
Showing posts with label Telka Ackley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Telka Ackley. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2014

Cloth Rag Dolls

My Tasha friend Kristen gave me this sweet Christmas card with my gift and said to look up the artist Telka Ackley. I didn't have time for awhile, but finally got around to looking doing a search on the internet. She illustrated the work of Edith Flack Ackley, who was actually her mother. Edith was the one who made the sweet rag dolls. The more I found out about both of these women, the more interested I became. The name seemed familiar and then I went to look at my doll books and found that I owned one of Edith's books....A DOLL SHOP OF YOUR OWN! It is a small world. My friend is the one I can blame for my dolly collections as she made the kits for our Tasha Tudor Annabelle dolls.

This is another book that Edith wrote and of course, I have this on my wish list now! Her dolls are rag dolls. I never thought I would be too interested in cloth rag dolls. Ha ha ha.

Looks like another one for the wish list! I love paper dolls too.

Here is a picture of Edith with her dolls. You can get an look at her work and an idea about her dollies.

This is a picture of Edith and Telka together. I wonder what they are discussing?

Telka's work is charming. Here's some more of her Christmas cards.

This was an article in a magazine in 1934 at Christmas time.

I found this little sweetie at the antique show this weekend. Her tag said 1955, but I'm not sure. She looks a bit older to me. She's in great condition. She loves living in the my sewing cottage!

This one is probably my favorite.I purchased her in October at the show. I love her face.

I found this one last summer at an Estate sale. She is smaller and just fits at the little ME table.

I've had this one for awhile. She is missing her original  dress, but she's still cute. I wish she was all original.

Here's the gang in their new home. They are not Edith Flack dolls, but they are considered cloth rag dolls. There are current digital patterns on Etsy so you can make Edith Flack Ackley dolls. There are also doll clubs that make only EFA dolls, as they call them. Snoop around on the internet if you're interested. Happy dolly days. Thanks Kristen, I think!