
Showing posts with label angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angels. Show all posts

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sunday Thoughts

I don't get into the angel thing too much, but I do love this verse....Hebrews 13:2. This week I had an experience at my dad's care center that made me give some more thought to this lovely bible verse.
You just never know....

Have a restful Sunday and think about this verse during the week ahead. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Tea Time Thursday #56 Wreath and Angels

A few weeks ago when I was working on my Tasha Tudor paper cornucopias, I wanted to add a chocolate angel to the cones. I have always been able to purchase them but I could not find any this year! The stores offered a snowman, a Santa, an elf and even a penguin but no angel... how sad is that? Angels are messengers from God. I guess God can't send us any messages this Christmas. I started to wonder, where have all the angels gone?

But first, I am late with my post for Tea Time Thursday, so on to my post before I get back to the angels.

For Tea Time Thursday, I wanted to share the wreath I have on my Tea Room door. I put it together years ago and hang it every years.

I tie on various silver tea related items. This is a teapot tea ball that Jimmy bought for me in Victoria on our first anniversary. There was a gift shoppe in the Empress and I fell in love with this little goodie. It is still my favorite.

Here's a sweet little fork that I love to use on my tea table.

 A nice tea strainer that's a good size to use. It sits nicely on a teacup.

This is another teapot shaped tea ball. This is another special one. Don't you like the shape of this one?

Oh and I really love this tea basket. It fits on the spout of a teapot so it can catch any tea leaves when the tea is poured out into the teacup.

Now back to the angles. When I was babysitting Otto, I took a look around my daughter's house to see if I could find any angels. I am happy to report, I did find some! This is a sweet mid century candle that lives on their mantle.

Angie has a pink bathroom and this little girl sits on the window sill. She is a cutie.

This little angel belonged to my mother. Angie has it on the window sill too.

When I returned home, I took a look around my own home. I found this quilted little miss a few years ago at an estate sale and she wanted to come home with me!

A vintage Hallmark ornament from 1980. It always reminds me of my two daughters...Angie and Gina.

I love this tiny wooden angel ornament. She was made in Germany and has been on our tree for many years.

I have these angels on my bathroom shelf. I also love the mid century little wax candles.

A trip to my tea room and I found more angels!

Our bedroom is blue and shows my love of quilts. This angel has wings made from an old quilt. It's a bit hard to see them.

My Tasha friend Janice, sent me this little angel and she just joins right in with the other quilted Christmas things. Very sweet and thank you Janice!

I had a busy day of Etsy and wrapping packages for Christmas. Jimmy and I did have a little tea break this afternoon. Just tea and some yummy shortbread. How are you doing getting ready for Christmas?

Saturday, October 5, 2013

You're An Angel Marni

My friend Marni gave me this Jim Shore figurine in 2008 for Christmas. Tea and quilting, what a nice combo! She wrote a sweet message on the bottom which I think is such a great idea. 
Marni lives in Maupin Or on the Deschutes River and she is the one who got me into quilting. A cute story for another time. 

When her mom Gloria came to visit me recently with my other quilting friend Peggy, she gave me a little gift from Marni. The little box was wrapped in a pretty floral fabric and tied with ribbon. 
This sweet Willow Creek angel was inside! Another teapot angel. 

Thank you so much Marni. I keep them both by my bedside and think of you when I see them. 

They also remind me of a favorite scripture verse----

Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so, some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 12:3

Something to think about...