
Showing posts with label PAPA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PAPA. Show all posts

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6th

Just returned home from my dad's. After a busy day of shipping my Etsy, grocery shopping , working on Valentine projects, Jim and I decided to go over to his apartment tonight. We enjoyed dinner with him and I got his snowmen down and his Valentine's decor up! We had a good evening with him.
I am about ready for bed as I only had about four hours of sleep last night, so off to dreamland. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Decorating Papa's Apartment

Last Saturday, some of our family went over to my dad's to decorate his apartment for Christmas. Angie and Otto brought Papa a box of candy and Otto couldn't wait to give it to Papa!

Oh yes, look at that smile and the candy in his little hand! He wanted Papa to have one too and picked one out for him.

Papa and his great grandson having a chocolate treat. I am not sure which one was enjoying it more!

My sister Alisa and her son Markie took the tree out into the hall and put it together. Such a big help to me.

Gina was enjoying the fun and was taking a walk down memory lane. Lots of memories for the kids.

Otto found some little cars from the village to play with for awhile. He LOVES cars.

Angie is always so good at displaying the village scene on top of his TV. That's her job.

Sisters decorating the tree.

Markie and Papa were remembering some of the old ornaments before they went onto the tree.

Otto really got into the decorating. He told us..."I like decorating!" It's interesting how much little ones grow up and change in one year.

My much joy in my life. Now I have a sweet grandson to throw in the mix. JOY JOY JOY!

Yep, he was having fun. He was pretty proud of his accomplishments.

Then he discovered he could hang them on the garland around the bottom of the tree! So funny.

So the next generation has taken it's place in the circle of life. It's a special time and I love all those smiles. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

What a week!

WOW...this past week was sure not what I planned last Sunday! We needed to watch our little Otto 3 days, so on Tuesday, I brought him over to our home for a change up. It was really hot, 85+ for a few days. It's too early for that kind of heat! At least it is for this grandma! He ran around the backyard chasing bubbles and balls and we all had a great time. He's getting so little monkey man. He is a funny one who loves to make Gma laugh. I can't believe he is almost 3 years old already.

Then on Wednesday, my dad had a dental appointment. Jim took me to the play gym with Otto and then took dad to the dentist. We had no idea he had to have 2 teeth removed and 3 roots cut out. Poor guy. He needed a lot of care and sure couldn't be left alone, so Jim and I took turns for the next 3 days going over to be with him. He is doing really good now and will have to heal for a couple weeks before he has to have more work done.

I missed posting my  Tasha Dolly Thursday post with my Thursday finds too! Just too busy. This is the doll I posted on my Tasha group. She is Mary Lennox from the Secret Garden book. Tasha Tudor illustrated the book. It's one that is so available, I think all Tasha fans own a copy.

She was put out by a company called Kids-At-Heart. I have read in the past that there were problems with the production of the dolls and they didn't make them very long. Mine is fine. I had an opportunity to buy her at a very good price and my Tasha friend told me to buy it!

I recently found this book for my Tasha library at the Cellar Door books in New Hampshire. We got to visit John and Jill who own the shoppe last summer. I has never seen the book and it is just wonderful. A great and fun addition filled with all kinds of fun crafts and recipes...lots of tea time recipes.

 Friday was also the full moon! I didn't take this photo and couldn't find the person who did take it. This month is the full pink moon. I love this photo of the moon and our beautiful Mt Hood. We often call the mountain, Old Dad Hood! I get to see this mountain everyday.

I do hope this next week will be a bit more quite...but who knows! 

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Men in My Life

I grew up in a home with 3 sisters and only 1 brother. I had 2 daughters and even all of our pets were female! My world has changed a bit. I now care for 3 males! I've been taking Otto to the kid's indoor gym on Wednesday mornings. We go early so he can get his favorite car. He just loves to ride around and around and around in that little car!

He will only get out for awhile to play on the other equipment. He is so shy around other kids and doesn't quite know what to do. Not sure how long that will last.

This is just one of my favorite photos! I just caught him peeking out of the soccer net. Little monkey.

Thursday evening we went to dinner with Chris and Angie and Otto to celebrate Jim's birthday. So, here's the other guy in my life that I take care Jimmy! Otto gave him the cutest book. It is so funny and perfect! You can see how these two feel about each other....true love!

Gma got to read the book for a few minutes with the men folk.


And here's the other dad! He is doing so much better after a difficult December. We are so thankful for his improvement. My daughter Angie went over to visit him this evening with the little guy.

All that activity and visiting makes for a tired little Otto. Ahh...the 3 men of my life...the 3 loves of my life!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My Dad

When I went over to dad's and we got his apartment ready for Christmas, I had no idea what was ahead. All went well, although, he had taken a fall late Thanksgiving night.

Yesterday, Jim and I were going up to Seattle to visit my daughter and SIL and his mom Susan, who was down from Alaska. We got a message that my dad had fallen again, so we stopped by on our way out of town. Oh, so thankful we did, as he was having problems and the management was in his room. He lives in the independent care building and after 3 falls, they were needing the family to come up with a plan. Oh wow...we had no idea. As both of my sisters are teaching, Jim and I had to start some action. We canceled the trip. It seems my dad was taking too much pain medicine for his sore shoulder.

My sisters met us at 7 PM and we had a good meeting and have started a plan. Right now, he has to have 3 care visits...morning, noon and night. I am in the process of setting that up with a care company but in the meantime, my sweet hubby is taking the duty for the next 3 days. Of course, I have babysitting days, so it's a balancing act.

I felt so bad for my dad yesterday. It's going to take some work, but I think we can do this. He is 86 and has been on borrowed time since his stroke and heart attack 6 years ago. All in God's timing...right?

So, I am glad that I decorated early and got his Christmas things up. Our tree isn't up yet and who knows, maybe it won't go up this year. Lots of unknowns right now.

Ava did this little display by his door in the hall. She was a great helper and we all had fun.

Smile PAPA John! You have good kids who will take care of you. Lots of love all around. We are thankful you are ok and SO thankful that you didn't break anything with your falls.

Not real sure how much blogging I will be doing. Papa comes first. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

This weekend was a busy one at our house over Mother's Day! Jimmy brought these beautiful flowers home for me. He's such a sweetie who loves to give me flowers.  I was gifted with cash to finish buying my flowers for my flower gardens. I did get some things planted on Friday. The weather has turned wet, so I will have to wait to finish.

Our SIL took our daughter Angie to Seattle for the Neil Diamond concert for her Mother's Day gift. We got Otto Saturday afternoon and had him until yesterday afternoon. The weather was warm and sunny, so we had some outside time. Gina came down from Seattle to visit me and help with Otto!

I got him this cute little chair...just perfect for the upcoming summer weather! He wanted Gina to sit right next to him.

His mommy made sure he had his summer hat. I am amazed at how he likes hats!

Settling down for the night...cozy blanket time!

Can you see the love in Auntie Gina's eyes and heart?

Grandpa made this sign to send to Otto's mommy in the morning on Mother's Day! Gina and Jim made breakfast for me...yummy!

After breakfast, we went over to Papa John's for a visit. He hadn't seen Gina or Otto for awhile. Just fun.

Otto's KITTY is always with him! We have to make sure he doesn't leave him behind.

On the way home, we had to stop for some ice cream. A treat for Mother's Day for all!

Thank you so much Gina and everyone for making my Mother's Day very special. I love being a mama and a grandma.  God has blessed me with wonderful daughters and a wonderful little grandson.