An e-mail arrived in the mail at some recent point announcing that Relay Foods has attracted a big injection of venture capital, owing in part to the enthusiasm of its customer base. Relay Foods, since you ask, is a grocery delivery service based in Charlottesville, VA, with a recentish expansion to Richmond; the core of the service involves taking orders for groceries (mainly) from local businesses (including local farmers), packing them in appropriately insulated boxes, and delivering to local pick-up points. (It's also possible to arrange home delivery, free I think with minimum order of $50.)
I watch with interest, since RetailRelay,com, to use the firm's original name, figured in a book I was working on in 2008-9, immediately prior to signing on with Bill Clegg. The ms was up to a respectable 61,253 words, but it was not clear that this was the best book to finish and publish next.
With the wisdom of hindsight, life would have been incomparable simpler if I had forged ahead and finished the book, whether or not it was best for #2, during July-September 2009, before talking to an agent and having LR sent out by default because it happened to be finished. (The problem was that there were difficulties with film rights which I somehow imagined an agent might help to resolve.)
(I DO rather wish I had gone down to C'ville to give a reading of LR, as one reader suggested; I could have talked to local participants in Relay Foods! It would have been helpful for research!)
In any case, as a tribute to Relay Foods I excerpt the section relating to this excellent service below the fold. (Needless to say, Relay Foods bears no responsibility whatsoever for the reflections of the character. For what it's worth, it is the view of pp that anyone in the Charlottesville or Richmond area who is not already making use of the service is missing out on a good thing.)