
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Michael Wood's Story of England

I've been watching this series on OPB our local PBS station. I love history and have been learning so much from this series. It's well done and informative. Michael Wood is an historian and takes you through the entire history of the area of Kibworth. Quite a journey from the Romans to the present.

One of my favorite parts is the digs they do in the town and all the neat things they find. All done by local people. Wouldn't that be fun!

Have to wait until next Tuesday for the next episode...sigh.

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Treat From New England

Last week the postman left me a sweet little package from across the country.  One of my Tasha friends, Suzanne, from New England sent me a package via "SNAIL MAIL"! How exciting. Don't you just love to get something in the mail? I love emails and text mails and it still amazed me that I can chat with someone in another part of the world instantly, but to discover a letter, a card or a package in my mailbox is the bees knees as they used to say.  Anyway, back to my package. I always like to just look at my gift for a bit before I open it. I like to savor gifts. What did Suzanne send to me?

I love the tiny card with a personal little note from my friend. The charming necklace was tucked into a tiny sack carefully wrapped in red tissue. "Keep Calm and Carry On" You can see some of her other  creations on Etsy under Pretty Darling Things. Take a peak. Thanks so much my friend for thinking of me and blessing me with such a lovely gift. I miss you. Enjoy the summer with your family.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Reminder....Is Your Heart Good?

I really didn't have a very nice day today as I had a lot on my mind. I was thinking tonight about my theme for the year...Is Your Heart Good? I have to say, my heart wasn't too good today! I was getting ready for bed when I saw this little painted rock in on my dresser. Last May when we went to Maupin, I found this rock with a sweet little message from my little friend Eli. It just touched my heart and was so dear to me. He's quite shy, so he will never really know much it means to me. He wouldn't even admit that he left if on the doorstep. So, thank you little buddy for my gift and for reminding me that I need to work on keeping my heart good. Tomorrow's a new day and a new week.I'll be trying to work on being more positive and thankful. A bit of praise time would be in order!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Teacup Thursday #63

Summer arrived in time for the 4th of July here in Oregon! It's just been so wet and chilly and dull for so long. Today was so pretty and pleasant. I have a pretty cup and saucer to share this week. I found it last month at an Estate Sale and wanted to share it around our Rose Festival, but I wasn't able to do that. Roses are always welcome...right?

The teacup was made in England called Golden Rose and is a Royal Chelsea. It's just so pretty and loves living in my tearoom. It seems to match the wallpaper.

I had some time during the holiday to catch up on my tea magazines...Victoria and Tea Time. I am really enjoying the Tea Time magazine. I love their recipes and so many great ideas for tea time. Several Oregon tea shoppes were featured in this month's edition so that was an extra treat.

I read an article in Tea Time that just really hit home. It's written by a lady from British Columbia and she shares how she would go to tea at her grandmother's home in Victoria. She talks about the tea cups and sitting at the table. It made me think of my very first exposure to tea. My brother played ice hockey when he was in high school and became friends with player on the Canadian team. He would stay at our house and when we went to Victoria for a game up north, our family was invited to tea in the afternoon at his home. His mother had an assortment of teacups, little cakes and scones, cloth napkins and little demitasse spoons. I was in high school too and I was so impressed. I didn't want the afternoon to end! Isn't it funny how things can make an impression on you that becomes a reality down the road?
I wish I had a way to thank that delightful lady for her kindness and invite her to tea!

An interesting read. Take the time to enjoy it if you have some extra time. Time for tea? of course!
Thanks to Miss Spenser for hosting Teacup Thursday.

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July to all my blogger friends! Enjoy the day with your family and friends. The sun is finally shining here in Oregon after a cool start to the day. It was only 48 degrees this morning when I got up. An interesting summer....

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Teacup Thursday #63 and Cornflowers

We had a lovely summer day today after yet another week of rain and heavy showers. So much of the west is experiencing terrible forest fires, so I guess we should be thankful that our Oregon has been spared. My heart just goes out to those families who have lost their homes. I am thankful I can share my teacup for Miss Spencer's Teacup Thursday from my little home in Troutdale.

I love cornflowers or bachelor buttons. Mine haven't grown too big yet but I have hopes that they will soon be as pretty as this picture.

My cup and saucer is by Hammersley and is English made bone china. It so sweet and I love the color. The saucer has a lovely embossed raised design in the china as you can see in this photo.

Cornflowers once grew wild in the fields in the UK. They are easy to grow and fun to work into summer bouquets. They look wonderful with daisies. They are annuals but will often seed down themselves. Mine last way into the fall. You can find white and pink cornflowers but I favor the blue ones!

I looked up the meaning of this flower in my Language of Flowers book. It means delicacy, single blessedness and celibacy. You know you might find a fairy or two romping around in the summer flowers.....

We have a fun tea shoppe that's fairly new in Portland~The Jasmine Pearl. We picked up some tea to enjoy. I think the grapefruit should be fun for summer. I hope you have a delightful week ahead.

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Surprise From a Friend....

A knock on the door and oh what a pleasant surprise! Our friend Len Otto stopped by with these wonderful fresh local strawberries! When he visiting earlier in the week, he told us about a local grower close to his home who sells lovely strawberries! Yes indeed. Too bad Jim is off in Idaho and they are all mine!

Thanks so much Len. I cleaned them up and have been enjoying them. Good mixed with yogurt for breakfast after an evening treat last night with some Grand Marnier drizzled over them.

We met Len years ago when he was our daughter Angie's kindergarten teacher. A few years later, he taught our other daughter Gina in the second grade. I was a mom helper and down the road, Jim and Len became fishing buddies. They are both retired now and get a bit more fishing in these days.

Troutdale Elementary School..home of the Tigers and lots of very fond memories. Thanks Len for all your hard work.

This is the sweet friend who came and sat with me at the hospital when Jim had his surgery. This is the friend who attends weddings and family functions. This is the friend who delivers strawberries. This is a treasured friend!

Len married his Gloria last June and it was a lovely wedding. I didn't get the best of pictures but you can see their love for each other. Happy "First" Anniversary to you both.

Len has a very interesting retirement business called Honor Your Past. Check out his

I'd love him to preserve my dad's history. Better take care of it soon. Len is quite the local historian and he knows how to do this right.