Showing posts with label logistics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label logistics. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2008

GTM Logistics

is bringing everything I own in Britain out of storage and over to Berlin. This means I shall soon have a couple of hundred copies of John Chris Jones' The Internet and Everyone. I think.

I'm hoping GTM Logistics is not outraged when they see the number of boxes to be brought over. The form I filled in for a quote simply asked the size of one's house (2 bedroom, in this case, back in 1999) and the things to be transported (boxes of books, piano). If you use a shelving system of garden blocks, bricks and planks you can get an awful lot of books in two bedrooms; I had one bedroom used for nothing but floor-to-ceiling shelves of books.

I tried to post a comment on Night Hauling and got this capcha

which I apparently failed to decipher (to me it looked like iiipq, but perhaps it was ijjpq or iijpq), so I then got this capcha

The wheelchair always makes me laugh. I suppose an eyepatch would be tactless.