
Showing posts with label MONDAY MADE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MONDAY MADE. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday Made

I needed to escape for awhile from the stress and concerns of this virus. I'm not running away from the reality of this situation, I just needed a wee little break. I decided to make a few small felt items to give as little gifts as I can't go out shopping. I think it's ok to just send a little something this year.
I can go shopping in my craft cottage for my supplies and yep, I had everything I needed.

I've had these patterns for years and I really enjoyed making these little ornaments. I wish I had time to make more, but I have to get these in the mail.

I also wanted to make some cards for my dolls to send out to their doll friends. I have a little group that does a dolly card exchange. I love making these tiny cards.

I made the envelopes and little cards to go inside first. It takes time but it's not hard and I enjoy making them.

I added fun little stickers on the cards. It was fun finding supplies that matched so well.

I have some very fine pens that work pretty well for addressing the tiny envelopes. Here's the finished cards. I add them to the notes and cards I am sending off to my friends.

I have also been cooking at home. It's been good to make more frugal meals and nothing goes to waste. I had some cinnamon bread that needed to be used. I found my old recipe for bread pudding! I haven't made this for years. I am watching my carbs, but I did have a piece of this. I added dried cranberries instead of raisins. Of course, Jimmy thought it was great. We share the cooking since he retired. It works for us.

This is how it came out of the oven.

Jimmy has to have his with whipped cream. He hasn't been eating desserts so he was in heaven.
Have you been making things from your past? I'd love to hear about it. 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday Made

Yes, it's Monday and a new week...week #3 of staying home. It's cold and wet and yucky! It's afternoon and I haven't managed to get anything done. It's one of those check in days with family and friends via the phone and internet. That's more important than housework- right?

Yesterday our daughter Angie brought over a few things and at least I got to see her! Today, my other daughter Gina came by to pick up a few things and so I got to see her too. It's hard keeping a distance, talking far apart in the garage without hugs or a cup of coffee. But, it is what it is and I am so thankful I got to see them in person. 

So, today is Monday Made on my Tasha Tudor FB page, so I am sharing what I made here on my blog too. As I posted previously, I participated in Rachel Hoffman's VDC last week. I really liked the workshop by Helen Kish, so I made the little shoe the other day. Of course, I changed a few things but that's the fun part about this. I want to make another one or two. It was just fun to do something creative for a change.

I recently found this wonderful wool felt pack that I had gotten on sale, years ago. I brought it over from my storage unit, not having a clue what I was going to use it for! I love going shopping in my craft room, especially now when we can't go shopping.

So I decided to make a pink one. I used trim, ribbon flowers and seed pearls to decorate it instead of doing embroidery work. I was anxious to finish it. I used pink and green wool felt.

You can see the work on the side with this photo. A little mouse crawled into it. A chick and a little dolly were fighting to occupy it!

This photo gives you a good look at the whole shoe. It's actually an ornament, but I didn't add a hanger onto mine. I just wanted it to sit on a shelf.

Here's the little Easter chick that took over the shoe. It was a very fun project and I think I could actually make a pair of dolly shoes now by leaving off the back and adding a strap. So fun.
Thank for visiting me. I hope this made you smile. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Monday Made

My friend LaVonne has been here in Oregon for over a week and has to return to Montana tomorrow. She splits her visit between me and her daughter. She brings some of her dolls on these annual trips and we often have some dolly fun with them. I decided to make her Hitty and my Hitty a new fall dress. Here they are in the tea room with their new frocks. Hitty of MT is also wearing her cute shawl which Hitty Autumn was really admiring!

I ordered a pattern on Ebay by a Tasha Tudor friend who is on my Take Peace FB page. It is tiny, as Hitty is only about 6 1/2" tall. I am trying to learn how to be successful with doll clothes making.

Setting in little sleeves is quite a challenge.

Here's my Hitty showing off the newly made clothes. I really like the little tucks in the skirt.

An orange ribbon just made the dresses ready for fall.

Here are the girls having a little tea. I also made the little quilt on the quilt rack.

Hitty Autumn with her tiny Hitty from the UFDC conference last year. LaVoone and I took a class and had to make the tiny dresses.

This is LaVonne's Hitty with her little tiny doll. Gosh we had a great time. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Monday Made....Valentine Hanky Dolls

The Gathering on Saturday went well! We had so much fun. I will post more about it this week and share more pictures but today is Monday Made on my Take Peace Tasha Tudor group. I wanted to share this Valentine dolly that I made for the gals in my group, using vintage hankies.

I found the craft with instructions on Pinterest. It was floating around and I checked it out. I did pin it on my Pinterest board. For directions and the pattern go to

I thought they would be so fun to make, so I started collecting vintage hankies. I did buy a few Valentine hankies as this was a Valentine party.

The blog gave me a print out for the two ladies, the heart and a back piece to hold up the hanky. I did adjust the heart as I thought the original pattern was too large. I added the paper heart dollies.

I used scrapbook papers and matched up the colors the best I could. The instructions will give you directions for ironing the hankies.

You glue the pieces together and slip the hanky top under the waist band to make finish off her dress.

I wanted them to hang, so I glued on little ribbons on the back under a little square tag to hide the ends of the ribbon.

I was very pleased with the finished product and the ladies really liked them. It was a fun project and it feels good to be crafting again.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Monday Made....Pin Cushions

It's Monday and some weeks, I share something on my Tasha Tudor site for Monday Made. Today, I posted some pin cushions that I made or that were given to me. I love pin cushions and if you sew or quilt, they seem to be everywhere! Please excuse my photos, as I took them last night in my sewing cottage and the lighting wasn't really good.

When Peggy and I were running quilt retreats, we had different themes and would gift our customers with a pin cushion. This is one of my favorites. We had a laundry theme that was so cute and we made these little wash tubs filled with the wash and tiny clothes pins.

My quilting buddy Tierney gave me this one that she made out of wool. It's nice because it's heavy.

LaVonne saved a little old leather shoe and turned it into a pin keep for me. She used her wool for the stuffing. She knows I love old buttons, so she added a few...cute idea.

My Tasha Tudor friend Robin made this little bird one for me. It sits on a spool. If you look under it's wing, you will see a place for needles too1

Another Tasha friend and quilter, Jan made this one for me. It has a tiny miniature block in the center! It's so well made and is also good because it's weighted so it stays put. Jan is an excellent quilter too.

This little mouse is probably my favorite and most used pin cushion. One of my friends hoped it wasn't a VooDoo mouse! Goodness, no! This was a gift at a quilt retreat from a wonderful lady who ran the best retreats! Sadly, she had to stop doing them too.

So there you go...lots of fun to enjoy. And yes, I have many more!!!! Happy Monday and have a great week ahead. It's still very hot here...our 3rd day of 90 + in a row with one more to go. Jim is finally feeling better. He sure got hit hard with this stomach flu. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday Made...Metal Bobbin Necklace

Today is Monday Made on my Tasha Tudor group, so I thought I would share this on my blog today too. A few years ago, I bought this cool necklace at a quilt show.

My friend Peggy is a beader and she invited me to her home so we could make these necklaces. It was so much fun. Of course, she had all the equipment and beads. I brought the metal bobbins. Most of our sewing machines have plastic bobbins now, so this was a good way to recycle the old metal bobbins.

I made mine longer than the one I purchased. I think our's turned out as neat as the one I bought.

I'm linking up with Bernideen's blog party again this week. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday Made....Valentine Mailbox

My TAKE PEACE  Tasha Tudor group, enjoys a sharing day on Monday. It is a day to post things that we have made or that someone else has made for us. I shared a variety of handmade Valentine cards last week. Since I save all my Valentine cards and letters until February 14th, I thought it would be fun to make a mailbox. My friend Belinda made one for her cards too. At first I was thinking of a rounded top mailbox but decided to look online to get inspired. I happened upon a YouTube tutorial that was made by a blogger friend of mine....Terri at Artful Affirmations. I mentioned her last Monday as I had used her idea for a little paper slipper Valentines.

Anyway, I really had fun making this box out of a shoebox. I wanted mine to open on the side so that I could get my envelopes out on the big day! She was kind enough to send some ideas and I figured it out. The box I had was just perfect as it was hinged on one side. I can just open it and retrieve my mail!

I had the perfect saying to decorate the box with little flowers, charms and stickers.

A look inside to see all my cards "in waiting"! I have so much fun on Valentine's Day opening all my treasures.

Terri used a real vintage glass door knob on the top of the box, but I used one I found at the craft store. It's smaller and worked well for me.

The little feet are wooden and can be found in packages of two at the craft store. Terri suggested brushing them with a stamp pad and  then use a glue gun to attach them. It all worked well.

So here's my mailbox! It's pretty cute. As with any project, you learn as you go. I would change a few things if I made another one. It is in my tea room holding my paper treasures.

I'll be sharing this with Stephanie on Tuesday for her Roses of Inspiration.

You still have a few more days to sign up for my Give Away!