
Showing posts with label Ava. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ava. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tea Time Tuesday # 168...Another Day With Ava

Ava was over today, so I didn't have time for tea. One of my Tasha Tudor friends was asking to see some of our tea cozies. I was working down in my sewing cottage with Ava, so I was looking at some of my ME tea things. I love this book. It's really just so charming. I never tire of it.

A great Jane Austen quote with a wonderful illustration by Mary Engelbriet.

Summer means more time babysitting for Grandma Linda. I had Ava today and Otto tomorrow. I love being a grandmother, but I sure get tired out.

This is my tea cozy that I made years ago. It's my favorite pattern for a homemade tea cozy.
I have made many of these but I have given most away as gifts.

This is my funny tea cozy. She is more like a doll. Her head is painted on a large wooden bead like object. She makes me smile.

When Ava arrived this morning, I decided to make stamp shortbread cookies with her. It fun to watch her in the kitchen. She enjoys it and even knows how to clean up.

Ready for the oven!

They turned out great and they are so good with tea. They are almond flavored.

I also wanted to start teaching Ava to sew on the machine. She has done a bit of handwork. Her other grandma sews, but Ava wasn't to interested to do it with her. I made a big deal about her doing so well and we made a simple pillowcase. It's a beginning. She was really proud of it.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Tea Time #165....A Day With Ava

Ava spent the day with me. We haven't had a day together, just the two of us for quite some time now. I thought it would be fun to have tea with her. We went to the store together and I let her pick out the goodies. She was so helpful in fixing everything. I was so thrilled to watch her enjoy helping with the tea! I hope she will continue to love it and give her own teas as she gets older.

I noticed the teapot is missing from my photos. It was steeping on the counter and it didn't get into the picture.

Ava set the table and arranged all the plates of goodies. She had quite a system for her designs.

She invited her little stuffed hedgehog...Chocolate. She found a tiny little dish for him.

She sure looks happy...doesn't she? She's 10 now and soon will be taller than I am.

Yes, I was pretty happy too.

After tea, we  had a chance to play the Barbie Queen of the Prom game. I ordered one and was waiting for her to visit so we could play the game. Oh my goodness, she loved it. I used to play it with my sister and then my girls loved to play it. So....the circle of life goes on...Barbie games and all. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Miss Ava and Barbie

After I had Otto for the night on Saturday, it was Ava's turn to spend the night on Sunday. So, I went from baby boy to Barbie time! I still have my Barbie dolls and clothes from when I was little. I got my first Barbie in 1960...the blonde ponytail Barbie or as she is referred to in this little booklet below....
"Basic Barbie Doll Fashion Model Set". Look at the price!

Recently, Ava got the reproduction Barbie ~ Solo in the Spotlight. That's the cool black slinky dress that you often see. This doll really got Ava back into her Barbie dolls after taking a break with her American Girl Doll...Saige.

This is the reproduction Barbie and I think she's really pretty. I love her hair!

My original Barbie can be seen on the left here, standing next to Ava's. You can see some of her other dolls that were included in our play time. Playing  Barbie's with Ava goes on for hours! She loves to play Barbie and is so creative making up stories. It fascinates me and really tells you a lot about what is going on in that little head of hers!

My doll has the original Solo in the Spotlight outfit, but I no longer have the microphone. I do have all the other pieces. My poor Barbie could use a new hair style, but then, she has been around for a long time.You can see some of my outfits in my black Barbie suitcase below. My mom also made a lot of outfits for my doll. Have you ever tried to make Barbie clothes? VERY difficult. My mom not only made the outfits for me, she made matching ones for my sister's Barbie! My mother made so many doll clothes for me. I can remember her sewing in her room when we went to bed before Christmas. I never put it together that she was making doll clothes for years.

More of Ava's doll....

Below are some of the original outfits that I do have. I also have a vintage Ken. Maybe he'll appear in a blog post someday.

After playing in the house for the afternoon, we needed to go outside and get some fresh air! The garden and flowers also needed to be watered. Ava helped me and then she found a mud puddle. Why do kids love mud? Silly girl...she sure had fun!

Muddy feet for sure Miss Ava!

Look at that smile! I think Ava is ready for summer. She was so happy during her visit and we had a great time together. She is a chatty one and I love it. A few times she would ask me, "Am I talking too much?" I answered...."NEVER!"

I guess I should apologize to my girls Angie and Gina. I never really let them play with my vintage Barbie dolls and their clothes. Sometimes, I would sit with them and show them all the goodies. I think they did play with them when I was at work, but that's ok. I had so much fun mixing and matching my outfits and playing with Ava this weekend. I guess grandmas mellow out with their toys. I do have to admit I popped onto Ebay for a few additions for Barbie's vintage wardrobe. I love having a little girl in my life who loves to play with dolls! I am blessed. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Babysitting....Mama Needs Some Sleep

Last Friday we took the Wirth family to out to dinner to celebrate my SIL Chris' birthday. We had promised Miss Ava an over night, so she got to stay after dinner. It was show time...time to play with our dolls!

The American Girl Dolls are in right now! Lots of fun and lots of play time. Ava was really lots of fun and we even got my old Barbie dolls out and looked at all the clothes. I didn't get any pictures of the Barbie but I'm sure we will be playing with her again.

The kids didn't sleep on Saturday night and I think Mama Angie had reached her limit. I remember those days, so long ago. So on Monday, I went over to help her out, watch Otto so she could take a long shower and we had some time to chat. It's nice that she isn't working much right now and it's nice that Grandma is retired! So Jimmy and I kidnapped him and he spent the night with us.

Otto is so fun and able to sit and play now. He eats about anything in sight. He is laughing and trying to imitate sounds when you chatter with him. He is cutting his second top tooth and having a hard time. Poor little tyke. He's getting to be little camera ham.

Safe and sound in Grandpa Jimmy's arms the next morning. His mommy slept for 9 hours. Grandma and Grandpa didn't get that much sleep, but he's so good.

Ang had to work at her little part time job, so I went over to babysit about 8:30 AM. He loves this chair/toy. He can stand in it and jump, jump, jump! He loves to jump.

My Tasha friend Jane sent me these 3 bibs she made for Otto. They are so nice and so cute. I love the fabric she chose. She has two little grandsons, so she knows what's in now for the little guys. Thanks so much Jane!

Tomorrow we will have him again over night. These are just precious times. He's growing up so quickly. I just want to hug him and hug him and hug him.

An update on my friend Sharon. She is able to breath on her own for longer periods of time now. They are still doing tests to figure out if she has an infection around her heart. I will get more information tomorrow at bible charity sewing. She is still not out of the woods and still needs our prayers.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12~Tea Time Thursday #29

Happy Tea Time Thursday! I thought it would be fun to share some of the tea time ornaments I have on both of my Christmas trees today. This first one is one of my favorties. It's a Hallmark ornament that I have had for years. We had a Hallmark pharmacy years ago and Jim and the girls and I would always pick one out a year.

This is my newest ornament. It was given to me by my grandchildren, Ava and Otto. It's a Steinbach made in Germany. We have several, but they are all men. This looks like a grandma to me! I love it.

My daughter Angie gave me this little Spode teapot ornament a few years ago. It looks just like my real Spode Christmas Tree teapot. There is also a creamer and sugar in this set of ornaments.

This is a blown glass one that really reflect the light. I really don't remember when I got this one.

The tree in my tea room has all glass ornaments. I got this sweet teapot with my friend Lynda years ago when we went to tea. We were just talking about them yesterday.

This is a small little teapot that was mine when I was little. I'm surprised it has survived all these years.

This one was a gift from my friend Nancy.  Lots of fun ornaments. Do you collect any special ornaments? Is your tree up yet?