
Showing posts with label SUNDAY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SUNDAY. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2020


I woke up early Sunday and did online church. I visited my old church across town this week. I miss that church.

Jim and I decided to go for a little drive. The weather was too wet and gloomy to get my flowers again. I want to get them planted. It has been pouring today, so it's just as well that my new plants are not in yet. It goes that way sometime here. Anyway, we drove up as far as we could get on the Columbia River Gorge old highway. Due to the virus, it hasn't reopened yet. This is as far as we could get, so we had to turn around.

This is a great lookout view but there was no way we could drive in to see it.  This is our world now.

We turned around and started to drive back to our house. This community had American flags flying for miles. It was neat to see.

We crossed the Sandy Bridge that goes over the Sandy River. The sun came out and it was just so pretty as we drove over the bridge.

We decided to stop at our local Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone. There was a line up for a treat. I think people needed to get out for a safe drive.

While we were waiting in line, we were happy to see that our local summer stand where we get berries and veggies was setting up again. There's a sign that says they are opening on May 23rd. Oh, that will be lovely. I'm wondering if the the berries will be ready as we haven't had much sunshine.

I asked Jim to drive though a couple open shopping centers. You can see that this one is still shut down.

The outlet mall near our home was all closed up too. Some retail shops were allowed to reopen on Friday, but not inside or outside malls. I feel bad for all the retail shops, but I'm still not ready to go shopping.

Now Oregon is in a very interesting position. A judge in Baker county, way out East with no large cities, ruled today that our Governor Brown's orders for reopening are"null and void" and her stay at home rule is over. One person is making the decision to reopen our state without any precautions. I am so shocked. The churches in Eastern Oregon sued the state for not letting them have their church services. I don't want to get into anything here, but this is all about big gatherings and infection. I'm a Christian and I understand the the desire to meet but as a Christian, I want to be respectful and do my part to keep others safe.

So, everyone is so confused and who knows what will happen. The governor is going to go to the Oregon Supreme Court to appeal.

I told my husband this morning before anything happened, well, I wonder what it will be this week? It's something new each and every week. We will just continue to do what we feel comfortable with and still plan to stay pretty much at home yet. I continue to pray for our country and for wisdom to continue day by day. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Happy Sunday. I hope you had a good day! It was mild and sunny and a pleasant. Our daughter Angie brought us donuts and we had coffee outside in the sun. We stayed 6 ft away but it was such a delight. Otto was with his dad. I think soon we can have him over and just keep our distance but that will be hard.
It's a new week and so we shall see what that brings our way. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018


Happy Mother's Day to all my family and friends...especially my blogger friends. Thank you to so many of you who have stayed in touch with me through my health issues and busy times with my family. I think of you all so often, even though I haven't always had time to spend blogging. I think bloggers are very special people and I have been blessed by so many of you. Enjoy this beautiful day. 

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sunday Thoughts

Just taking a few minutes to write a simple Sunday post. We have had such a nice day...truly a day of rest. Morning coffee together, church, a flea market, an early dinner out, a nap and some great March Madness TV!
I hope you had time to rest and time to recharge your batteries for a new week.

Spring starts tomorrow! YEAH. 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sunday Thoughts

I've been spending time each day on a couple of Lenten devotionals this Lenten season. I haven't done that for a very long time. I was encourage by a few friends to so do and it has made this time before Easter more meaningful for me.

Matthew Kelly has some great thoughts. I didn't buy his book, but I am following him daily on the internet. I quite like his instruction, his thoughtfulness and his delivery.

On of the lessons that hit home this week was one on being spiritually healthy. We spend a great deal of time on our physical health, but do we always work on our spiritual health? The days can slip by and we find that we haven't really worked on becoming healthier spiritually.

One of the ways we can get stronger in our spirit, is spending time every day in prayer. It sounds so easy, but unless we really establish the practice, we don't become spiritually healthy. I have been working on this during Lent and following a program keeps me on track.

Matthew states that the 4 questions we want to be answered are:

Who are we?
What are we here for?
What matters most?
What matters least?

He challenged his readers to think about yesterday and use those 4 questions. Interesting, huh?

By spending time in prayer with God, He will help us to understand these 4 questions. It will happen.
Take the time to pray, listen to God and follow. 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sunday Thoughts

I have shared how I prayed for my little grandson when my daughter was pregnant with him. I still can't believe sometimes that Otto is here and I will always be so thankful that God answered my prayer.
I had a situation happen today that is very sad and upsetting to me. I don't understand the actions of Otto's father. I am Grandma Linda, not Otto's mother, so it is hard. I can voice my opinion and I have, but that is all I do. I can pray and I do pray for that sweet little boy who has stolen my heart. 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sunday Thoughts

Happy Sunday! We are enjoying a bit of rest after church before we join the grands for a birthday celebration and dinner.

The pastor gave a great sermon on Mark 4:1-20. He took us through the whole soil and seed talk, as I'm sure many of you have studied in the past. I really loved how he summed it up by showing us the that when we are really following Christ, our actions will show through as we see listed in the fruits of the Spirit in Gal 5:22-23! If your soil is good and your are a real believer, the fruit will be there.  What a perfect time of the year to review these fruits. How are you following Christ? Is He shining through in your love for others? Are you joyful, even when it is hard? Are you at peace, knowing God is in control? How is your patience when waiting on a difficult situation? I love this one...are you kind to others, even if they don't deserve it? Are you generous with your money as well as your time? Are you a faithful believer and does it show? We live in a world that isn't too gentle...what can you do to bring gentleness into the lives of others? How are you doing with self many areas here on this one!

So, cast the seed out there, share the good news, pray for those in your life and let God do the rest.

It's Valentine week...get out there and share some love! Have a great week filled with God's blessings. 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday Thoughts

Good Sunday morning. I woke up early with a push to post and get back to my Sunday Thoughts today. So much has been going on in my personal world, my family world and certainly in our country. I am thankful today that Jim and I are both feeling so much better. I don't like to be sick.

My word for this New Year is RESTORATION. I am continuing to work on restoring my health, several relationship, hoping to restore parts of my home that have gotten out of whack and most of all, I realized that I needed some work on my relationship with God. I seriously didn't even think of that restoration when the word came to me! God works in funny ways, heh? I wasn't even tuning into that fact that I was drifting. My friend LaVonne said something to me about my anxiety and lack of discussion about any devotional time. takes a great friend to bring that up to you. I am thankful as she was so right. It stopped me in my tracks and made me think about where I had landed in my personal journey. I have been so cooped up this winter with our weather and sickness. I decided I needed to do something...act on something! I am asking God with a humble heart to help me get back on track and back to Him.

I love the bible teachings of Beth Moore. Our church had to end it's little morning bible study and I am missing that greatly. So, I looked online and found a great study she did called  THE BASKET CASE. It all about anxiety and I was drawn to give it a try. So, I have gotten  back to my morning devotional time, back to my thankful journal and back to this little study on anxiety.

Happy Sunday...I am praying that God will bless you in a very special way today. I am asking that of Him for myself too. 

Sunday, December 18, 2016

4th Sunday of Advent...the LOVE candle.

And here we are...almost at the end of Advent! This season has gone by so quickly. Today we light the 4th candle of Advent which is the love candle. Ah...that word  that we long for everyday.
We have a deep desire to be loved and cherished. We give our love to those around us with a happy heart.
This has been a very special Advent season for me. I think I am more thankful and appreciate everything more now since I have been sick. I have treasured my friends and family and the time I have been given. I have taken the time to just enjoy whatever comes my way....including all the snow! I feel like we have had winter already and it's not officially winter.
I hope you have had a nice Advent. I had hoped to blog more and get around to more blogs, but you know, it just didn't happen and that's ok.
So this week before things get way too busy or crazy, think about how you can show the love of God to others as He has shown to you. Just some extra help or kindness or comfort when you are given the opportunity. Show others that God is living in you and you want to pass that love on to others. Don't miss those chances God gives to you to show love.
Have a great week as we prepare for the birth of the baby Jesus on Christmas Day...for unto YOU a Savior was born!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sunday Thoughts...JOY

This Sunday we light the pink candle...for JOY! We move away from the purple and look forward to the coming of the Lord with joy.

We often think of joy as happiness, but there is quite a difference.We can do things that make us happy...we can seek happiness. Joy is a gift, it is something that comes to us often when we least expect it. As Christians, we are given the gift of Joy through Jesus...that gift that is offered to us if we choose to believe.

My very sweet friend Lynda gave this little plaque to me this week for my birthday. I just love it. She got one for me, one for her friend and one for her.

After thinking about the gift of JOY, I think this is a great reminder to choose our gift of JOY. Hold on it, be thankful for it, rejoice in it.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Sunday Thoughts

This is going to be my bible verse this coming week.....I had some more difficult news and will be seeing a kidney specialist next. It is so hard to stay strong and continue to hope, to be patient and to keep praying. Some days it just comes so naturally and other days, it just doesn't.
My daughter came home this weekend and we had some good talks. I forget that I am sick and that I need time to mend and time for the meds to short, I all takes time. PATIENT IN AFFLICTION? I just want to be better so I continue to hope and pray. 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sunday Thoughts for the 4th of July Weekend

Love Abraham Lincoln. We are so blessed to live in this country and have so many freedoms. Even as we see things changing that we don't like or have concerns about, it is so good to thank our God for what we do have.

I find my self thinking about all who died for the freedom and the life I am able to enjoy this weekend. The courage and the faith so many had to find as they marched into a battle is beyond me.
When I have trials to face, I often think of what God asked others to do. I am blessed.

Have a Happy 4th of July safe and have fun but spend a bit of time in prayer and thanksgiving. God has blessed America. 

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday Thoughts

This is my sweet SIL's father...Hubert Stoll. He is a gem. He worked hard all his life as a dairy farmer and farmer in Illinois.His daughter Brenda is married to my brother in law Allyn.

We are keeping Hubert in our prayers as he has been in the hospital for a few weeks now. His family expected him to be leaving us all yesterday, but I guess the Lord has other plans and he is doing better today. He has a wonderful doctor and pastor that are right there with him. What a blessing.

This sweet soul has been sending out a bible verse every day, plus a little poem he writes and happy birthday, anniversary, congratulation, or any other good wishes for his large family. He has been doing this on the internet for years and I just cherish his daily posts.

We love you Hubert.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sunday Thoughts This Evening

I'm sitting here in my living room with a happy heart. I had such a lovely Sunday and I am thankful for that. It's so peaceful tonight...pleasant weather, quiet neighborhood, no barking dogs...just a few birds chirping as the day ends. The days are long now as we find ourselves moving towards the Summer Solstice. Thank you Lord as I end my day and say my evening prayers. Bless my friends and family as we all begin a new week. Grant us peace, a good night's sleep and the strength we may need that only you can give to us. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday Thoughts

I am very blessed to be able to go away for a 5 day quilting retreat! Not sure how much blogging I will do until I return. Oregon coast, here I come! I can't wait. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016


He is risen indeed! Many blessings to you and your families today. Be filled with JOY and HOPE.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Palm Sunday

Wishing you a thoughtful Palm Sunday as we, as Christians, begin our Holy Week. Spend time in prayer this week for your families, friends, your pastor, the church and your country. We are blessed knowing the end of this story!
Next Sunday we will be shouting..."He is risen". 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sunday Thoughts...the season of Lent.

Spring is coming, Easter is coming and the season of Lent continues. How are you doing preparing your heart for Easter? It's so easy to get caught up in "life" and the business of it all!

I was just thinking of some positive ways to keep my heart right this coming week to help prepare myself Easter. I'm keeping this simple today, but here's some ways I hope to show Christ living in me. I picked one thing for each day this week:

Ask a retail clerk how her day is going!
Hold the door open for someone.
Check on an elderly friend.
Call a friend...instead of sending a text.
Pray for those in your neighborhood.
Send a snail mail note to a friend.
Give someone an extra hug.

Are you up for the challenge?