
Showing posts with label EMBROIDERY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EMBROIDERY. Show all posts

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Tea Time Thursday #97

I was surprised when I looked at my blog that I hadn't done a TEA TIME THURSDAY blog post for quite awhile. I am happy to be getting back to my weekly posts this New Year. My quilting friend Nancy, gifted me with these two wonderful tea towels that she made for me. She does lovely embroidery work...done by hand. I was just thrilled.

Don't you just love them? I do. She is working on a set of towels for her two daughter-in-laws. She is doing one for each month, seasonal towels, and they are adorable. She said she really had fun making these two for me.

 Last week I put my red transferware dishes in my hutch after Christmas. I have only been collecting it for a few years...nothing matches but then hunt is fun.

This is my most recent addition. I found it last summer at a sale. It is called Harvest and is marked USA. It's nothing special, but I like trio sets and it was only $1 for the set.

I enjoyed this tea sent from my friend Melinda who lives in Vermont. YUMMY! I am so blessed by friends who know how much I love tea and all the goodies that go with it.

My hubby renewed my subscription to TEA TIME as a Christmas gift. I think I'll enjoy that cup of tea and read my magazine. It's been a busy day. Tomorrow I will be setting up the displays for Jim's antique and collectible show, so I need a little R&R tonight.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Quilt Show in Aurora!

Friday was the first day of the Quilt Show our at one of our favorite places...the Aurora Colony Museum. This is an event that I wait for each year, but I was especially excited about this year's theme-
"Seeing Red". I like this show because they feature a lot of vintage quilts, most of which are hand quilted. As a quilter, I think it's wonderful that quilts can be quilted by long arms. If we had to hand quilt our quilts, most of us would probably give it up or be able to complete one quilt in our life. In my humble opinion, nothing can compare to a hand quilted quilt. I love the look and respect the hours of workmanship. Each year, the colony puts out a request for quilt blocks to go into a quilt with a particular theme. Someday....Anyway, the 12 best blocks are chosen, hand quilted by the volunteers and then raffled off. Here is this year's quilt.

Most of the quilts on display this year were red and white. I took lots of pictures so I hope you will enjoy looking at them.

My favorite author Jane Kirkpatrick, has written three novels about the Aurora Colony and Emma Wagner Giesy who was a member of the colony. Jane writes wonderful historical fiction and it helped me to really understand the life that the colony members lived in Aurora.  Jane also wrote a non fiction book after the series called Aurora.

When I read the book, I found some photos of a delightful red work quilt. I found out that It was made by one of the volunteers at Aurora, Janus Childs. Her embroidery work is fabulous and I have been bugging them for years to put out some patterns. She does her work with a single strand of floss, so it's very fine and detailed. Her quilt was on display with the red and white quilts.

You can see how detailed her work is in these photos. She also had one on display in the children's room of Raggedy Ann and Andy.

About a year ago, I talked with some of the volunteers and sent them some examples of how embroidery patterns were sold. They got together a packet of 4 patterns to start off and give it a try.
They were having some trouble with the packaging, but I got to go upstairs to see the patterns and  was able to buy one! I was soooo excited. Here's the patterns...ready for work now.

After viewing the quilts, Jim and I went over to the little log cabin where they have a little shoppe and refreshment. The rain was falling and the fire was going, so it felt good to be inside the cozy little building.

Of course, I had to buy a few fat quarters to support the colony, right? We also had a nice visit with some ladies from an herb  group that tend an herb garden at the colony. They had published a little book on herbs, so we bought one to enjoy and to learn a bit more.

This summer, Jim bought a chair in Oregon City as a garage sale for $5. He thought it looked like an Aurora chair, so he asked the curator Patrick about it. He went and got a chair for Jim to look at and it is like his $5 special! Pretty exciting. Jim also spotted a small table and Patrick explained the design of it and what defined an Aurora piece. We were thinking about buying a table at one of the shoppe to keep be the home for our laptop. After seeing the little table we decided to purchase the one we had seen, especially since the shoppe owner had offered us a discount.
We stopped at an estate sale on the way home and then had dinner at Tad's on the Sandy River. A had a wonderful day!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Time Away and A Finished Project!

Had a great little mini vacation with my husband in Central Oregon. Jim really enjoyed his fishing! I enjoyed some time alone and got a project finished. I bought a set of Sunbonnet Sue large quilt blocks awhile back but one was never completed. I  have been hoping to do the embroidery work on it so I would have the six blocks. They are all so cute and it will be a fun quilt to finish up.

So here's what I had to start with...

Progressing with the blanket stitch....

Details added.... and she's done. I think she'll blend in with the others and hopefully no one will know the difference. I still need to add centers to some of the daisies, remove the markings, square up the blocks and press them well. I think a fun multicolored repro 1940's print will be fun to add for sashings and a border to tie it all together. They just make me happy when I look at the blocks and I had to rescue them-right?

I'm sorry to miss Miss Spenser's Teacup Thursday this week. We didn't get home until this afternoon and it was too late to post. I'll be back next week! 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Strawberry Full Moon

It's strawberry time in Oregon. We just finished up our second batch of fresh local berries tonight  and will have to head to the berry stand tomorrow for more! As my Jimmy says, "You can't get 'em in January!"

I don't know how they are so yummy and sweet as we haven't had an abundance of sunshine. I like them best just cut up in a bowl, but these treats sure look delicious.

My friends on the east coast often talk about Moon Pies. I have never had one but found that they do make a Strawberry Moon Pie!

How perfect as it's a full moon on Monday and one of it's several names is the STRAWBERRY FULL MOON. Other names are: blooming, rose, lotus, windy, green corn, planting, moon of horses, and moon when June berries are ripe.

This is a great pattern you can order on line from one of my favorite companies...Bird Brain Designs. They are located in California and have so many fun things to offer...check them out!
The offer a free embroidery pattern every month. Guess what they are offering for June? A strawberry pattern for your tea towel. Pretty cute!

So grab a cup of tea and read this little quote I found. Celebrate June as we begin summer, enjoy the longest day of the year and enjoy those strawberries. Have a good week!

"As the strawberry resembles the shape and colour of the human heart, it also represents the sweetness and kindness of emotions that bring people together to feast and exchange ideas."
Peterborough Examiner

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Sweet Embroidery Pattern to Share

A few weeks ago I won a delightful free embroidery Pattern from Fay at Simply. She has posted a great Thanksgiving pattern to download that is darling, so I'm sharing it here with you. Thanks your work!

simply...: Give Thanks and a Free Pattern for You!: It is the time of year to focus on giving thanks! But why do we isolate our emphasis on thanks to one holiday? Gratitude makes us feel ...