
Showing posts with label Gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gift. Show all posts

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Blog Catch Up!

It's been busy at my home! I haven't been blogging due to other projects that have been waiting. I decided to catch up with a post to show some of my fun projects.
Jimmy and I have both been trying to finish up our gardening. My friend gave me this little rose from her rose from Tasha Tudor's garden in Vermont. My first one died and she graciously gave me a second one to try again. It's doing well this year. Can you see the little rose blooming? So exciting.

After some gardening, I decided to finish up a doll and make her an outfit. There was a doll shoppe in Vermont called the Enchanted Dollhouse. They used to sell these little china head dolls. You would make the body and her dress. There were 5 doll kits made. They are dated and named on the back of their breast plate. They are cute, nothing real special, but fun. Several Tasha fans have a collection of these. So this is Nell and it was time to finish her. My friend Carla has Sally and she made her undies out of the same fabric as the dress fabric. I thought it would be fun, even if it isn't traditional.

I love the tiny lace on her pantaloons and slip!

Working on the puffy sleeves and bodice with some antique lace.

Her's Nell in her new dress. I think she is quite happy with it.

This is my Meg doll. I made this dress for her last November. I love the fabric. I am waiting for Emma to arrive from Etsy. I'm not sure if I will like the fabric of her outfit, so I may be working on another one SOON!

For Mother's Day, my daughter Gina gave me a gift card from Etsy. It was so fun looking and thinking about what I wanted to spend my money on! I was wanting a cradle for the little baby doll I posted a few weeks ago. I love the little scenes painted on the bed. Thank you Gina!

It also has little design and wooden knobs on the sides.

Baby Phyllis loves here new bed! She can sit up in it or take a nap. She just fits perfectly in it.

Isn't is just the cutest?!

 A lovely lady in Florida found my blog and sent me an email. She wanted to know if I would like this book. It's a classic and I was happy to get it! I wanted to pay for postage and she wouldn't let me. So sweet from a lady I have never met! Blogger friends are just so wonderful and do such unexpected things.

She also sent some goodies that she had made and a couple other dolly booklets.

She does such beautiful work. Thank you so much Maria.
So, that's what has been keeping me busy this week. I hope you are doing well and taking baby steps to return to a few things as we reopen. Stay safe. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tea Time Tuesday

Happy Tea Time Tuesday! I am sharing something different from my usual fall tea items. My sister Debbie recently went to Scotland. She has been Pen Pals with her friend since the 6th grade. Her friend's son was getting married, so Debbie and her hubby Bill and daughter Amanda were invited to attend. Debbie and I have been doing some DNA testing and we are more Scottish and Irish than we thought, so it's pretty exciting.

Time for a cup of tea this afternoon!

This cup and saucer are mind and I almost got rid of it last fall. Now, I am so glad that I decided to keep it. It's a Royal Staffordshire bone china cup and I love the name.....Bonnie Scotland. It features the Graham Clan. I love the colors.

Debbie brought me home a beautiful wool scarf. This is my family name...MacPherson and this plaid is one that was worn while hunting. Deb said it was one of the few shops that carried wool scarves from Scotland and not imported from China...pretty sad. 

I guess they hd shortbread everywhere they went, so she had to bring some back. Jimmy will get to enjoy this treat!

Isn't the plaid pretty! I love the colors. I need to get a warm winter coat as I am going back east in December...I think I need to find one to wear with my new scarf!

I collect smashed pennies, so she had to bring me back one! What a surprise.

It was such a pretty fall day today, even with the strong east wind blowing. I just needed a sweet cup of tea to drink in my tea cup. Stash makes a yummy one and I did enjoy it.

Hope your fall is going well. It's been a busy one here. Jim will be exhibiting at the Expo Antique and Collectible show this weekend. I will be setting up his booth on Friday and Gina will be coming on Saturday to help him on Saturday. He has some nephews lined up for extra help too. I always go in fresh Sunday night to help take down the booth. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday Treasures....Meet Miss Aurora May

My Thursday Treasure is actually a beautiful 14" Milliner doll that my Jimmy bought for me a few months ago from an antique dealer who has become our friend. Marci is a doll person and is trying to get me to join her UFDC group. We will see..... I had to wait for this beauty until Mother's Day.

Most of these dolls were made in the Thuringian Forest of Germany in the mid 19th century. The enjoyed a popularity in Europe and in America.
They remained popular until the china head dolls moved them out.

Their heads are made of papier mache. Sometimes they are called varnished heads. Her body is leather.

Her dainty hands are made of wood.

Her little feet are made of wood too.

The type of curls they have reflect the changing styles of the times. Mine has short little curls. Some have long ringlets and some have that funny little knot on the top of their heads. There is not much left of her hat, but I think I will leave it for now.

Although they are called milliner dolls, they were actually dolls meant to be played with and not displayed in milliner's shoppes.

I love her. I named her Aurora May as we love Aurora Colony and it was a German colony in Oregon. May seemed like a very nice middle name for her as she was given to me by my  Jimmy in May.

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Treat From New England

Last week the postman left me a sweet little package from across the country.  One of my Tasha friends, Suzanne, from New England sent me a package via "SNAIL MAIL"! How exciting. Don't you just love to get something in the mail? I love emails and text mails and it still amazed me that I can chat with someone in another part of the world instantly, but to discover a letter, a card or a package in my mailbox is the bees knees as they used to say.  Anyway, back to my package. I always like to just look at my gift for a bit before I open it. I like to savor gifts. What did Suzanne send to me?

I love the tiny card with a personal little note from my friend. The charming necklace was tucked into a tiny sack carefully wrapped in red tissue. "Keep Calm and Carry On" You can see some of her other  creations on Etsy under Pretty Darling Things. Take a peak. Thanks so much my friend for thinking of me and blessing me with such a lovely gift. I miss you. Enjoy the summer with your family.