Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2011

About a week ago I got a notification from PayPal that a reader had sent a donation for a secondhand sale of Samurai. I was, as always, extremely touched and wrote back to say thank you. He then mentioned that he had named his cat Helen and hoped this was all right.  I said, Well, my ex-husband named his dog Ludo, so it must be all right.

Today I got another email; the NGO from which he had adopted the first cat wanted a home for its sister and thought they should stay together.  So he now has two cats, Helen and Sibylla.  They are five months old.  Sibylla is the aloof, unfriendly one at the back:

Friday, July 30, 2010

My landlady has gone on holiday to Italy.

I'm here with the cats.

One of which likes to spend the day out in the street.

As it turns out, the cat needs to be lured home again at night: one must go out into the street and meow loudly: MEOW. MEOOOOW. MEOOOOW.

The cat doesn't seem to be very discriminating. It doesn't need its mistress's voice. It just needs a human meowing loudly at midnight to call it home.

The two cats are now chowing down on a tin of petnatur 100% Bio (HERZRAGOUT).

Sunday, July 11, 2010

le chat de mon amie

elle aurait naturellement aimé écrire

camus a dit, ma patrie c'est la langue française

elle est sans papiers


mwa! mwa! mwa!

c'est chouette

