exercises are held in the Russian regions of Siberia and North Caucasus at the same time. Russia launched an anti-terrorism drill, ...
Mediation between Armenia and Turkey would be a multi-dimensional ... PanARMENIAN.Net - Yerevan, Armenia
“Iran is the sole country rescuing Armenia from its isolation within the region. Armenia is currently under geopolitical siege, surrounded by countries like ...
The confirmation of Marie Yovanovitch, the US Ambassador Designate to Armenia, is being unnecessarily delayed due to the mishandling of her nomination by ...
"Arno Babajanian" international music festival will be established in Armenia. The foundation concert of the festival is to be held on August 9 in the ...
Babacan: Historian’s dismissal not gesture to Armenia Today's Zaman - Istanbul, Turkey
The removal from office of a controversial historian known as a hard-liner in debates on Armenian allegations of "genocide" was not connected to recent ...
Armenia: Today President Serzh Sargsyan received Luis Maria de ... ISRIA (subscription) - Washington, DC, USA
Noting that the authorities scrupulously studied the two Resolutions, President Sargsyan reiterated determination of Armenia to fully implement them.
Babacan: Historian’s dismissal not gesture to Armenia Today's Zaman - Istanbul, Turkey
The removal from office of a controversial historian known as a hard-liner in debates on Armenian allegations of "genocide" was not connected to recent ...
Progress?: PACE still concerned over lack of answers regarding its ... - Yerevan, Armenia
The resolution set a number of demands with hopes that their fulfillment would help Armenia overcome one of the worst political crises in its ...
Armenia: Bloggers Attend Presidential Press Conference Global Voices Online - Cambridge, MA, USA
However, not all bloggers welcomed the news and there was also much criticism in the Armenian blogosphere. Pro-opposition blogger Nazarian, for example,
Turkey wants to normalize relations with Armenia Hürriyet - Turkey
Turkey is willing to normalize its relations with the neighboring Armenia, Foreign Minister Ali Babacan said late on Thursday.
Ruling Party Sees No Repression In Armenia - Yerevan, Armenia
By Ruzanna Stepanian and Karine Kalantarian The governing Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) insisted on Friday that there are no political prisoners in the ...
Armenia can be isolated from European family, PACE President ... ISRIA (subscription) - Washington, DC, USA
Armenia can be isolated from European Family, said Lluís Maria de Puig, President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, while being in Yerevan.
US Helsinki Commission marks inaccuracy in information on hearing ... Azeri Press Agency - Azerbaijan
“There is some groundless information that the US Helsinki Commission is to hold hearing concerning Azerbaijan set for July 29 under the recommendation of ...
Inglab Ahmedov: "Economic future of Azerbaijan seems obscure to me Today.Az - Azerbaijan
The IMF forecast, which says that economic recession will hit Azerbaijan beginning from 2012, has been released recently. How would you comment on it?
Azerbaijan and Georgia create export info-search system portal Azerbaijan Business Center - Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan jointly with Georgia is preparing the first information search system portal on both states’ export capacities.
Microbes revealed in foods of restaurants and marriage rite houses ... Azerbaijan Business Center - Azerbaijan
The Republican Centre for Hygiene & Epidemiology Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan has reported that last six months’ laboratory surveys covered 5 720 food ...
Shares of road building company set out for investment competition ... Azerbaijan Business Center - Azerbaijan
The State Property Committee of Azerbaijan has announced an investment competition for sale of 30% of the Imisli Yol Tikinti-6 OJSC’s shares.
Azerbaijan Health Ministry stopped activity of 253 food outlets ... Azerbaijan Business Center - Azerbaijan
In the first half of 2008 the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan inspected companies producing, selling, storing and carrying foodstuffs.
Armenian parliamentarian: "Azerbaijan tries to prove that there ... Today.Az - Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan tries to mislead the world society and show that that there are parallels between the Balkans and Nagorno Karabakh in the sense of violence and ...
Baku, Fineko/ University Azerbaijan jointly with the ... Azerbaijan Business Center - Azerbaijan
UA has informed that education with period of four-year will be conducted in English and Azeri languages.
WB representative: "We are ready to cooperation with Azerbaijan on ... Today.Az - Azerbaijan
The press service for the Economic Development Ministry that the sides discussed ties between WB and Azerbaijan, projects, implemented under WB support and ...
II European transport and energy conferences to be held in Baku ... Azerbaijan Business Center - Azerbaijan
The Baku Process aims to expand co-operation between countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia on key directions of transport and energy.
All-Armenian Catholicos accuses Sheikh-ul-Islam of Caucasus of ... Today.Az - Azerbaijan
"Both representatives of powers and opposition are progenies of the Armenian church and the Armenian church is concerned with the destiny of each Armenian", ...
Climbers killed after ice block collapses ABC Online - Australia
Three Ukrainian climbers were sent plummeting to their deaths when a block of ice gave way under them on Mount Elbrus in Russia's Caucasus mountains,
WB ready to participate in up to $1 bn project of Baku sewage ... Azerbaijan Business Center - Azerbaijan
Peter Thomson, WBG director for stable development in Caucasus and Central Asia, is finishing today his one-week Baku trip.
Russia opens trial of skinhead gang for 20 murders Reuters UK - UK...
both aged 17, led seven other skinheads aged between 17 and 22 who mainly attacked migrants from post-Soviet Central Asia and the Caucasus.
WB director for stable development in Caucasus and Central Asia ... Azerbaijan Business Center - Azerbaijan
Peter Thomson, World Bank Group (WBG) director for stable development in Caucasus and Central Asia, who is completing today his Baku visit has conducted ...
Head of Caucasus Muslims Department to visit United States Today.Az - Azerbaijan
In the framework of the visit the head of the Caucasus Muslims Department will meet with heads of Muslim, Christian and Jewish religious communities, ...
Caucasus closer to launching Iron Silk Road Zaman Online - Istanbul, Turkey
"This project contributes to the peace and stability in the Caucasus," Gül also said. Visibly absent from the project is Armenia,
Georgian President Announces Establishment of Free Industrial Zone ... Trend News Agency - Baku, Azerbaijan
N.Kirtskhalia/ A free industrial zone will be established in Batumi, Georgia’s President Mikheil Saakashvili said to journalists in Turkish Kars city...
REPORTAGE: Der mythische Berg
Entführung am Ararat! Wie mysteriös auch das glücklich ausgestandene Kidnapping dreier deutscher Bergsteiger durch kurdische Guerilla-Kämpfer gewesen sein mag, eines war deutlich genug: Sie schlugen nicht irgendwo, sondern am Ararat zu - und wollten damit ein Zeichen setzen. Dieser Berg ist ein kurdischer Berg! Freilich ist dieser Berg, je nach Blickwinkel, auch ein türkischer, ein armenischer oder - in einer ganz anderen Kategorie - ein biblischer Berg. Steile These: Wenn ein Berg für die Menschheit, auch für deren »nicht bergsteigenden Teil«, ein ganz besonderer ist, dann der Ararat, der im Brennpunkt kultureller, ethnischer, religiöser Interessen steht.
Der ganze Text >>>
Friday, July 25, 2008
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 07-25-08
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
Russia relations and conflicts
1. report: Georgia and Russia: A further deterioration in relations
2. A little bit louder and a little bit worse
3. We made mistakes and we will answer for them before divine justice
4. Conflict mediation faces hurdles
5. Disputes clearer as details on German peace plan emerge
6. Refugees' return "principal part" of Abkhazia peace plan
7. MPs assess Russian minister's statement
8. Georgia should give up part of Abkhazia
9. Tbilisi shall take precautions and retain Upper Abkhazia
10. U.S. diplomats to visit Abkhazia on July 25
11. U.S. official to visit Tbilisi, Sokhumi
12. U.S. in drive for Georgia-Abkhazia peace talks
13. Saakashvili says Russia's actions "thwarted" tourist season in Abkhazia
14. Sergey Bagapsh calls upon Abkhazian media to actively cover 1992-1993 Abkhazian war chronicles
15. Russian railway troops to quit Abkhazia in August
16. Tskhinvali insists on talks in frames of JCC
17. Sanakoyev head says Tbilisi "forces" may have tried to kill him
18. Georgians block road to South Ossetian capital, demand detainee's release
19. Head of OSCE Mission to Georgia visited Tskhinvali
Politics and government
20. Saakashvili hails regional railway project at ceremony in Turkey
21. Attacks against Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway possible
22. Georgian army grows as threats increase
23. Ally of fugitive Georgian ex-defence minister requests asylum in France
24. Kvitsiani does not want more enemies
25. Diaspora Ministry to assess Georgian emigration issues
26. Public Defender’s human rights report critical of majority government
27. Administration of “Kakhetis Energodistributsia” stand accused of abusing power
28. A new processing industry in west Georgia
29. How to punish illegal operators in conflict zones?
30. Swoop on Georgian gas and oil prospect
31. Honey production is serious business, Georgian beekeepers say
32. Journalist assaulted in the building of Sighnagi Administrative Board
33. Regional journalist receives death threat
34. Radio Hereti to air radio-version of the television movie produced by the opposition
35. paper: Art Nouveau healthy buildings in Tbilisi
36. Turkey a prime spot for Georgian holidaymakers
37. Bus burned on Melikishvili Avenue
38. Iakob Gogebashvili starts school building
39. Ethnic groups in Georgia #19 – Lithuanians
40. Peace marathon to support Georgian Olympiads
41. What the term ‘market’ actually means
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
ART: Abkehr von der Ethnografie. Die Malerei von Eteri Chkadua erweitert die regionale Besonderheit.
Eteri Chkadua lebt, seit sie 1980 ihr Land verlassen hat, in den Vereinigten Staaten. Die Künstlerin bleibt den traditionellen künstlerischen Mitteln treu und bemalt ihre Leinwände mit Hilfe von Pinseln und Farbe mit großen realistischen Figuren, mit einem Stil, der mit vollen Händen aus der Erfahrung früherer Künstler schöpft, eine Methode, die sie während ihrer Studienzeit an der Akademie der Schönen Künste erlernt hat. Die reiselustige Künstlerin schafft eine Mischung aus den in New York, Jamaika, Miami, Georgien gesammelten Impressionen, und zeigt eine weibliche Welt aus der Sicht einer Frau: eine vielschichtige Form mit glatter Oberfläche, über die hinaus eine Impulsivität lesbar wird, die fast in den ursprünglichen Zustand eindringt und in der halluzinatorischen Wahrnehmung ihre Emotionen und ihren Elan anklingen lässt:
“Mein Frauenbild zeichnet sich gleichzeitig durch ethnische und mit der Pop Art, dem Tourismus, der Emigration zusammenhängende Elemente aus. Durch Annullierung von Geographie und Zeit wird das Bild universal”.Quelle: ARSENALE / CAMPO DELLA TANA / Biennale venedig 2007
Thursday, July 24, 2008
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 07-24-08
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
1. Conflicts minister gets new title to smooth talks
2. Post-mortems on the German plan on Abkhazia
3. Swedish FM concerned over Georgia’s tensions
4. EU necessitates agreement on non-use of force to restore confidence between Georgia and Abkhazia
5. Frid says Russia not to launch hostilities against Georgia
6. Frid says refugees should return to Abkhazia under peace plan
7. Georgian units in Kodori may be replaced by an international police
8. Lavrov urges Tbilisi, Sukhumi to conclude non-aggression deal
9. Lavrov, Rice discuss Abkhaz conflict
10. Russia’s tactics bring the region closer to violence
11. Tbilisi claims victory in UN Security Council session
12. Armed attack on Georgian family in Abkhazia
13. International organization concerns about environmental situation
14. Separatists hope to be recognized
15. Two S. Ossetians released
16. Georgian man released from South Ossetian separatist custody
17. South Ossetia reports airspace violation
18. Georgian radars have not detected any flights in South Ossetia
19. OSCE Mission completes first phase of photo and documentary initiative in zone of Georgian-Ossetian conflict
20. Tskhinvali marks mass media day
Foreign relations
21. Welcome to Putin's summer camp [excerpt]
22. Armenia underlines importance of stable Georgia
23. Sitting on the topic of construction of the railroad Baku-Tbilisi-Kars held in Tbilisi
24. Presidents of Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia to attend Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railroad laying ceremony
25. President to visit Turkey
Economics and business
26. NBG holds interest rate on inflation data
27. Georgia's external state debt up 33% in H1
28. Fruit processing plant opens in Kutaisi
29. Energy minister oversees gas pipeline repairs
30. Georgia and Switzerland entered in the agreement on international air communication
31. Bank of Georgia announces a US$30 million increase of its loan passthrough notes
32. Grivnas 8,4 million invested in development of ferry Kerch-Poti/Batumi
33. Saganelidze does not leave politics
34. Gamkrelidze has consultations with Okruashvili
35. Gamkrelidze will speak about democratic crisis in US
36. Georgia ready to contribute to ensuring global security
37. Realization of NATO intensive involvement program discussed at Foreign Ministry of Georgia
38. Top of the class
39. Down on the farm: Georgia struggles to open EU market for agricultural exports
40. Georgia reports two cases of anthrax
41. President promises to make millionaires out of Georgian Olympic champions
42. Rustavi schools undergo repairs
43. Poll: Georgians’ greatest concerns
44. Journalist Nana Pazhava intends to file a lawsuit against Imedi Radio
45. Classified documents dating back to Soviet Georgia published in Saarkivo Moambe Magazine
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
NACHRICHTEN. Und noch was ... Reise & Tourismus
Stalin, in Georgien geboren, soll allein fünf Datschen in Abchasien gehabt haben. Eine der größten steht in Suchumi, mitten in einem Park direkt am Strand.
Gastfreundschaft im Kaukasus - Reise nach Georgien Monsters and Critics - Quickborn, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Aber Besucher sind in dem Kaukasus-Städtchen Sighnaghi im Osten Georgiens kaum zu sehen. Noch nicht....
Sighnaghi am 6. Mai 2007 von Joe Coyle
Sighnaghi (Album)
Thanks a lot for your pics all the time!!! Naxvamdis!
NACHRICHTEN: Schleichender Krieg im Kaukasus? Zumindest ist es eine diffuse Interessenage.
"Mein Herz schmerzt" Deutsche Welle - Germany
Und irgendeine Koalition mit Georgien kommt gar nicht in Frage.
Deutscher Friedensplan Kaukasische Mission Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Frankfurt, Germany
Sein Ziel: einen Prozess in Gang zu bringen, mit dem der Konflikt um die von Georgien abtrünnige Region Abchasien entschärft ...
Merkel contra Bush Die Ukraine und Georgien vorerst nicht in die Nato - Germany
Mazedonien, Ukraine und Georgien müssen weiter warten. Den Beitritt Kroatiens und Albaniens müssen die 26 Bündnispartner noch ratifizieren.
Tiflis schickt 400 zusätzliche Soldaten nach Afghanistan - Wien, Austria
Moskau/Tiflis - Das in die NATO strebende Georgien will die Koalitionstruppen in Afghanistan bis Jahresende mit 400 Soldaten verstärken.
Schleichender Krieg im Nord-Kaukasus Berliner Umschau - Berlin, Germany
Zugleich besetzten russische Truppen neue Stellungen an der eigenen Grenze zu Georgien. Zu Zusammenstößen mit georgischen Truppen kam es offenbar nicht.
Russland morgen: Kaspi-See und TNK BP - Moscow, Russia
Baku/Moskau. Morgen beginnt in Baku die Sitzung einer internationalen Arbeitsgruppe, die den legalen Status des Kaspischen Meeres festlegen soll.
Russlands Freude über die fehlende Energiepolitik Europas WELT ONLINE - Germany
Während in Moskau den Würdenträgern aus Budapest und Sofia, Rom und Berlin geschmeichelt wird, hintergeht Gazprom gleichzeitig in Baku und Tripolis Europas Interessen.
Arbeitsgruppe berät im September über Status des Kaspischen Meeres RIA Novosti - Moscow, Russia
BAKU, 22. Juli (RIA Novosti). Eine Sitzung der Arbeitsgruppe zur Festlegung des Status des Kaspischen Meeres findet am 4. und 5. September in Baku statt.
OVKS-Manöver Rubesch-2008 beginnt in Armenien RIA Novosti - Moscow, Russia
Die Militärübung der Organisation des Vertrages über die kollektive Sicherheit (OVKS) beginnt am heutigen Dienstag in der armenischen Hauptstadt Jerewan.
Georgien: Oppositionsbewegung „Swoboda“ stellt zeitweilig ihre ... RIA Novosti - Moscow, Russia
Konstantin Gamsachurida, der sich zurzeit in der Schweiz aufhält, soll nach seiner Rückkehr nach Georgien eine offizielle Erklärung abgeben ...
Amerika für Beitritt der Ukraine Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Frankfurt, Germany
Juli 2008 Anders als die Bundesregierung setzen sich die Vereinigten Staaten weiterhin dafür ein, die Ukraine und Georgien rasch näher an die Nato zu führen.
USA signalisieren Unterstützung für Steinmeier-Plan in Georgien Georgien Nachrichten - Germany
Der deutsche Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier hatte diesen Ende der vergangenen Woche in Georgien und Russland präsentiert.
UN-Sicherheitsrat berät über Spannungen zwischen Georgien und Russland Georgien Nachrichten - Germany
Der Sicherheitsrat der UN hat sich in der Nacht zu Dienstag mit den Spannungen zwischen Georgien und Russland beschäftigt.
Kaukasus-Konflikt: Georgien lässt zwei ossetische Geiseln frei RIA Novosti - Moscow, Russia
Georgien hat zwei der insgesamt vier Osseten, die am Sonntag von den georgischen Sicherheitskräften festgenommen wurden, wieder frei gelassen.
DDoS-Angriff Webseite des georgischen Präsidenten unter Beschuss Gulli - Bochum, Germany
Am vergangenen Wochenende musste die Internetpräsenz des georgischen Präsidenten mehrere Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacken einstecken.
Gazprom und Algerien nehmen Spanien ins Visier - "Kommersant" RIA Novosti - Moscow, Russia
Dadurch kann ein flexibles System für Gaslieferungen zum Beispiel aus Libyen und Aserbaidschan geschaffen werden.
"Der Völkermord an den Armeniern darf nicht in Vergessenheit geraten" WELT ONLINE - Germany
Berlin - Die Türkei und Armenien bemühen sich offenbar verstärkt um eine Normalisierung ihrer Beziehungen.
Russland unterstützt Steinmeiers Plan für Georgien - Moscow, Russia
Zunächst einmal sollen die Spannungen zwischen Georgien und Abchasien abgebaut werden. Ein Vertrag über die Nichtanwendung von Gewalt soll unterzeichnet werden.
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 07-23-08
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
Foreign relations and conflicts
1. Germany's efforts to settle Abkhazian conflict looking fruitless so far
2. Steinmeier’s plan on Abkhazia: Benign intentions, limited relevance, blocked by Moscow
3. German Abkhaz plan ‘not dead’
4. Europe's capabilities are restricted
5. Is devil hiding in the details of Steinmeier’s plan?
6. How Russia is undermining Germany's initiative before it even starts
7. Surprise, surprise
8. Putin has never been Medvedev’s friend
9. Russian human rights activist says Georgian refugees can't return to Abkhazia
10. Georgian-US military exercise threatens Russia
11. If Russia doesn’t interfere, Georgia can start and even win war against Abkhazia and South Ossetia
12. Russo-Georgian tensions discussed at Security Council
13. Georgia seeking implication of international community in settlement of its conflicts
14. MFA releases official statement
15. Russian envoy slams some envoys of pro-Georgian policy
16. Russian UN envoy slams "pro-Georgian bias" of West
17. Georgians, Russians exchange angry words at Security Council Debate
18. Georgia’s diplomatic efforts directed at breaking down existing formats of conflict solution
19. Russian aggression towards Georgia fits the pattern of Germany's prewar tactics
20. With Russian flights and Georgian IDPs, non-use of force discussed at UN, Kosovo echoes
21. video: UN fails to settle Georgian airspace row
22. State Minister Iakobashvili given status of president’s special envoy
23. Georgia-Abkhazia issue is very high on the agenda amongst European Union states
24. EU should have bigger role in settling Abkhazian conflict
25. Saakashvili sees Lithuania as Tbilisi's "main" ally in EU
26. Lithuania expecting active involvement from EU in solving conflict in Abkhazia
27. How long will “war games” and standoffs last?
28. Abkhazia, Georgia: “Home”
29. Abkhaz railway repair close to end
30. Abkhaz MPs visit Chechnya
31. Separatists military academy announces about accepting students
32. Recognized Kosovo changes int'l attitude to Abkhazia
33. South Ossetia resists Georgia's efforts to exclude North Ossetia from talks
34. Georgia detains four Ossetians on drug, weapons charges
35. Tbilisi confirms release of two S. Ossetians
Politics and government
36. Top members quit opposition party
37. Movement "Freedom" suspended its activity, members of its political council quitted organization
38. Labors meet envoys
39. Parliamentary Minority presents plans
40. Opposition political camp receives just reward!
41. Subari forced government to recall November 7 – “A day government wants to erase from Georgian history”
42. Open letter attacks parliament for ‘cynical attitude to democracy’
43. Ruling party’s disregard for dissent leaves little room for optimism
44. Giorgi Karbelashvili is appointed as a Deputy Minister of Economical Development
45. Labor Code - Employees are fired over one lost khachapuri
46. Mass firing of governmental employees for weak support in parliamentary elections
47. President’s web site under DDoS attack from Russian hackers
48. Saakashvili administration denies crippling hacker attack on president’s website
49. Saakashvili visits Vaziani military base
50. Georgia to send 400 peacekeepers to Afghanistan
51. Tehran, Tbilisi to strengthen bilateral commercial ties
52. The last events in Javakhq were organized by Georgian authorities with connivance of Armenian authorities
53. Interests of Javakhq have been sacrificed for the benefit of Nagorno-Karabakh
54. GPB Moambe News has new chief
55. Regional TV news programs “off-the-air”
56. Wasting of budgetary funds continues unabated in Lagodekhi
57. Special Operations Department arrests high-ranking officials from Kakheti Energy-Distribution Company
58. Human Rights Centre demands punishment of District Governor of Sighnaghi
59. NGOs protest Deputy Internal Minister appointment as Kakheti’s Regional Governor
60. Half starved cows in Gori District
61. What do inmates of Kutaisi prison need?
62. Court hands down virtual “death penalty” on physically disabled person with TB
63. Prisoner fears being locked up
64. Turning a blind eye - Georgian prisons without monitoring
65. Caucasus data: Tolerance towards others
Social Science in the Caucasus blog, July 22
charts at
66. Georgia eyes potential for new pipelines
67. Government of patriots or “little people” in Shida Kartli
68. Out-patient clinics being brought into shape in the Samtskhe-Javakheti region
69. Kakheti Ethnographical Museum closed
70. Who violates UN mandated rights of the child in Kutaisi?
71. Residents of Lamiskana dream of irrigation system
72. One pebble from the Georgian homeland
73. Management for HAACP food safety unit does work properly
74. Crumbling walls of Ateni Sioni Orthodox Church
75. Clients cannot receive money from People’s Bank
76. Farmers forced to fill the empty Georgian budget
77. People’s Bank denies money distribution problems in district branches
78. Police officer murdered in Akhalkalaki
79. Traders with color metals protest new rules
80. Low-quality rehabilitation works in Sighnaghi exposed once again
81. Zemoadjarian drivers strike high prices at car station in Batumi
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
... The main line of the musical structure in the performance is built on the base of Corsican polyphonic songs, into which Bulgarian, Romanian, Icelandic and Chechenian songs have been interwoven. The energy of the elaborated music owes a debt to Erik Satie and his recognition of the force conveyed by each drop of sound. The traditional music material has been transformed into a modern formThe Zar Theatre from Wroclaw/Poland wil be in Belgrade in autumn 2008. Maybe I have time to be there. First part of the festival is supported by German Embassy in Belgrade, Cultural Centre "Vuk Karadžić" and Belgrade Dance Centre.
and enhanced by an intensive movement score. We are unable to express how much the performance owes to Aglaya ...
Note: Festival MEETINGS will be realised throughout 2008. Coming of theatre Specchi e memorie and performing of their latest performance "Relative Absolute" as well as realisation of the workshop led by Zar Theatre actors which will deal with using of voice in theatre through forms of polyphonic singning will be realised in autumn 2008.
Festival Openings, Wroclaw/Poland: June 29, 30th at 19h,
The Grotowski Institute - Apocalypsis Space
The Wizard or Harmonic Cacophony
Demonstration of a theatre language
27.12.2007. at 20:00, Centre for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade
Premiere: 4.12.2007. Festival Manöver, Leipzig, Germany
Scenario and directing: Nenad Čolić
With: Maša Jelić, Ranko Trifković, Jelena Martinović, Marko Potkonjak, Dejan Stojković
Set and costume: Ivana Čolić
PR manager: Dubravka Vujinović»The Wizard or Harmonic Cacophony«, it is an attempt of transforming time into space with the help of sound. It is an attempt of creating of sound synthesis in the consciousness of actors on the stage, synthesis between vocal activity which produces sound (text, song), musical tone which produces sound, their gradation through time and intention of each performer individually for some kind of musical, sound result. It is an attempt of composing of theatre, an attempt to make scenic, theatre elements in function of orchestration of cacophony and to make spectator's perception moved from rational into out-of-time, spatial sphere.
The performance is based on a famous fairy tale written by L. Frank Baum »The Wizard of Oz« and texts of F. M. Dostoevsky, Virginia Woolf, Hermann Hesse, Oscar Wilde and Marina Cvetaeva. Actors' materials and music materials from different performances of Plavo pozorište between 1995 and 2006 have been used in this performance:
Sonnet Without a Title (1995)
It Was the Souls’ Wondrous Mine (1999)
Oscar Wilde and the Inconstant Prince (2000)
Sarcasticus or Birth of the Virus (2002)
Fantastic Gospel According to Virginia (2003)
Dialectics of Soul – Study of Freedom (2004)
I Sing Like a Bird (2006)
A massive absurd spectacle about the situation in Serbia with different point of views in a multiplex mode to such subjects like policy, election, nationalism, proud to be a serbian, family, tradition, love, literature, art, religion, men, women, sexuality and much more "huge existential points of life" ...
Interesting are the similair aspects in another countries and cultures or ethic groups! I recommend the performance all people the are like to break with conventions - also with the conventions to play theatre and with the fucking script department of history. PLAVO POZORIŠTE know the rules of an own great spectacle and the way to looking for more than half the truth very good ... I was visibly impressed - it is more than an amazing piece of art!
photographies (copyright: Ralph Hälbig)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
NEWS: Georgia News Digest 07-22-08
Attached PDF file easily navigable with Bookmarks pane
Archives and associated files at (from February 2008) and (before February 2008)
Foreign relations
1. video: Russia and Georgia clash at UN
2. Georgia looking for international support at UN Security Council session
3. Davit Bakradze does not expect support document from UN session
4. Does Russia wish to be a facilitator, or a party to conflict? [excerpt]
5. Settle last conflicts in the Eastern Europe: International community will do everything
6. Where is Kovalenko?
7. report: Azerbaijan's view of the security situation in the Southern Caucasus
8. McCain's senior foreign policy advisor tied to global petro-influence peddling
9. German foreign minister wraps up visit, no visible progress on peace plan
10. Steinmeier promotes plan for Abkhazia
11. Moscow signs on to German plan
12. Abkhaz minister on "corrections" to Germany's peace plan
13. Abkhazia does not want a war
14. Abkhaz speaker troubled by Georgia's move to increase army ranks
15. Blame for blast skirts ethnic ties
16. Russian railway troops to withdraw from Abkhazia
17. Visitors grow restless at Abkhaz vacation towns
18. Russia should recognize Abkhazia before Sochi Olympics
19. Georgian party sues Russian Aqua Phone
South Ossetia
20. video: Hidden war in breakaway republic
21. Georgia says S. Ossetia 'kidnaps' were arrests by police
22. Police confirms arrest of four S. Ossetians
23. Georgia takes four Ossetians hostage
24. Separatists' reasons against EU-sponsored talks "fabricated"
Politics and government
25. Saakashvili attends US-Georgian military drill outside Tbilisi
26. Saakashvili familiarizes himself with joint military exercise
27. US troops train Georgians amid tension
28. Georgian army to have more soldiers
29. Increase of forces ‘equal’ to growth of security threats
30. Parliamentary minority presents plans
31. Parliamentary opposition to initiate amendments to Law on Broadcasting
32. Project underway in Kvemo Kartli to help residents with civil registration
33. National Movement MP is accused of raping Ukrainian businesswoman
34. Government turns its attention to early childhood development
Business and economics
35. Georgia ready to back Azerbaijan in WTO
36. Topadze’s Kazbegi to partner with Turkish Efes
37. Georgia builds business relations with France
38. Georgia sees potential for new pipelines: Interview with Energy Minister Alexander Khetaguri
39. Inflation and oil - decouple the economy from oil
40. Buying into the brand
41. Alternative dispute resolution: A quick-fix for businesses?
42. A recipe to reduce poverty
43. The future of Tbilisi
44. Ask the experts: When will Georgia open the planned free industrial zone?
45. The changing face of Tbilisi
46. Tbilisi parking system to see overhaul
47. Retail market slowly on the rise
48. Board of Trustees of Georgian Public Broadcasting elected a new chairperson
49. Georgia president's web site falls under DDOS attack
50. GEL 1 mln bounty for Olympic gold
51. Free University of Tbilisi, comfort for study and research
52. Civil society in Georgia: Role and place after revolution
53. Tolerance
54. Medical and faith-based rehabilitation programs for drug addicts
55. Breast cancer care in Georgia: Too little, too late
Jonathan Kulick, Ph.D., Director of Studies, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, 3a Chitadze, Tbilisi 0108, Georgia (Republic),, office: +995 32 47 35 55, mobile: +995 95 33 33 40, USA voicemail: 310.928.6814
NEWS: "Abkhasia does not want a war" (
Since a brief but vicious war in the early 1990s when it seceded from Georgia, the tiny sub-tropical republic of Abkhazia has lived a precarious existence, shut off from the outside world. Unrecognised by any other state, it is however strongly supported by Russia, to the chagrin of Georgia and its western allies such as the US. This year fears of a new armed conflict rose sharply after Abkhazia shot down several unmanned Georgian spy planes flying over its territory and Russia moved extra troops into the region. Abkhazia’s president, Sergei Bagapsh, 59, talks about the ongoing conflict with Georgia, which wants the republic back under its control.