
Showing posts with label Tasha Tudor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tasha Tudor. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thursday Dolly Day

So here it is Thursday already! We have been spending so much time working in the yard. I was sick so many summers and had surgeries and then last summer we were gone for 2 weeks. Our yard has been neglected for 5 years. With sheltering in so much, we have been working on the yard and gardening. Jimmy has taken an interest in it again, so it's been something we can do together. I just forgot how much time it takes and how little time you spend inside when you work outside!

My doll came.  I got another one of the Tudor china heads that were once sold at the Enchanted Dollhouse in Vermont. I used the rest of my Etsy Mother's Day gift card for her. She was put together and is a bit larger. She came with her dress and pantaloons.

Her name is Emma. She is about 15".

I did make her a little slip using a larger item vintage item. It already had the pin tucks and I added the tiny lace.

I didn't like the collar, so I tacked it down inside. I also turned down the belt and added a little button to change the look. I added some lace along the bottom for a bit more length.

I do love the under sleeves. I need to add these to some of my doll dresses.

So here is her dress with the changes. I think it's much better around her neckline as you can see her face.

Here's the family!





My Tasha friend told me there was one more...Molly. I found her on a Tasha Tudor book site...the Cellar Door in CT. I know the owners and they are sending her to Portland tomorrow. I will have to make the doll's body and her clothes. I think she is larger too. It will be fun.

I hope you are all well. The doll world is a bit of a pause from all the sad things happening in our world. I am still trying to be safe. 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday Made

Yes, it's Monday and a new week...week #3 of staying home. It's cold and wet and yucky! It's afternoon and I haven't managed to get anything done. It's one of those check in days with family and friends via the phone and internet. That's more important than housework- right?

Yesterday our daughter Angie brought over a few things and at least I got to see her! Today, my other daughter Gina came by to pick up a few things and so I got to see her too. It's hard keeping a distance, talking far apart in the garage without hugs or a cup of coffee. But, it is what it is and I am so thankful I got to see them in person. 

So, today is Monday Made on my Tasha Tudor FB page, so I am sharing what I made here on my blog too. As I posted previously, I participated in Rachel Hoffman's VDC last week. I really liked the workshop by Helen Kish, so I made the little shoe the other day. Of course, I changed a few things but that's the fun part about this. I want to make another one or two. It was just fun to do something creative for a change.

I recently found this wonderful wool felt pack that I had gotten on sale, years ago. I brought it over from my storage unit, not having a clue what I was going to use it for! I love going shopping in my craft room, especially now when we can't go shopping.

So I decided to make a pink one. I used trim, ribbon flowers and seed pearls to decorate it instead of doing embroidery work. I was anxious to finish it. I used pink and green wool felt.

You can see the work on the side with this photo. A little mouse crawled into it. A chick and a little dolly were fighting to occupy it!

This photo gives you a good look at the whole shoe. It's actually an ornament, but I didn't add a hanger onto mine. I just wanted it to sit on a shelf.

Here's the little Easter chick that took over the shoe. It was a very fun project and I think I could actually make a pair of dolly shoes now by leaving off the back and adding a strap. So fun.
Thank for visiting me. I hope this made you smile. 

Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Doll's Wedding....Tasha Tudor Fun Ahead!

Save the date! This summer, my Tasha Tudor friends in Vermont, are having a doll wedding. We will be touring Tasha Tudor's home and then the Tudor family has given us permission to have a doll wedding on the property. We will be able to use the stage. This is a dream of my friend Melinda. Her doll Daisy will be the bride who has quite a Tasha connection. Atticus is the groom and he was made by Marjorie Tudor. Both belong to Melinda.

They are in love! The wedding is drawing near. There will be a reception for dolls and adults at the hotel after the home tour. As you can imagine, we are all busy working on projects for the wedding.
I decided it would be fun to record what I am doing for the wedding on my blog. This is a very special occasion for dolly friends and Tasha Tudor fans.

 In 1955, Tasha Tudor staged a doll wedding on her property in New Hampshire. Life magazine sent a photographer out and I have posted some of the photos from the article. It is so charming and what a treasure that this was recorded then. There is also a film version that has the wedding in it. It is called THE GOLDEN KEY.

Notice the little girls have wreaths that allow them to walk their dolls. I was given the task of making these wreaths for our dolls. Our colors are pink and white.

Last January, Melinda and decided on the garland and I chose grape vine wreaths. I thought I would be able to just glue the garland on, but I ended up sewing it onto the wreath. It took awhile, but it worked out better. I added a few daisies and some baby's breath. I think they turned out great.

I had to make 11 of them. After the wedding, they will be used as table decorations. I am shipping them back east this week. We will have to attach the ribbons in July to get the right lengths figures out with the dolls and the group.

This is the bride's wreath. It is fuller and has more flowers than the other's.

Stay tuned for more wedding adventures! My next project is going to be the dress for my doll the bride's maid. So much fun.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Purple Heart

My friend Ann is an interesting woman, loving person, very giving, extremely smart, so encouraging and just a wonderful friend. I first met Ann a few years back when she joined my Take Peace group. This is a group who loves Tasha Tudor and is keeping her legacy very much alive. I was matched up with her on a Christmas exchange. Group exchanges are so fun as you really get to know your partner. You know how you just kind of click with certain people? Well, Ann and I just clicked.
Last year, we both experienced very difficult health issues. Ann actually almost didn't make it.It's often at those times that you realize how much a friend means to you. Well, the struggles we faced only brought us closer together.
Ann is an Episcopal minister. She retired last year, another difficult part of her journey. We are currently working through the book Woman of the Bible. It's a year long study and it's great to be sharing it with a friend. Her insights on life and her experience as a minister bring a different dimension to our bible study. She is so open and honest.
So, we have become very good friends. We have never met in person yet, but we intend to!
Today, I got a delightful card in the mail with a little purple knitted heart! So sweet. She sent me a print out from her blog about this adventure. She award little hearts to people who do special or caring things and really don't get credit for it. We don't need to get credit or recognition but how nice to be surprised by this sweet little gesture.

So she awarded me with one and it arrived in the mail today. I was so touched, I cried. Things like this are so dear and are very encouraging.

So, go out there and spread some joy or happiness or help. Who knows, you may get a purple heart.
Thank you sweet Ann.

Friday, August 31, 2018

How the Dolls Celebrated Tasha's Birthday!

The dolls also wanted to celebrate Tasha's Birthday on August 28th, so they planned quite a birthday tea! They showered Tasha with treats and gifts too. She looks so happy, doesn't she?

The dolls chose an antique China tea set for the occasion. It is a favorite of Tasha's.

Cakes and pies and yummy things!

The dolls were delighted when Linda found a box of tiny English crackers for the party. They are perfect for the dolls.

A whole box to enjoy...but who could actually use one? They do pop and most likely have something inside, but....

Quite the gathering of good friends came to celebrate!!

Love this little miss!

Ladye Lydia Rose was invited, of course!

This is Melanie....she is Daphne's cousin, who came for a visit. She came with her little floral suitcase.

Isn't she a pretty one? She was so nervous to meet Tasha.

She was holding on to her suitcase....I think she was afraid she might have to leave quickly!.

Daphne calmed her down and told her not to be afraid. They are good friends and enjoy each other's company.

See...there was nothing to be concerned about! Tasha was very welcoming and was happy to meet the new little lady.

Melanie's dress is quite lovely. So she is going to live at Harlow House and all the other dolls are quite pleased about it.

So Happy Birthday Tasha! It was a wonderful day for the dolls and their owners. Let's do this again next year! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tasha Tudor's Birthday Celebration

Today, August 28th, was the birth date of the illustrator Tasha Tudor. She would have been 103 years old today. As big fans and members of the Tasha Tudor Museum Society, we love to celebrate on this day. Our Take Peace group had a gift exchange, however, I didn't participate this time. My surgeries just fell at the wrong time for me to join in the fun. Today is Tea With Tasha Tuesday, so several of us had a special tea today too.

My Jimmy has been such a great caregiver, so I thought I would put together a tea for him today too.
He drove me to the grocery store yesterday after we attended my sister in law's dad's funeral. Yes, I am still not driving...sigh. I had planned my menu so I was able to pick up my goodies.

I planned to have a lighter summer tea time using fruits and vegetables. I was happy with the results. I used my red transfer ware dishes and used lots of pink. I love setting a tea time table.

The blackberries area almost done and the peaches are really good right now.

A few yummy brownies, some pink chocolate chip cookies and a little coconut creme pie...YUM.

I used some of Tasha's books, her silhouette (a gift from LaVonne), some candles and a sweet African Violet plant.

I just made two sandwiches...egg salad and cucumber/strawberry open faced little hearts. The combo was really refreshing with a bit of cream cheese. I can now eat more tea goodies after the surgery, so it was quite a treat!

My friend sent me a box of goodies the other day. She made this wild violet jelly and oh, it is wonderful! I thought Jimmy was going to eat the whole jar. It was just delicious on the drop scones I made.

The little tomatoes are still producing , but I think we may only have fresh tomatoes for a few more weeks.

I adore little salts. These little birds and bird nests are some of my favorites. The pink salt was perfect.

So here is my very happy and very pleased Jimmy. He does love food and a good tea. We enjoyed tea chatting about Tasha friends and Tasha events. I am blessed to have such a sweet hubby who enjoys my love of Tasha Tudor. It was a very fun day.