Showing posts with label Fassbinder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fassbinder. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Berlin Alexanderplatz

Another Country, the English-language bookshop in Kreuzberg, will be showing Fassbinder's Berlin Alexanderplatz (with English subtitles) on Thursday 24 January (8.30) and Sunday 27 January (5pm). For Berliners new to the bookshop, the address is Riemannstraße 7, nearest U-Bahns Gneisenauerstraße (U7) and Mehringdamm (U7 & U6), also just around the corner from a bus stop for the 140 (runs between Ostbahnhof and Tempelhof). Full announcement below:

This Thurs with a repeat on Sunday we will begin showing R.W. Fassbinder´s *
* Berlin Alexanderplatz **(with English subtitles) Check out
for an excellent article on this wonderful film. Of all the films we have
shown at the bookshop this is one of the few films I recommend that no one
should miss, this is a true masterpiece by one of the greatest film
directors of German film, no 20th century film. If you are going to live in
Berlin you owe it to yourself to see this film and learn some of the history
that makes Berlin Berlin. Give the first part a try and enter into
Fassbinder's vision of Berlin in the 1920's, meet the bums, cheats,
prostitutes and the every day people of Berlin all just trying to get by in
hard times in one of the most Interesting cities of the world. (we are
working on getting some of the people who worked on Berlin Alexanderplatz to
come and have a discussion about working with RWF on the film)
** Thursday 24 January 8:30
**Berlin Alexanderplatz Part 1 Die Strafe beginnt (1980)***

**Sunday 27 January
Bookshop open 12-6pm around 5pm Film
**Berlin Alexanderplatz Part 1 Die Strafe beginnt (1980) *