
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

Monday, May 4, 2020


Yes. here we are starting another week! Happy Monday, We had a rainy and wet weekend and Jimmy and I just kind of "hunkered down" as he puts it. I watched movies and worked on an embroidery project I am doing for a friend. We were lazy.
Today, I am thankful for waking up, feeling good and  being rested. I am ready to make a my to do list and hope to get more done this week. The weather will be warm this weekend.We are trying to finish yard work and Jimmy needs to get his tomatoes going. The old Italian has to have tomatoes. We watched some YouTube posts on planting and caring for tomatoes. We both learned a lot
So I pray you have a good week, stay safe and find some joy.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions....AKA Goals

Jim and I had a lazy day and took advantage of it being the last day of the holiday season. I'm still trying to get over this cough that has been lingering on. It's back to work tomorrow, even for us retired folk!
Etsy orders to ship, Christmas decoration to take down, laundry waiting to be done and it's my week to see dad and get back into that routine.
I did have time to think about some New Year's resolutions. I prefer to think of them as goals~something to work toward, improve or even change in my life. Oh yes, the list is always long, but what do I really want to improve this year?* Healthy eating is always on the top of the list. I haven't been doing too well with this one over the holidays!  Jim and I want to expand our gardening this year and grow a few more things. We were happy with our results last summer and think we can expand.
*I want to give God His time everyday and spend more time in His Word.
*I hope to get my cottage in better working order. I'm moving forward to it becoming a studio....someday!
*I'm learning more about Etsy and hope that my shoppe becomes more "me" and I'd like to be ahead on the holiday posts and maybe add more handmade items.
*I'd like to spend more time with friends or maybe I should say, I need to make more time for friends. I so enjoyed being with special friends over the Christmas season.
*I hope to spend more time sewing and quilting this year. It's always my wish to make more time for both. I really want to sew my poor dolls more outfits. I have patterns, books, fabric and excuses.
*I so want to slow down and enjoy the journey everyday....
So I think I have some special goals that have great meaning to me and I'm asking God to help me reach my goals for 2012 whle I keep MY HEART RIGHT!