
Showing posts with label Library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Library. Show all posts

Monday, June 10, 2013

Allen Say

A few weeks ago, Jim and I received an email from Jim's friend and children's author and illustrator, Allen Say. Allen invited us to attend an event at the downtown Portland library. It was a showing of 30 of his original art work from his many books, a book signing and a chance to hear Allen speak about his books.

I am  a fan of children's literature and when I was studying to become a teacher, my favorite class was children's lit. Allen's work is delightful. He is also a Caldecott award winner. He has lived in Portland for years now.

The book signing line was quite long! He was very patient and took time to sign all the children's books who waited patiently in that line!

His works were on display around the room and can be seen until the end of June.

This was a young man who learned from Jim that Allen is a fly fisherman too. He was studying to become a nurse. He wanted to know if Allen fished for trout or steelhead! A fellow fisherman for Jimmy to share a few stories.  Allen and Jim have fished together~fly fishing of course!

This is Allen's lovely wife Miki posing with Jim. She is charming. She took our picture too...funny!

Here's a few of Allen's books and a few illustrations to share with you.

This is a serious book about the Japanese internment during WWII. It is a must read if you are a fan of Allen's.

This is one of Jim's favorite illustrations as it is just powerful. I love all the children.

The original painting of this mother and child with the tree was on display. It was one of my favorites.

This is Allen's studio in his home. We were invited to visit him there once and got to see some of his works in progress. Just fascinating and a treat. This picture was taken by our local paper-The Oregonian as is the one at the bottom of the page.

Thank you Allen for the invitation to your library event. It was a beautiful day and a great afternoon.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Thankful for Books and Libraries

My blogger friend Susan at Writing Straight From the Heart has joined Linda at A La Carte  on Sundays for a nice tradition. Linda is hosting Gratitude Sunday each week and I think it's a great idea to really make you think about how blessed we all are! So, I have decided to link up and join in. This is week #3.

So, I am thankful for books and libraries this week. I am not a good reader nor an avid one, but I do love books! Jim and I go to the local library often for movies and I just get lost and time just stops when I'm in a library. So fun to explore a favorite crafts or a new cookbook...anything! It's one thing I feel like I really get my money's worth from my tax dollar. I know Kindles are the thing right now, but there's nothing like a real book in your hands! I love books.

Below is our beautiful Portland Library called Central Library. It's a lovely building in a park setting downtown. Isn't that a great picture of the interior? It was taken by our local newspaper, the Oregonian.

Last year, out little city of Troutdale got it's own library! We have lived here for 36 years and finally we have a small local library. It's in a strip mall.....quite a contrast from the one downtown!

My friend had this picture on her Facebook page this morning. Don't they look fun?