
Showing posts with label ROSES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ROSES. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Tea Time Tuesday #161

It's Rose Festival time in Portland, Oregon! It's a time when everything is about roses and the roses are in full bloom now too. The Grand Floral Parade is this coming Saturday. Unfortunately, the weather man isn't promising a very good day for the parade, but we can hope.

For Tea Time Thursday, I HAD to use some of my favorite tea time things...of course...with roses.

This beautiful teacup is just so beautiful, I never get tired of just staring at it. Pink roses are my favorite.

This sweet tea cup is stamped Bavaria.

And of course, this happens to be special tea pot roses, what else?

I had to try a new tea that Jim got for me. I love the little fabric bags that allow the tea to brew so nicely for a bagged tea.

It's called Sweet Love and is quite a delightful spicy and flavorful  blend.

Jimmy brought this sweet beaded piece home last weekend. I asked to keep it as it had roses on it. Yes, he agreed and I just love it.

This was a recent gift from my friend Linnie on my recent trip to Vermont. It's made from a sterling silver knife handle. It has a pin on the back and can be worn with silk or fresh flowers. Isn't it just pretty?

Jimmy and I have been sorting out tubs of stuff in one of our storage units. We need to get out of it by the end of summer and we are making great progress. This is something I found today. It's a great video About Portland...the Rose City. We are going to watch it this evening.

My car is in the shop until Friday, so Angie is going to bring Otto over to our house in the morning. We will have a day at Grandma Linda's and Papa's house. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tea Time Tuesday....#120

Ahhhh, Tea Time Tuesday and summer! One of the best things about summer time is fresh berries! Raspberries are my very favorite and I can never get enough of them! This is my little fun gathering for Tea Time Tuesday this week.

I just adore this cup and saucer! It was found by my Jimmy and it's a keeper for me. It whispered  to me upon arrival,that it wanted to live in my tea room! Well, yes, of course!

The roses are so lovely and it's trimmed it gold with a green leaf inside the cup.

It is marked Bavaria. Sadly, I'm just not an expert on these markings. I have tea friends who are and I admire that gift. I just love what I like and call it good.

Isn't she a pretty little thing?

Her maiden filling....chocolate strawberry tea! YUMMY.

This is the boxed mix that I used for the muffins. Interesting...I liked using the greek yogurt and they turned out quite tasty. I did have one, as I made them into mini muffins. I'm trying to work on an inflammatory diet, so I can't have muffins. I will take these over to my daughter's house to be enjoyed.

I CAN eat raspberries and I savored each and every little one.

It's another cool and cloudy day here in Oregon, so I can still enjoy that hot tea. Maybe sunny and warmer days ahead???
I link up each week with a couple favorite blogs. I am going to try to expand that, so I will be adding a few links in the upcoming weeks.

Linking up this week with Bernideen  BTTCG
Linking up this week with Sandi The Art of Home Making
Linking up this week with Ruth Tuesday Cuppa Tea

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tea Time Tuesday #115 Rose Festival Time

Happy Teatime Tuesday! The weather is just a bit cooler today, so I feel a lot better. This is Rose Festival week in Portland, OR. Portland is called the city of roses and the Grand Floral parade on Saturday is always a treat.

I decided to share a few of my rose teacups for my blog post today. I just love anything with roses, as you can see in the photo.

If you have followed me for awhile, you have seen my rose teapot as it is one of my favorites.
It's pretty, it keeps the tea hot and it pours well.

This is my newest teacup and I adore it. It's a Paragon, which I love, and it was a bargain at $3.50. I think this was part of a series that had different soft pastel colors. Isn't the rose just so pretty?

A close up of some of my other and can't go wrong!

Of course I love linens! I have had this one for awhile too and I love it. Silk embroidery is such a beautiful art.

Happy tea day!

Linking up with Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for her NO PLACE LIKE HOME

Linking up with Bernideen at BTTCG Blog Party

Monday, July 28, 2014

A Blog Tour at The Enchanting Rose


Happy Monday blogger friends. This is my rose by my front door that is in full bloom again. It's such a pretty flower that blooms off and on all summer. It's perfect that it is in bloom today as I want to share with you that next Monday on August 4th, I will be taking sharing with you on a BLOG LAND TOUR. It is actually my wedding anniversary too, so it will be a fun blog post.

Today, one of my most special blog friends, Stephanie is having her BLOG LAND TOUR. She is one of the sweetest bloggers I know. I do hope you will be able to visit her beautiful blog and meet a new friend. Click on the link under her logo for an enchanting visit.

The Enchanting Rose

Stop by next week to visit my blog tour. I will be sharing a few more blog friends who will be joining the tour next for you to enjoy. This is a great way to meet some new bloggers and see what motivates us to blog. Have a lovely week ahead. Can you believe it's almost August?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Teacup Thursday #70

Time for tea and Miss Spenser's Teacup Thursday. I'm still enjoying thoughts of Tasha Tudor Day which was so much fun. I so loved using all of my Carlton Ware items and it was fun to have my collection all together to help me celebrate a special day.

The cup and saucer I'm sharing today is really interesting. Jim found it for me at an estate sale for $2 and it's just beautiful. It's marked Silesia on the cup and Germany on the saucer with the same company mark. It is a matched pair. The country of Silesia has quite a confusing history...boarders changed and the country changed hands involving Poland, Germany and The Republic of Czechoslovakia.

The roses are just delightful and I love the different design and colors of the teacup. A tiny rose bud graces the inside of the cup! I have a plate from Germany that goes well with the cup and saucer.

The little book in the background is called "My Ladye's At Home Booke" and states "That my Ladye Faire may register her at homes and other engagements." It was given to Jessie Vivian Underwood from Ruby Ruth Selleck and is dated 1900 and 1902 on some of the pages that have been filled in.
It's from a very small town in Central Oregon-Boyd. I have actually been there. It really a charming little book.

Thank you to all my friends for prayers for my BIL Marcos. He has been moved out of ICU to a rehab floor for his long journey to recovery. He has no movement on his right side right now, cannot speak and cannot swallow. He is being fed through tubby tubes. My sister is doing well under the circumstances. Continued prayer is so appreciated. Things will never be the same for this family.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Teacup Thursday #15

Here it is the last Thursday of June~there have been 5 Thursdays this month. I'm featuring one more rose teacup for this month. I found this cup and saucer at an estate sale this past weekend along with the pretty plate. Our girls talked us into going estate saling again and it was a fun adventure again.
I'm not sure about the markings on this cup and hope one of you ladies will be able to share some information with me. It's marked TBC Bone China England. I've never seen the mark before and have no idea what company made it or when.
I'm showing a close up of a linen doily that I found a few weeks ago. It's done with silk embroidery thread...such amazing work! I used to collect this type when we were first married, but they're a bit spendy now. I get excited when I find a piece I can afford.
I wish I could say I won the pink rose ribbon...alas, another find!
The fresh flowers are from Len and Gloria's wedding on Saturday. It was at a local park and very sweet, casual and cozy....just a few friends and family. We felt honored to be invited. They are off to Hawaii for a honeymoon. We wish them many years of happiness together!

My post is so late...due to problems with Blogger. I had everything ready to go and then it it just stopped in the middle of my post. I couldn't get back on for anything. I hope I really get to post this message when I start hitting buttons!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Teacup Thursday #14

It was beautiful on Summer Solstice, but the past two day, the sun has slipped away. It was warm enough yesterday to eat dinner outside and enjoy the peaceful evening, so that was nice.
I'm having a cup of coffee in my rose mug, looking outside at another dull day...sigh.
I have been sorting through things deciding what to take to the July antique and collectible show. We will have a double booth-my husband will have men's items and I have lady items so it's a great way to draw in both men and women.
As I was looking for my vintage fabrics, I came across some roses in my fabric stash...not old but so pretty. I decided to use a few for Miss Spenser's Teacup Thursday. I'm featuring roses this month to celebrate Rose Festival time here in Oregon.
I found this great book at an estate sale for $1.00. It looks so ordinary on the outside, but the pictures inside are just fantastic! I wish I could share them all.
The teacup was given to me as a gift.I'm sorry my photos aren't really too good today. I think I was in a bit of a hurry to get my post up. I should take more time. It says Tuscan Fine English Bone China Made in England
"Naples and I know nothing about it. When I went to tea for Ann's birthday last Saturday (you can see pictures from the party if you scroll down a bit) I was telling the ladies about Teacup Thursdays and how I used to buy teacups just because I liked the look! Now, I'm beginning to learn about the makers and it's opened up a new world of teacups for me.
My dear friend LaVonne gave me the rose dish for a treat a few years ago. She thought it had to live in my tearoom. I love it. It has a mark that reads-P⎮S Germany. I'm not sure if you can really see the hands on the watch, but they are scissors. My friend Bev gave it to me this week. She knows I quilt and sew and thought I should have it now. She's my doll friend and she no longer uses the watch. I was thrilled to be the new owner as I don't like to wear a wrist watch. Wait until the ladies see it at my quilt retreats! I will treasure it.
In reading through my post, I find myself thinking of all my sweet friends....I really am blessed with a flock of them. Don't you love to have gifts that bring back such memories of dear friends?