
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Bit of Reading

Being a bit under the weather lately, I've had some extra time for reading. I have been reading three different book, all very interesting and entertaining. So, what am I reading you ask? Here are my selections!

I started Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini some time ago. I talked about this novel earlier this year and I am almost finished with this one. I love to read about the Lincolns and this is a most enjoyable book told by Mary Todd Lincoln's dressmaker.

My friend Natalie loaned this book to me....A Good Man by Mark Shriver. It's a personal story about his father, Sargent Shriver. Sargent Shriver was JFK's brother-in-law. It's a heartfelt story written by his son. I never really knew a lot about Sargent Shriver's life. When I hear his name, I think Peace Corp but he was surely was A GOOD MAN.

My last book is a children's book from 1929, the year my father was born. I found it at the last Portland antique show.....Lucy Locket. I bought it from a young lady who was packing up her table early. She said she was hoping someone who was a doll person would find it! Oh yes I did!

It's written and illustrated by John Rae who also wrote Raggedy Ann and Andy! I didn't know that when I bought the book. It's a wonderful story about some children who find Lucy Locket in their grandmother's attic.

I love the back of the cover...."This is an Old-Fashioned DOLL BOOK! What a perfect book for me.

I once taught first grade, oh so long ago. and I often think of my students learning to read. I think we just take that for granted. Can you imagine all you would miss in your life if you never learned how to read? I am thankful for the gift of reading and for all the books available just waiting to be enjoyed. I hope you get a bit of time to read this summer. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Queen Victoria

I've been reading a wonderful book that my husband gave me at Christmas- Victoria's Daughters by Jerrold M. Packard. I love the Victorian times and enjoy learning everything I can about the queen. It's an easy read and a fun book to cuddle up with at the end of the day. I tend to read more in the summer, but I can hardly put this one down! The only thing about reading at night is I can't stay awake too long to enjoy the book...I get sleepy.

The book give a lot of history about Queen Victoria as you go along the birth of each of her children. It does focus on her daughters but you are given a great deal of information about all the children and life in Victorian times.

I've always wondered why tartan plaid was so popular during the Victorian era. I didn't realize that Queen Victoria was crazy about it when she bought and rebuilt the castle at Balmoral. She really gave the local cottage industry a short in the arm with her love of plaids. I read that some of her decorating was over the top with her use of tartan plaids. I'd really like to explore more about this! I often see sewing antiques in plaid boxes from that time period. I'm sure some of my tea friends have been to this region. It is a beautiful place. Maybe someday......

I did read that Albert designed a Balmoral tartan plaid.

The rains have stopped and while the sun isn't shining today, it is dry! I think I need a cup of tea now. My friend brought me some from Scotland last year and I think I have one left! The perfect day to enjoy.

I do hope you are having a nice day. Tomorrow is the first of February! I think I'm going to do picture a day before Valentine's Day like the advent pix I did before Christmas last Dec. Something fun to post each day.